
Cursed Quotes

Cursed by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Cursed Quotes
"Mystery woven between paranormal and love—this book will rock your world!"
"Jennifer L. Armentrout writes it like no one else. In my opinion, she is the queen of romantic paranormal YA fiction."
"Seductive and enigmatic—Cursed has plenty of thrills and kills to go around!"
"When things die, it means it’s their time to go. You know this."
"Nothing bad is going to happen. I promise you."
"I must’ve been on something when I thought you were worth my time, you know that?"
"You’re whatever I call you. Freak? Bitch? Whore? Whatever."
"He was dead—Dustin was dead. And I had killed him."
"Part of me knew I needed to do something about this—call someone, go to the police. Tell them what had happened."
"Desperation welled up, choking me from the inside out."
"I couldn’t let that happen, but I couldn’t just walk away."
"Numbness had taken over by the time we got home."
"I tortured myself the rest of the night with images of me accidentally touching Adam, or worse yet, Olivia."
"I didn’t mean to hurt him. I promise. It just happened."
"I knew I needed to wake up, but my eyelids felt like they’d been glued shut."
"Wrapped in a fluffy red robe that clashed horribly with my hair, I stood in front of the closet."
"I guess dying kind of warped my artistic flavor."
"I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my arms, but my gloves were gone."
"Trust was a two-way street that usually didn’t start with being kidnapped."
"I’m doing this to help your sister, Ember. To help you."
"You have no idea what it’s like there," Hayden said. "I do. She doesn’t deserve that. We could try to work with her."
"She’s not gifted." "The damn girl is a freak of nature, and if anyone belongs at the Facility, she does."
"Kurt, you’re an ass," Hayden said. "She should’ve hit you harder."
"Hayden, don’t!" Cromwell ordered sharply. "She stays for now. It’s done, and I refuse to continue to argue it."
"I won’t lose everything I have worked for—I won’t lose you for anyone. If you push this, then I will remove her from this house."
"Happy Meals—the unofficial way to a child’s heart. How devious of this Ms. Liz."
"This isn’t our home," I frowned down at her bowed head.
"I don’t care what they say—dammit!" I dropped down in front of Olivia. "I’m sorry. I’m just tired… and I don’t know what to do."
"Is everything okay? Sounds like a freight train coming through the house."
"I’m sorry for picking seafood that night. I knew you wanted to go home."
"You’d get lost out there. You saw it yourself yesterday. We’re surrounded by woods, and there’s about fifteen miles between here and town."
"I don’t think you’re stupid at all." Hayden stepped forward. He was close, way too close.
"You are my friend—my best friend. You’re the only one who was my friend after the accident."
"I’m not leaving. Shouldn’t he invite me in? He is the mayor. Shouldn’t he be friendly and inviting?"
"That’s not true. I’m here for you," Hayden responded.
"It’s not what you can do, Ember. It’s who you are," Hayden said.
"You have no reason not to. We won’t get caught, and he wouldn’t send you away. I’m like your kryptonite."
"I’m doing it because I want to," Hayden said.
"Phoebe is an empath—she can sense emotions and sometimes control them. Parker is a telepath."
"Can you imagine always hearing people’s thoughts? Never being able to shut it out?"
"It’s the ability to make someone… believe what you want them to, among other things."
"Everyone wants to catch kids as they fall off a cliff."
"I see on your transcripts that you transferred from William Allen High School. Your grades were outstanding."
"A normal person uses only a small portion of the brain at any given time. We use all of our brain at once."
"Why would I be afraid? I know you aren’t going to hurt me, and if you did touch me, I could always stop it."
"Because I knew what it’s like to be an outcast."
"You don’t know anything. The accident?" She tossed the thick mane of hair over her shoulder, laughing. "That wasn’t an accident."
"Self-reflection was like preparing for the SAT. I didn’t want to do it, but I knew I had to. And when I did, it was going to suck butt—majorly."
"I wanted to change—needed to change, but after two weeks of massacring every plant I’d touched, things weren’t working."
"Maybe I was going along with the training so I could spend time with Hayden, because I liked falling asleep next to him. I liked being that close to someone."
