
Kingdom Of The Cursed Quotes

Kingdom Of The Cursed by Kerri Maniscalco

Kingdom Of The Cursed Quotes
"Once upon a cursed dawn, a king strode through his castle, his footsteps thundering down the corridor, sending even the shadows skittering away to avoid notice."
"The witch was a plague upon this land. One he’d eradicate at once."
"Get out," he repeated. "Leave before I force you."
"Gone was any further attempt at seduction. 'Touch me, and I will destroy all you hold dear. Your majesty.'"
"You seem to be mistaken," he all but growled. "There is nothing I hold dear."
"From this day forward, a curse will sweep through this land. You will forget all but your hate."
"This was the kingdom of the Wicked, and he ruled them all."
"I’d walk through the gates of Hell a thousand times over to find him."
"This isn’t a cave. It’s a void outside the Seven Circles."
"In the Seven Circles there are three rules to abide by. First, don’t ever reveal your true fears."
"The devil may be nasty, but he doesn’t perform tricks. He bargains."
"I, Emilia Maria di Carlo, freely choose the devil."
"Goddess curse me. This was as far away from home as I could get."
"I stared glumly at the metal corset top and started unbuttoning the demon’s shirt. Might as well get the miserable garment on quickly so we could leave."
"I was not the first soul he’d stolen for the devil. But I would be his last."
"The notion was ridiculous, especially after his betrayal, but the lingering sense of jealousy didn’t leave right away."
"If he wanted me dead, he would have let nature handle that deed."
"Pangs of homesickness hit me. All the finery in the world couldn’t replace the comfort I felt with my family."
"Ready or not, I needed to step into this new role and own it."
"Every surface reflected my shocked expression back at me."
"I set aside the gown and picked up one perfume and inhaled. Lilac and maybe almond with a hint of bergamot."
"I smiled a little to myself; Vittoria’s passion for creating perfume aided me with singling out different notes."
"The moment passed, a temporary shadow cast from a cloud racing past the sun."
"The flowers were all lovely, almost exactly what was found in the human world, except they were coated in ice."
"I breathed them in, surprised their scent penetrated the frost."
"My attention swept across the sunken glass tub; it took up almost the entire center of the room."
"A quick bath was all I could spare time for."
"Once I was properly dry, I picked up the gown. Goddess bless me and the demon who ordered this wardrobe, the dress was designed to be put on without assistance."
"The wardrobe and the clothing weren’t the only bits of extravagance I discovered."
"Though, I suppose, he also might be showing respect to his future queen."
"Our gazes locked. I understood what he really meant."
"I resumed my slow procession down the aisle, looking for a particular subject matter, but projecting nonchalance to avoid suspicion."
"How very mortal of you to believe they weren’t inspired by our rites and rituals."
"You may start by explaining your decision."
"If there’s one thing I’ve learned recently, it’s to question anyone connected to the demon realm."
"I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, ready to try again."
"No matter how hard I fought, who I deceived, or how much of my soul I bargained away, nothing would ever bring my sister back."
"This new reality felt strange, but fitting. It was a life where I didn’t cringe at violence, only seethed that the punishment had been dealt was taken from my eager hands."
"Enough," I said, quietly, forcefully to myself as I stood.
"There was no longer any room for sadness or grief in my world. In my heart."
"If the Prince of Wrath’s anger was a glacier, mine was a raging inferno. And it would not burn out quickly."
"I concentrated on my magic, imagined pulling it from wherever it originated and turning it into a handful of flame. Instead of fighting myself and forcing it to come, I let go."
"I released everything except my wrath. That I held on to as if it were the most vital essence in my universe."
"I inhaled and exhaled, picturing myself breathing new life into the fire."
"I stared, unfeeling as it shifted into a flaming flower."
"I thought about disrobing and tossing myself onto it, causing another ripple in the smooth perfection of his world."
"You will address me as master from now on."
"Stealing from a prince is punishable by death."
"I didn’t think so. You, my dear, are no more than a mortal now."
"You stole from me, but I stole right back from you."
"If you would be so kind, my lady, to please explain how this came to be in your possession, I’d very much like to know."
"My brothers will be more than happy to show you how sinful they can be in front of a large, eager audience."
"And if I decide to return, do I need to send a request to your House?"
"Do you recall the bargain we struck in my bedchamber?"
"The witches who raised you kept many secrets, I see."
"It’s not my business or my place to share his story."
"I understand your realm is different, and your brothers are diabolical and conniving, but not every statement is a threat."
"Be thankful, fiancée, that I do not wish to harm your person. Only your ego and pride."
"I am not your wife yet. And if this is your idea of proving why we ought to marry, you’re mad."
"I am not a hero, Emilia. Nor am I a villain."
"You may beg off conversation tonight. Refuse to dine with me. But we will speak about everything. Soon."
"We will speak about this when we’re both ready to."
"Yes, how dare I teach my wife to protect herself against her enemies."
"If you want an equal, I suggest treating me like one."
"There are always sacrifices in war, love."
"Whatever you’re attempting, I suggest stopping while I’m still feeling hospitable."
"Are you that envious of him? Or do you simply covet anything that isn’t yours?"
"I don’t give a devil’s damn about his happiness."
"Have you noticed anything odd lately? Perhaps something strange about your magic?"
"There is nothing more dangerous than a woman who owns who she is and apologizes to no one."
"Names have power. Titles are a show of power. One can be taken or given on a whim, the other cannot."
"Everything in this castle is my concern. You, especially."
"I believe I am powerful, therefore I am."
"Being under the influence of alcohol or other substances will greatly reduce your ability to sense a prince of Hell's magic."
"A true leader delegates. Just as you’re doing now. Never doubt your courage. I certainly don’t."
"I was doing everything in my power to not look at him. Of all the places in the entire castle, he simply had to choose this moment to train, in sleeveless leather armor, directly outside the kitchens."
"You do not bear the burden of that demon’s death, Emilia."
"You need to worry about how to dance at a ball without stepping on toes and causing a scene."
"Their gleaming, metal teeth indicated they were more predator than simple equine."
"I cannot believe you named them after the four horsemen, and yet I’m not terribly surprised."
"No harm will befall you. I will not allow it."
"If they are stupid enough to ignite your fury, they deserve to feel the burn."
"Wrath and fury are my sins of choice. I like your temper."
"Prepare yourself. My brother’s debauchery knows no limits."
"Hate is a powerful aphrodisiac for some."
"You appear as if you’re in the midst of a vexing riddle."
"A true act of courage does not come without the risk of a great cost."
"You do know who he is, but you choose to remain in the shadows, comfortable in the dark. Maybe it’s not his truth you fear, but your own."
"Are you brave enough to confront your demons? Not many are."
"In some mortal religions, apples are said to be the forbidden fruit."
"Every villain thinks themselves the hero. And vice versa. In truth, there’s a little villain and hero in each of us. Depending on the circumstances."
"You cannot expect me to share that information."
"I have been called many things, but I am no liar."
"Blood and bones. This was hard. But I’d been through worse, and I’d survived."
"If all went well, in minutes, I’d finally know what had happened to my sister."
"No matter what happened next, I’d survive that, too."