
Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves Quotes

Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse

Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves Quotes
"I marmaladed a slice of toast with something of a flourish, and I don’t suppose I have ever come much closer to saying ‘Tra-la-la’ as I did the lathering, for I was feeling in mid-season form this morning."
"God, as I once heard Jeeves put it, was in His Heaven and all was right with the world."
"It is no secret in the circles in which he moves that Bertram Wooster, though as glamorous as one could wish when night has fallen and the revels get under way, is seldom a ball of fire at the breakfast table."
"Jeeves, of course, is a gentleman’s gentleman, not a butler, but if the call comes, he can buttle with the best of them."
"I felt like a child of tender years deprived of its Nannie."
"Though as a matter of fact, I was giving myself a slight edge, putting it that way."
"From sport to sport they hurry me, to stifle my regret — And when they win a smile from me, they think that I forget."
"It’s never a damn bit of use a prospect pleasing, if the gang that goes with it lets it down."
"I can’t make up my mind whether to break your neck or not."
"Though stunned, I kept my feelings to myself."
"I suppose Stiffy’s sore about this… what’s the word?…Not vaseline…Vacillation, that’s it."
"Medical research has established that the ideal diet is one in which animal and vegetable foods are balanced."
"It’s never easy to translate what Jeeves says into basic English."
"The lissomness with which he moved hither and thither was most impressive, as was his homicidal ardour when doing what I believe is called tackling."
"Rugby football is more or less a sealed book to me, I never having gone in for it."
"My role, as I see it, will be that of what the French call the raisonneur."
"I don’t know if you have had the same experience, but a thing I’ve always found about myself is that it takes very little to put me off my feed."
"I’ve often had this happen when breaking bread with my Aunt Agatha."
"I doubt if there's a man in London and the home counties who has the facts relating to Naboth's Vineyard more thoroughly at his fingertips than me."
"The scales fell from my eyes, and I saw that what I had once felt for Madeline had been just a boyish infatuation."
"It's all very well for her to say glibly or airily 'Take this blasted eyesore to Plank', but how do I find him?"
"I have always been mad keen on Rugger. Didn't get much of it after leaving school, as they stationed me in West Africa."
"I have seldom seen anyone move quicker. We were out of the yew alley, if it was a yew alley, or the rhododendron walk, if that's what it was, almost before the words had left my lips."
"I sat up with a jerk, upsetting the cuppa as deftly as if I'd been the Rev. H.P. Pinker."
"She was a ministering angel, the nearest thing to Florence Nightingale you could hope to find."
"If there's one thing that makes a fellow forget that he's in holy orders, it's a crisp punch on the beezer."
"I don't know if you've ever tried detaching a snow leopard of the Himalayas from its prey, probably not, as most people don't find themselves out that way much."
"I found myself speculating on how the old flesh-and-blood was going to take the intrusion, and it gave me rather an awed feeling."
"It was only by the mercy of Providence that Wooster didn’t make off with my umbrella."
"You can’t be too nice in your methods when you’re dealing with the Uncle Watkyns of this world."
"We really ought to do something about Oates, something that would teach him that we’re not put into this world for pleasure alone."
"I intend to put as many miles as possible in as short a time as possible between Totleigh-in-the-Wold and myself."
"I thought it wouldn’t be any use asking you. No spirit, that’s your trouble, no enterprise."
"His lordship’s words seemed to confirm a rumor which is circulating in the servants’ hall."
"I have always had the highest opinion of Harold Pinker."
"If you will pardon me for saying so, I think you are making a mistake."
"She has always been so kind to me. You have made me love and respect you."