
The Silent Sister Quotes

The Silent Sister by Diane Chamberlain

The Silent Sister Quotes
"I’d never expected to lose nearly everyone I loved by the time I was twenty-five."
"It was strange to be in the house without Daddy, though."
"It’s a terrible feeling to know that there wasn’t a soul in the world now who loved me that deeply."
"I wondered if I’d been too hasty in ending it with Bryan. I could have used his support right now."
"I was glad to know Daddy’d had a friend he cared about that much."
"I made next to nothing as a school counselor and I thought I was doing pretty well to have put away that much."
"Maybe one of the quietest people to ever walk the earth."
"I was grateful that she spoke about Danny with sympathy instead of disdain."
"I was never going to have that brother, and even though I’d managed to guilt him into coming over to the house that evening, his anxiety was like a third person in my car as we drove away from the RV park."
"I remembered no such box, but didn’t want to tell her there was yet one more thing I didn’t know about my father."
"You never know what you're going to find when you clean out someone's house."
"Time doesn't heal. Maybe you no longer cry every single day but the pain is still there."
I'm just scared," she said. "I know. Me, too.
"Has to be the coldest night of the year," her father said.
"Lisa never carried a purse," he said. "Ann Johnson does." She was Ann Johnson in all her new documents.
"I’ll always love you, no matter what you’ve done."
"Never pick up a violin again, Lisa, understand? Never. You have to hide your light under a bushel from now on."
"She’d tested their love to the limit during her lifetime."
"He would always believe she was a murderer."
"The truth or a lie, she knew it didn’t matter to him."
"If she dropped dead on the street, they’d find this girl, Jade, this girl who didn’t exist."
"He’s probably sitting in Tahiti sipping a martini right now."
"You need to have some fun, Jade. You’re very serious, you know?"
"She began checking her post office box three days after mailing the letter and of course it was empty."
"Facing her fear turned out to be the only hard part."
"It was only playing scales, briskly, then slowly, then briskly again."
"She committed the date and time to memory, fantasizing about seeing Matty."
"She envied them for being able to study music."
"He did have a possessive streak, I guess you could call it."
"She sat on the cool floor in the hallway of the music building, leaning against the wall outside a classroom."
"She cried with happiness and sorrow as she played."
"How can I help? What would you like to know?"
"I got the feeling they were just starting to digitize."
"You need to accept the fact that she’s a murderer, Riley."
"They played a bunch of traditional tunes Jade didn’t know."
"The family that had moved on without her."
"I need some peace and quiet. I know you two are doing a ton of work and I appreciate it, but I need some time to myself."
"There seemed to be no air at all in the trailer and Tom and Verniece grew wavy in my vision."
"I thought only my father knew, and I wondered if somewhere, buried deep in the sea of paperwork in those living room cabinets, there might be a clue to Lisa’s whereabouts."
"The pain was too much for me. I stood up, and grabbing the copy of the signed form from the table, I tore it in two."
"Did my mother know anything about this?"
"I felt tears fill my eyes. I didn’t want to cry in front of them."
"You know what, Riley? Did you ever stop to think that if Lisa wanted to see you, she would have found you?"
"You should have thought of that before you hired me."
"There have to be thousands of Ann Johnsons."
"I wiped a tear from my cheek. 'Why Philadelphia?' I asked."
"I can tell you she was alive and healthy twenty-three years ago."
"You don’t seem to get it, Riley," he said. "Leaving aside all the crap she put our family through, she killed a man."
"I want to meet her," I said. "That’s all I want. Just to meet her. What I don’t want is to hurt her."
"It’s not only Lisa’s life you’re tampering with," I said. "It’s her children’s. It’s her family’s."
"I’m pleading with you. Please leave her alone."
"She’s made one hell of a life for herself, hasn’t she."
"I’m going to tell Harry he can solve a cold case the night of that concert. He can be a hero, and Lisa will finally get what she has coming to her."
"She had me when she was fifteen. Mom and Daddy adopted me."
"I had to talk to Riley," she said. "I can’t let you feel that way about her. She was young. She thought she was doing the best thing for you by leaving you."
"She killed our family, do you know that?"