"I don’t think it’s one of them doing this, you need to tell someone."
"Fear that I could never control it, that I would end up hurting someone."
"You’re not unnatural, Ember. You have a gift, Ember. Just like me, like all of us."
"I’ve never seen that happen before, but I guess going as long as Parker did made you a little lightheaded."
"I’m not perfect. All of us still struggle to control our gifts. I do. I haven’t always been able to control it."
"Because I know you do, because I wouldn’t want to… to kiss you if you didn’t have a soul."
"Your soul, you feel it burn itself out. Like a candle."
"You’ll never end up there, Em. I’d never allow it."
"I’ve thought about this. It’s not like I’ve ignored the obvious, but I can’t—I won’t believe my family had anything to do with it. I’m sorry, Ember, but instead of spending time obsessing over how evil my family is, we could be figuring who really is behind this."
"Principal Hawkes seemed like a nice lady, and Mr. Theo had been right. She didn’t tolerate bullying of any kind."
"It’s not for my amusement! You want these kids for some bizarre reason."
"I’m the one who could’ve seriously hurt you."
"Sometimes I want to, Ember. I really do. So don’t push it."
"And trust that I will have a talk with every single one of them this evening."
"My entire body tensed in anticipation, my pulse hummed deliciously."
"I wished he’d pull me back into his arms. I liked it there."
"If you could just let go of how you feel about my family for two seconds—"
"I can kill you. So who has the bigger right to freak out here? I’d say me."
"I kept waiting for Cromwell to change his mind, to storm into my bedroom and inform me that he’d contacted the Facility and they were coming for me."
"The ability to have gifts hasn’t been proven to be hereditary, but there’ve been several instances in which more than one member of a family has shown a gift."
"I’d been shot by a frikkin’ arrow. My God, I had the worst luck known to man."
"Being shot with an arrow does not equal fine."
"Maybe," I admitted. "But you didn’t answer my question."
"I don’t want her around my sister. Anywhere near her."
"I admire your control. Your willpower. Everything. I wouldn’t change a thing about you."
"I’ve always known that. I guess you just had to believe that."
"When I say he saved my life, I’m not exaggerating. Not just once, but twice."
"Because kids like me were having trouble controlling our gifts...the doctors would create high-stress scenarios that would provoke our gifts over and over until we became desensitized to the triggers."
"We’ve been kissing a lot. It seemed like that was all we did."
"If only I could get rid of the nagging thought that when things are this perfect, they usually come to an end in one big, messy ball of flames."
"I’d learned I’m probably going to fail English this semester."
"I don’t know if what we have between us is because you can touch me, or something else."
"This could be the last time I ever kissed him."
"I know you’re awake. Don’t make this harder on yourself, or me."
"You could’ve avoided this. I tried to make it fast before."
"Because I knew that was your worst fear—and what you already expected. I figured you’d run away at that point, giving me my chance to swoop in."
"You know, telepathy isn’t my primary gift. None of the mind tricks are. I picked up a few new talents at the Facility."
"Parents love their kids—even if they are giant freaks—but money always talks."
"I don’t know what he planned to do with your mother. Maybe she was in on it. But did you know what he wanted done to you?"
"You have no idea, do you? I could care less about Olivia and her gift. And I care even less about the Facility. I don’t work for them anymore."
"She could kill with a single touch of her hands."
"Of course he scratched out everything about me. Couldn’t live with his greatest failure."
"Cromwell lets you know what he wants you to know. It’s always a half-truth. That’s all he deals in."
"They would make her touch things—living things, Ember. Animals. People. Do you know what that did to her?"
"I’m going to kill you because Cromwell has always wanted a gifted who could bring death—one who could control it."
"Are you afraid to die—to really die— this time? Because there’ll be no Olivia to bring you back."
"He knew there was a good chance that his children would be gifted."
"You mean a lot to Cromwell. You’d thank me if you knew what the future held for you."
"The next thing I knew, Cromwell was pulling my desk chair across the room and sitting by my bed."
"She’s one of mine now. And she’s very important."