
Hunted Quotes

Hunted by Meagan Spooner

Hunted Quotes
"The snow is a canvas, upon which the beast paints his past, his home, his intentions, his future. Learn to see the picture and you will know him as you know yourself."
"How long had the other ladies been talking about them, with Yeva completely unaware?"
"I wanted the world for you, for my girls—I wanted—"
"I can’t marry anyone. I’m not—I’m not a wife."
"If you are happy, Beauty, then so am I."
"Though the temperatures were harsh, the sight of Doe-Eyes with her head slung low often made Yeva relent and allow the dog to come."
"She never came back to the house empty-handed, often with more than they needed for the day’s meal."
"Albe constructed a rudimentary smokehouse by the shed, and they began to supplement their stores of food rather than deplete them."
"Yeva’s eyes blurred, and she blinked hard. 'I can’t,' she whispered back."
"Yeva took her father’s chilly hand in hers, as much to keep him from harming himself in his frustration as to comfort him."
"There is something out there. Something cunning."
"Yeva drew a shaking breath. 'I don’t know,' she breathed. 'Something more.'"
"The single-mindedness with which he planned his return to the forest chilled Yeva."
"A sharpness stung her heart in the brief, heavy silence while she stood in the doorway."
"Yeva’s father threw himself into his chair by the fire while Lena made tea. 'It knows I’m here,' he said."
"The creatures he used to tell her about—the monsters and the wonders hidden deep within the forest, where the other hunters refused to go—they were stories."
"Yeva saw his face as she moved through the forest, the distant gaze that had looked right past her."
"The weight of pretending all was well, that everything was normal and as it should be—it fell away."
"Suddenly it was not Solmir’s face that Yeva saw, but the wild, unnatural focus of her father’s stare before he left."
"Her heart fluttered against her rib cage like a bird trying to beat its way free."
"Would you have preferred death over preservation of your modesty?"
"What did you see? What was your heart’s desire?"
"Without servants to draw water, it would take her hours, if not days, to bring enough water to fill this tub—but the thought of it made Yeva smile."
"Most of her father’s books were scholarly texts, but one of them held some of the old stories he’d told her when she was a child."
"Her father had owned over a dozen books, the most of anyone in the town including the baron himself."
"The room itself was dank and cold... but leaks in the ceiling had allowed moisture to drip onto the floor."
"We have no desire to change your opinion of us."
"You may come here to read whenever you wish."
"This is where you stay when you don’t stay in the cave."
"I could live that life. And just now I wanted it more than anything else."
"She meant it now, too. And that, more than the Beast’s temper, more than the snarl of his fangs and the snap of his jaws, made her shiver."
"You needed to believe you had a purpose. You needed to believe that you could kill me. You needed... hope."
"For a time—I do not know how much time—I tried everything I could think of."
"If I thought you would have succeeded I would have let you kill me that day in the forest."
"Why take me? Because I thought hunters like your father would come after you if you disappeared."
"I did not know," he began again, "that you were the one I’d been searching for."
"He was the reason she’d never hear her father read to her again."
"Because if he doesn’t hold you here, you will go back." Asenka reached up to lay her hand against Yeva’s cheek. "Back to the Beast."
"I’m listening for the Firebird," little Beauty had replied, voice shaking with cold. "Can’t you hear it, Daddy?"
"I believe he’s a monster because of something that was done to him."
"Without Solmir, what my heart most wanted was to return."
"I have no interest in being married to a man who’s in love with my sister."
"The fox has never found me," the fox replied. "And he is jealous."
"You are what I want most in all this world, and you came back to me. Yeva... you are the Firebird."
"There’s no such thing as living happily ever after—there’s only living. We make the choice to do it happily."
"You are the Firebird. And above everything else, I’m most grateful for you."