
A Merciful Death Quotes

A Merciful Death by Kendra Elliot

A Merciful Death Quotes
"They like to keep it quiet. They don’t want others to know their homes are fully supplied, because they might be overrun when aliens destroy the major cities."
"I like keeping the station’s stuff organized and doing what I can to make their day go easier. I’d much rather sit at this desk, answer the phone, and delegate than ride around in a patrol car."
"What’s one person going to do with that many weapons?"
"I’m nineteen. I’ve been working out front here for over a year, and I’m damned good at it."
"The silence after each killing is startling. Usually, there is someone who talks when crimes like these happen."
"In that case, consider this a safe place to wait until you can walk without help."
"Believe me, I’ve been up nights trying to figure it out."
"Did you help last Wednesday?" "Yes. It was wood-chopping day. Wednesdays is almost always wood-chopping day."
"I am liberated from the government and not subject to US laws," slurred Anders.
"If you get hurt, oftentimes professional help is far away."
"You deserved those four hours in that cell. Probably more. I figured it was a good place for you to think about the stupid things you’d done."
"You’re sort of a familiar face around here, you’ve got the necessary experience, and we know your uncle Jefferson can pull some weight with the town council."
"The feds all drive around in those big black SUVs. Usually in a caravan of sorts."
"Why would you expect the federal government to show up at your house? And would you shoot first if it was the government?"
"Is there really a town fund for personal emergencies?"
"Why do I feel as if the weapons were stolen without any intention to sell?"
"People are going to treat me however they decide. Nothing I can do about it."
"You can find every kind of porn for free on the Internet these days."
"It’s like a line of dominoes. Usually the first domino is tipped over by having their home foreclosed on."
"I’d go to one of the outdoor stores. Load up on those freeze-dried meals."
"Levi, you can’t do this," argued Rose. "We need to call the police."
"Why? So they can arrest Mercy and me? Do you want to testify in court about what you just went through?"
"He’s long gone. They’ll never find him. We shook him up. I bet he doesn’t try it again."
"I just know," she said, but her face was uncertain.
"We can’t tell Mom and Dad," said Levi slowly.
"Levi’s right. We clean it up and don’t tell anyone."
"We don’t know that. I’ve checked," he said quietly.
"I don’t care if you’re shunned by the family."
"He said, ‘I’m old, I’m alone, I prep, and I have a lot of guns. He’s probably already sniffing around my land.’"
"If someone’s breaking into my home in the middle of nowhere, they have it coming."
"Did you know that two percent of the American population grows food for the other ninety-eight percent?"
"I thought Eagle’s Nest was a sleepy town with little crime. I’d guess you spend a lot of time with your feet up on your desk."
"No. I’m two minutes away. I’ll check it out."
"If three women who lived my lifestyle had been targeted in my area, I’d be looking over my shoulder. I think that’s expected behavior."
"The only people who knew about it were the couple down the road and the man who’d sold it to her."
"That was enough for him. They talk, you know... all these old guys with nothing better to do."
"Why on earth would you not do something about a possible murderer?"
"She wished she could have been present to see him tell Darby. The FBI analyst’s eyes had glowed as she watched the weapons being removed from the narrow tunnel in the mountain."
"They say they hate people, but get a little alcohol in them and they talk and talk."
"Women like your sister—well, they just cause trouble. There's a reason God gave men the strength and women the ability to bear children."
"I’m going to be important in Eagle’s Nest. I’ve waited a long time."
"When I’m on a case, I feel like any moment I’m not working on it is wasted time. But I know everyone works better when they step away for a break."
"I can’t just stand around here. I need to do something."
"I've never heard you swear so much, Chief Daly."
"I might have an idea of who took Rose. I could be wrong."
"You’re still alive. That’s more than Jennifer and Gwen."
"This is how Truman felt through every foot of that tunnel."
"Our deal was that I didn’t tell anyone that you were at my parents’ house that night. I’ve kept my word."
"It’s all over, Craig. You need to let Rose go."
"You think they don’t know I killed those preppers? They’re going to fry me."
"You haven’t done anything yet! Let Rose go before they have a reason to come in shooting."
"I’ll hang on to it for now. I’m not ready to sell."