
Chasing Harry Winston Quotes

Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger

Chasing Harry Winston Quotes
"This realization no longer surprised or delighted her the way it had when she was younger; rather, it gave her a little added confidence bump that helped smooth along the day."
"There weren’t many places in downtown Manhattan where you could dine sporting yoga pants and sweaty ponytails without raising eyebrows, so they persevered."
"It’s not that she hadn’t tried working—she’d given it a fair shot."
"Her mother had been reminding her of this very fact since the day Adriana had, at the age of fourteen, agreed to two dates with two different boys on the same night."
"I’m an only child with parents as affectionate as ceramic statues."
"I’m sure he’ll be totally understanding."
"Don’t let some dumb present get in the way of that."
"Every word he uttered was considered, weighed, and chosen with deliberateness, and woe to the person who failed to select her words with such precision."
"Just don’t think for a single second that you’re wrong in anything you’re feeling."
"It’s purely a timing thing—it has nothing to do with who you are as people."
"Who needed pleasant when there was this?"
"They were more like children than real people, Adriana always said, and so it stood to reason that the only thing they desperately wanted was what they couldn’t have."
"It was easier just to stay in and forage for something in the fridge."
"There was no place for that kind of selfish thinking, not when you wanted to support your sister and be the best aunt possible."
"You could do much worse for sisters-in-law than annoyingly friendly."
"It might not be quite as exciting as dating half a dozen men at once, but it certainly was less exhausting."
"Men were so easy to manipulate it was almost criminal."
"I’m not ‘flitting around’ anywhere. I happen to be in Los Angeles."
"You’re right, I apologize. Go, have fun."
"I was just a bit taken aback, since I thought we were headed to Bulgari."
"Because when I say noon, I actually mean noon."
"The problem is that I have one and ten minutes later I’m working my way through a pack."
"He was twenty-three, querida? For real?"
"But you are going to deal with it. Now leave. Me. Alone!"
"Excellent cheekbones and pretty, wide eyes. But your skin! The complexion of an angel."
"Ah, the friendly card. Adriana was instantly transported back to her teenage years, when her mother was trying to teach her these important lessons and Adriana had raised these very same arguments. She almost smiled with the memory."
"It’s a complete myth that once a man has sex with you he’ll lose interest. In fact, it should be just the opposite: If you’re doing your job well, it will make him want you more."
"It was then that Adriana realized Otis thought he was fat, not her."
"Her brain was refusing to process the word."
"She could die. They had, in a very real way, found each other."
"Never before had she felt so awful, if by awful one really means absolutely fucking fantastic."
"Emmy snuggled into Rafi’s muscular embrace."
"People who are ecstatically happy in their relationships don’t cheat."
"I’m not in love with Russell," she said.
"My god, the whole situation is such a fucking mess."
"I’m talking about myself in the third person. What’s not pathetic about that?"
"You can’t beat yourself up over something you don’t feel."
"I’ve spent every minute since then waiting to feel sure, to know that it’s right, but I haven’t."
"We’re engaged to be married, sweetheart. We’ve got our whole lives ahead of us."
"Russell, I’m not sure I want us to get married," she said softly.
"I have a job offer, and I plan to accept it," she said and sat back to relish her friends’ reactions.
"To the three ringless wonders. May we be every bit as wonderful but hopefully not so ringless in another thirty years."
"I’d love to keep seeing him on a nonexclusive basis if he was okay with that, and he was."
"We are all experts now. And we did it the old-fashioned way."