
This Will Only Hurt A Little Quotes

This Will Only Hurt A Little by Busy Philipps

This Will Only Hurt A Little Quotes
"During my twenty years working as an actress, there were times I even went along with being mildly bullied on set, not wanting to make a big deal out of something."
"As outspoken and sure of myself as I’ve always imagined myself to be, it was hard to find my voice in Hollywood."
"Here’s the thing: It’s not easy to be a woman in this business."
"At some point, I started not to care if I was expendable."
"Life is exhausting and it never gets easier. For anyone."
"My therapist, Bethany Rosenblum, says that everyone has one defining story."
"I think most of us probably are terrible witnesses to our own history."
"Occasionally in my life, it’s possible I may have been a bit more of a glass-half-empty kind of girl."
"Sometimes that means pushing my own feelings and anxieties to the side and putting on a good show."
"Look, I’m going to try to be as honest with you as I can be. But it’s obviously my truth."
"You can’t force kids to be equal, and you certainly can’t force them to be friends or even like each other."
"I didn’t understand my sister. I didn’t know why she hated me so much."
"I know it was a different time; especially in a neighborhood like that, where everyone kind of looked out for each other."
"So, what I guess I’m getting at is that maybe my anxiety had to do with my volatile family."
"My mom had a thing about making everything 'even' in our house."
"I wanted to make them happen for myself."
"I didn’t want to miss out because of my stupid knee."
"I didn’t know what to do or how to end it. I wanted to go back to Kendra’s now, but I couldn’t figure out how to say that."
"I convinced myself not only that it wasn’t a big deal, but also that it was normal and that’s what sex was."
"I knew I had to call Craig and tell him."
"You know, YOU should be a star like Gwyneth too, NKAY?"
"Busy. Hey. Hey. Come out. I didn’t mean it."
"Remember to savor the call. Because the call is when you’re validated."
"I just laughed and talked about the idea for the next thirty minutes."
"I didn’t know how to be anything other than what I was."
"I suppose I could have felt that way about anything. But it felt like there was something different about this."
"I remember being so annoyed that I was reduced to being his girlfriend."
"I remember seeing her costar from that movie in the lobby, but somehow I never saw her."
"It worked okay, but my relationship with Craig continued to be strained as the months went on."
"My best feeling is when I’m not depriving my body of the food I want to eat, BUT THAT’S JUST ME!"
"But my twenty-fifth birthday—MY GOLDEN BIRTHDAY—was coming up. Twenty-five on the twenty-fifth!!"
"As for the movie script, Jeff suggested that maybe they just take it and finish it, and send me the draft when it was done so I could give notes."
"I had gotten the part in the room is rare, mostly because the executives need to talk about things and make sure everyone is on the same page."
"I tried not to scream at the top of my lungs in the food court at JFK airport."
"They say I’m crazy. Did I make this up? Did I do this? What the fuck??"
"It wasn’t the script. It was that I’d been so easily thrown out, like trash."
I was too heartbroken. Plus, I didn’t think "the boys" wanted to do the right thing.
"You’re such a good mother. You are, Busy, you are."
"I’ve tried in this book, but I still don’t know exactly how to explain how all this has happened for me."
"There are so many times when it could have gone in a different direction."
"I know I had been doing this job (acting) professionally for twenty years and the rejection has never gotten easier for me."
"It’s hard to imagine living in a world where women are so truly reviled that a man can brag about abusing them and still get elected president."
"I’m putting a new diaper on you, so I have to move your legs a little. Excuse me!"
"I knew what I was doing. I knew where the story was, where the jokes were, how to talk to actors and writers and keep it all together."
"I felt betrayed by my fellow Americans. I felt like I truly didn’t understand anything anymore."
"I love acting. I love it more than I can articulate."
"No one in their right mind would vote for someone who bragged about sexually assaulting women… right?"