
Darkness Of Dragons Quotes

Darkness Of Dragons by Tui T. Sutherland

Darkness Of Dragons Quotes
"If it were up to him, he’d spend every day of the rest of his life flying with her."
"They all fall in behind Darkstalker, letting him take the lead."
"He certainly wouldn’t watch her soar away with a dragon who might have evil plans and definitely had superpowers."
"That’s what special powers are for: making heroes."
"But I should stay out of the way. Turtle’s the one with magic powers. He’s the one who can save the day, if it needs saving."
"I could fix so many things, if only I had anything special or magic about me."
"Her name was Cobra, daughter of a powerful crime lord. Her skills were legendary among certain circles."
"He remembered the hot, musty smell of the carpets that hung from their walls and covered the floors, mingling with the scent of roasting coriander in the kitchen."
"He was convinced that eventually his mother would have to notice that he was good enough to be worth loving."
You will be safe with me," she said softly. "And wanted. And cared for.
"I do worry about Hailstorm. I wasn’t going to come back to school, but…"
"We’re in the middle of it, or we should be."
"But she thinks because I can’t see her, I won’t be able to tell when she’s rolling her eyes or making fun of someone."
"Herbs and Healing? I don’t think we ever had that class."
"Unless the lost city of night can be found."
"I’d have healed her. I would have healed Tamarin, too, and all the soldiers who were hurt by the war."
"It’s not like he immediately demanded to be made king of the NightWings or anything."
"I convinced her to stay at school. I told her I’d protect her."
"I have to go after them. I’ll miss you, too!" Peril called after him."
"He doesn’t seem anything like the dragon from our old stories."
"He’s the one who can save the day, if it needs saving. That’s what special powers are for: making heroes."
"But Cobra never looked up at her dragonets, not once in all the nights he watched her."
"I’ve been ready forever," Winter said with another yawn."
"I mean, I’m basically walking into a den of killer scorpions."
"You’ll probably give me some weird SandWing disease, and besides, it would clash horribly with my scales!"
"He’d thought she was the only dragon he’d ever care about that much."
That’s not what I was going to say," Winter objected. "The Ice Kingdom is very CLEAN, that’s all.
"I mean, hypothetically, just supposing there were someone like that, I would maybe think they were pretty cool, is all I’m saying."
"Mother regrets letting me go. I was right, she did love me after all."
"What’s the most clever way to save Ostrich and get out of this?"
"She pours wealth into the talons of those who bow and scrape to her, and she doesn’t care a fig for anyone else."
"I always suspected you were the smartest of Cobra’s offspring."
"You think you are. Because she stole you away and brainwashed you."
"What a whimsical friend you’ve brought for my entertainment."
"I have formed a private militia of my own."
"You’re quite wrong. Everyone agrees they’re no smarter than mice."
"Now we know the real truth, all thanks to me."
"I’m sure you agree with me, since you’re here to work for us, right on time."
"Ooooooooubliette. It sounds much friendlier than it is."
"How did Vulture know not only who Winter was, but his whole story?"
"Everything is less awful when I’m with Moon."
"Your grandfather has very high standards."
"I’m curious to see whether they can learn anything."
"He’s going to lead us all into a bright and wonderful future!"
"I wish I could be in two places at once."
"I’ve always liked that word, Oubliette."
"And then there’s the palace, which used to be Burn’s stronghold."
"The worrying part is that he’ll probably convince a lot of SandWings."
"You’re going to tell me all of Thorn’s secrets first."
"I always thought the Talons of Peace was too grand a name."
"Perhaps now it is finally time to release your mother from her punishment."
"I thought animus magic could do that kind of thing."
"Better an animus who’s afraid to kill than an animus who has no problem with it."
"But I’m not sorry that you’re safe. I was trying to protect you from the Eye."
"The truth is, Oasis and her descendants — including Onyx — aren’t any more royal than you or me."
"I am the granddaughter of Queen Oasis and the true heir to this throne."
"Our tribe is under attack, fellow SandWings!"
"We don’t need to duel," said Vulture. "We have the Eye of Onyx! The symbol of royal power!"
"And it’s not hurting Turtle to gently throw him in a NightWing dungeon."
"I want to make him notice me by stabbing him in the eyeball!"
"Kind of small," he muttered. "Not very sparkly."
"Hmph. Seems like a pathetic peace offering, after what she did."
"Tell her I don’t forgive her, though," he snapped.
"Go back to the rainforest," Qibli suggested.
"Pshaw. Me? I’m too tough to be taken out by a super-strong shapeshifting traitorface," Kinkajou said brightly.
"Go on, sort her out," Kinkajou said, and her eyes were mischievous.
"You’re not going to believe it," he said.
"Isn’t this place amazing? Wouldn’t you live here forever if you could?"
"This much excitement about scrolls is strictly forbidden," he said in an imitation of the SkyWing’s pinched voice.
"Enough questions. Clearsight is tired," Darkstalker announced.
"No, I’m here to help," She turned over her wrist and poked around under the silver-and-sapphire bracelet she was wearing.
"This is awful," Moon whispered to Qibli.
"It doesn’t matter!" he said. "It’s all in the past. We’re together now. We can be happy."
"Whoa, are we in the palace? How did we get here?" she asked, blinking at his size.
"No, please don’t go attack the NightWings!" Sunny said passionately.
"I don’t know how to free Stonemover from the wall, though. I think he has to choose that for himself, if he wants to escape."
"Isn’t it safer inside than trying to fly through a war?"
"Flame is still in there. Trapped. Angry."
"I see years of hunger and fear; I see a volcano seething with danger; I see the endless struggle for survival."
"What if the way to peace is opening them up to other minds and letting them decide for themselves?"
"I see her dragonets, waiting in fear back in the Night Kingdom."
"I wonder if those dragons up there would fight like this if they could read each other’s minds."
"How are you so brilliant and such an idiot at the same time?"
"This is the cave Clearsight left you in. Where you were buried for thousands of years."
"If magic can improve a dragon, I don’t see what the problem is."
"Do you think I could be your real friend?"
"The future of Pyrrhia is not your own personal scroll, waiting for you to write it, Darkstalker."