
So This Is Love Quotes

So This Is Love by Elizabeth Lim

So This Is Love Quotes
"If I just have one dance… even if it’s by myself, I’ll be happy."
"I just want to remember what it’s like to be free, to spin round and round under the moonlight."
"Her cheeks were already warm, flushed from climbing the endless staircase."
"Every now and then, he parted his lips as if he wanted to speak to her, but the music was so overwhelming he must have thought better of it."
"Murmurs of conversation replaced the orchestra’s lush music, a potpourri of perfumes thickened the air."
"Her father used to say that about himself and her mother, that from the moment they’d met it had felt like they’d known each other forever."
"I’d like to remember what it’s like to be loved."
"Sometimes, I wish that for myself, too."
"But they’re not official, mind you, not like all the names for the rooms upstairs."
"Upstairs was where the masters and mistresses lived—like her stepmother’s and stepsisters’ quarters."
"The main chamber came into view. This part of the palace didn’t look anything like what Cinderella had seen at the ball."
"All the royals have regular attendants—those positions aren’t open. But visitors are a different story."
"You have no idea what you’re in for," Louisa shuddered.
"The duchess circled Cinderella, studying her with a frown."
"He’s been in a foul mood ever since that mysterious princess vanished from the ball," Louisa whispered.
"She’s a trainee, Your Grace," offered Louisa.
"Come along now, you should already be upstairs."
"We fairy godparents were once emissaries to the human world, using our magic to help keep the peace across kingdoms."
"Magic can only aid someone's fate, not change it."
"The palace is not yours to roam, there are rules to respect, traditions to honor."
"I was afraid of losing my wand. It becomes like a part of you, magic."
"Even the small joys are worth cherishing, and they will lead you to greater ones."
"But remember, happiness isn’t just a smile. You can’t force it to come true."
"If you’re going to break the rules, do it properly—and with style."
"Once swans fall in love, they stay in love forever."
"No matter how much she wanted to see him again."
"The night could stretch as long as it needed to this time; Cinderella did not have to be back by midnight."
"You’re not," she assured him. "Though history was my favorite."
"It was like seeing sunshine on the other side of the storm or having a little extra wind beneath your feet as you ran home."
"My father used to tell me that my mother was in heaven with the queen. He had a feeling they’d become friends, and they would watch over each other."
"I don’t feel that way with you. I feel like I’ve been looking for you my entire life."
"I rather enjoyed the walk myself," said the prince. "It’ll be good to get away from here."
"I suppose I was afraid." Cinderella swallowed. "It’d been so long since I had actually talked to someone—I was afraid you wouldn’t accept me."
"Were you very lonely without your mother?" "Yes," Cinderella admitted. "We did everything together when she was alive."
"I won’t have you slandering her," cut in the prince. "You don’t know her."
"Hope, and I’d add a thick skin," said Genevieve sensibly.
"A princess must know how to pretend—pretend that the jeers don’t bother you, or that the whispers aren’t about you."
"I pretended I was happy, but I wasn’t. I was miserable."
"If it were up to me, the last P should have been for punch."
"Tonight, you’ll show them you’re as lovely as your name."
"Now there’s a piece of your home here—one of your happier memories—to make this your home, too."
"A bit more comfortable than glass slippers, I hope."
"Imagine, the nerve of making a maid out of her own stepdaughter!"
"I forgive you, Stepmother, Anastasia, Drizella."
"Magic is welcome again in Aurelais, and it always will be."