
Remember Me Quotes

Remember Me by Christopher Pike

Remember Me Quotes
"That's what saddens me most about dying—that I'll never know."
"You'd think I had steel wool for hair rather than fine California surfer-girl silk."
"My best friend, Joanne Foulton, had given it to her. Beth had big breasts."
"I can't say what it was without giving the impression I was spoiled rotten."
"Oh, I always liked Jesus, and I even went to church now and then. But I used to have more important things to think about than God."
"We both enjoyed going to movies, to the beach, out to eat. That may not sound like a lot, but when you're in high school, it often seems like that's all there is."
"I discovered from years of observation that God watches over sleepwalkers better than he does drunks."
"But the funny thing is, he never fought with me. He was an angel, and I know what I'm talking about."
"My parents had already bought me my present. I can't say what it was without giving the impression I was spoiled rotten."
"My best friend, Jo, once remarked—in a poetic mood—that Amanda had eyes as gray as a frosty overcast day and a smile as warm as early spring."
"I was forever making jokes about things that really mattered to me."
"I thought Amanda loved him, too. They were inseparable."
"I could talk to her for hours, about everything—even boys."
"Sometimes it seemed to me that he purposely avoided me."
"She was just too busy to smile. There was too much building to be done."
"Her wide, thick-lipped mouth and her immaculately conceived black hair were her prizes."
"But she loved my father, and she also loved her children."
"Three pumping wells can make up for a lot of character flaws."
"I can't imagine how he's stayed with that shrew so long."
"She didn't say it in those words, but you'd think you were selling secrets to the Russians from the tone she took."
"Something terrible must have happened, I thought, that they could get into such a state that they blocked me out altogether."
"It's no good, she whispered. It was too far. Oh, God. Shari."
"I couldn't be dead, I told myself. I was too young. I had too much to do."
"It wouldn't be so bad for us, I whispered, if only you knew we were still here."
"I knew if Jimmy were to open them, they would no longer be beautiful. They would only be flat and colorless."
"That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard!"
"I was suffering from the worst kind of fear—fear of unknown origin."
"I reached out for my father's arm. Dad, please, I said. I need to know, too."
"We're already there, wouldn't you say, Shari?"
"I'm here, waiting patiently to have my presence acknowledged."
"The dead shouldn't mingle with the living. It only leads to problems."
"Imagine—how could you possibly enjoy the joy of heaven carrying such a burden with you?"
"In the presence of the Shadow, any judgment you hold against yourself is magnified a million fold."
"It is the product of our experience on earth. It is the sum of our thoughts and feelings."
"Reality is so simple there is nothing that can be said about it."
"The fear it brings is not something you can reason away. It is just there, and you have to run from it."
"The true soul is never tainted by what you think or do."
"Everyone's fingers were on the indicator, and you haven't eliminated a single suspect."
"But then I was set beside a soft face. A gentle mat of hair touched me. Sweet words sounded in my ears. This was my mother."
"I understood telling and talking. I did a little of it myself as we flew down the hall."
"Then something very scary happened. The huge person gave me to another huge person who was not dressed in white and told me that she was my mother."
"She didn't even look like her! What was wrong with that huge person in white?"
"I never did find my mother. Not for a long, long time."
"I grew to know the people she called mother and father but who I knew were not her parents."
"Occasionally, though, I tried to raise my voice and speak in silence."
"Who loved her more than life itself and who would stay with her even when her life was over."
"No wonder I had never gotten along with my mother."
"You've been telling me since we met that I can't hurt myself."
"I can almost touch the answer, only I think I was reaching with the wrong hand."
"I made a mistake in love. You made one out of hate."
"Do Catholics really believe that people can go to hell?"
"You're safe," Peter said quickly, floating up by my side.