
Thorne Princess Quotes

Thorne Princess by L.J. Shen

Thorne Princess Quotes
"Everyone thought I had it easy. All I had to do was literally not screw up. But I did. Constantly."
"They called him The Robot, but I didn’t think that’s what he was."
"That’s refreshing." He pushed the door open, propping a shoulder against its frame.
"If I had those kind of acting chops, I’d be winning Oscars, not advertising acne creams on Instagram."
"I’m glad you told your father’s security detail I arrived, since they were my next call."
"I’ll watch you, all right, because Daddy Dearest pays me a hefty sum to do so."
"You’re one person," I reminded her. I had a feeling math wasn’t her strong suit.
"You want to play?" His smile widened, and it was so mean, so full of venom, I could feel it in my bones. "Let’s play."
"I’ll work around your schedule. I really think we could benefit each other."
"We conduct business together. That doesn’t make us soulmates."
"No heart is better than too big a heart. Remember where you came from. Life ain’t pretty."
"Averageness is humanity’s greatest common ground."
"Your parents will be disappointed to learn you’ve made no progress in the shrew-taming department."
"It was, coming from someone with the rhetorical prowess of a nursery schooler."
"I don’t have a mom, and you damn well know that."
"I’m not spending two-and-a-half weeks in Texas. I’m allergic to this place."
"Sometimes I feel like my heart is as hard as a diamond. Or should be, to survive my life."
"Don’t give yourself too much credit. I’m a hard man to entertain."
"You’re used to people letting you off the hook. Time to change that."
"I’m trying, Hallie. Could you at least throw me a bone? Sarcasm is beneath us, Bunny."
"I have enough clothes. Nice ones, too. I don’t want any of this anymore."
"If safety meant jack-shit to you, you wouldn’t be running around in an Uber like a moron."
"You look at yourself in the mirror differently. Have you given any thought to what you want to do with your life?"
"Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to you."
"You’re a product of a generation that has too much, and of whom is required too little."
"It was small, it was hesitant, but it was there. And it was glorious."
"Every time I got to her voicemail, I let out a sigh of relief."
"Calluses formed on my middle finger and thumb. And yet I continued."
"I didn’t have any particular desire to speak to Hera."
"Just as long as you make sure the horse is well-hung."
"I never got over the guilt, and never forgave my parents for this."
"They could’ve found any number of ways to help you."
"It’s fine. I would just let everything fly past me."
"It’s completely disconnected from your intelligence."
"You’re not a part of this conversation."
"We wanted to protect you. Believe it or not, it wasn’t to hurt you. We love you. We wanted to spare you the headache. And we thought that we could."
"We’re going to have sex on the reg. Now that you’ve given me what I wanted, I’m ready to go back to sleep. Make sure you close the door on your way out."
"I think you’re interested. I’ve made it this far with you, haven’t I? Drink up."
"I read somewhere that allergies can develop as you grow older," Hallie suggested helpfully.
"Your life’s going to change forever, you know."
"I wouldn’t mind sharing a tuna can with this woman, but that wasn’t the issue."
"Nothing to do with him. You’ve been in danger for months."
"The illegal gambling and money laundering were bothersome, but not a deal breaker."
"I fired three shots. Straight up the middle."
"He was holding his baby. His two-year-old son. It was his version of a white flag."
"Breaking can be good. It gives you the opportunity to reassemble yourself from scratch."
"You, Ransom Lockwood, will never, ever, ever convince me that you’re a monster."
"They slaughtered my former boss, Ian Holmes. Buried him in his backyard."
"I don’t remember my life without you. Which scares me."
"I resigned and moved back to Chicago. I knew Kozlov had vowed to avenge his son’s death."
"He raised his hand and pointed it toward me. I thought he had a gun. Thought he was going to kill me."
"Love, my ass. Love is supposed to be fun and cozy. I’ve seen movies. This is fatal attraction bullshit."
"I’ve never been accused of being a gentleman, but even my ass was taught no means no."
"‘No’ always means open to negotiations," Thorne replied. "‘Get the fuck out’ means no. That’s the rule."
"You’ve said a lot of things I don’t think you meant," I said softly.
"Failure is not an option," Angelo repeated thoughtfully.
"I know it’s nowhere near the realm of what this dance is worth."
"Arrogance is a disease. Compassion is the cure."