
The Sound Of Gravel Quotes

The Sound Of Gravel by Ruth Wariner

The Sound Of Gravel Quotes
"Count your blessings; Name them one by one. Count your blessings; See what God hath done."
"It is better to have ten percent of one good man than to have one hundred percent of a bad one."
"Everyone always said my dad was the kindest, most faithful, God-fearing man they knew."
"Being faithful sometimes meant doing without."
"If you don’t get all the milk out, it’ll dry up inside the cow and it won’t be able to give milk anymore."
"Everybody needs to learn how to help out with the family."
"Make sure to drink lots of milk when you eat peppers; It will take the burn away. Water makes it worse."
"Because of them, I woke up excited for school every morning and walked there as fast as I could with quick, light steps."
"It's God's will for a husband and wife to bring new life into this world even if we're not rich."
"God doesn’t change His mind, and we don’t get to change His rules."
"We believe that it’s not all about the money, that it’s God’s will for a husband and wife to bring new life into this world."
"I want my kids to grow up around the people who believe like I do, close to the church and close to their dad."
"All families have problems. We just have to have faith that everything’s gonna work out and be okay."
"I know I’m right, and in the next life, you will too."
"Our way is a harder way of life, but it’s the Lord’s way."
"We have no doubt that it will, we just don’t know exactly when. We gotta at least try and be prepared."
"The Bible says that a man will leave his family and a woman will leave her parents and the two shall become one."
"You can’t call yourself a Mormon, Daddy, and just ignore that. Joseph Smith believed in polygamy, he taught that it was the right way to live."
"We have to sacrifice lots to have the big families we have, but it’s the right thing to do."
"Our Heavenly Father will take care of us. Our blessings will come in the celestial kingdom."
"Even the LDS Mormons here in the States don’t have all the kids they should have."
"Plural marriage is one of God’s most important commandments."
"I thought about Grandma and Grandpa and how I’d miss Grandma’s freshly baked corn bread."
"It’s serene and exhilarating, exactly what I imagined my life would have been like if my dad were still alive."
"Makes me sick to think about all those old men bringin’ so many little babies into the world and not takin’ care of ’em."
"Ervil started preachin’ that he was the real prophet and that your dad was a false one."
"Your dad was a lot harder than being married to Lane."
"I felt so sad for Mom, thinking of her with all of us and a dead husband."
"The reporters on TV called him the ‘Mormon Manson.’"
"Being married to your dad was a lot harder than being married to Lane."
"You kids get some clothes packed. We’re going to LeBaron."
"I couldn’t help thinking that the thieves had probably created such a big mess in retaliation for our not having anything worth stealing."
"Lane got married again without tellin’ me—a few months ago—and I need to go home and find out what’s goin’ on down there."
"The happy feeling of being at home lasted all day long."
"Grandma Rhoda’s eyes dimmed and her mouth fell open."
"The jar felt warm against my hands, and I eyed the soup hungrily."
"Please, God, let Meri somehow not be dead and let this all be a big mistake."
"I realized that Mom was no longer holding me to console me, but that she needed me to comfort her."
"I couldn’t count on her promises and began to wonder why she didn’t seem able to protect my siblings and me."
"Life is gonna get better, it’ll all work out for the best."
"I had loved my sister, even though I had resented the heavy burden of taking care of her."
"Children need to get used to being in the dark."
"Hatred will eat ya up inside and take ya straight to hell."
"I’m not going to forgive him, Mom. I don’t want to live with him anymore."
"The weight of her questions felt heavy on me as I sank deeper into the mattress and tried to think of something to say."
"I was consumed with a new and powerful desire: I wanted to run away too."
"I realized that my earlier suspicions had been correct: Mom seemed perfectly willing to sacrifice me for Lane."
"She gave herself to me like none of my other wives ever did."
"I don’t think it’s right to start pointin’ fingers at anybody here."
"I don’t trust you to bring them back to LeBaron."
"She’s my sister. So if you take one of us, you’re taking all of us."
"I really don’t think it’s a good idea for you to take her to work with you right now."
"She needs to learn how to work just like everyone else in this family."
"I think goat’s milk will be better for Holly’s stomach."
"We have to show God we have the power to forgive, just like Jesus in the Bible."
"Honor thy father, honor thy mother, be like Christ, be good, count your blessings."
"With a certainty that took my breath away, I decided I had to get away from LeBaron, and I had to bring my siblings with me."
"I just bought you a car, an Oldsmobile station wagon. It’s old but it runs good."
"We have to have everything ready by then. You have to get the birth certificates now."
"I touched the barbed-wire fence lightly, thinking I might get shocked, forgetting that the power had been off."
"The sun had begun setting behind a cracked windowpane, and the house was growing dark."
"I pushed my chair back with a screech, bolted up from the table, and ran down the hall."
"Marjory listened to Luke’s story, and the shock on her face was so obvious I wanted to get down on my knees and thank God for the reaction."
"Matt started the engine and backed the car slowly out of Marjory’s driveway."
"I opened my eyes to see the back of Matt’s shaggy head and the open road beyond."
"I realized that we were in line at the border. Dawn had come and a deep blue sky hung over the morning."
"I think we were stunned, not to mention overwhelmed by the obstacles that lay ahead."
"I nod and wipe my eyes. Look at your three beautiful girls, Mom. Are they not what God intended?"