
Dark Roads Quotes

Dark Roads by Chevy Stevens

Dark Roads Quotes
"You think you're all grown up, but Cold Creek is rough. I've seen a lot of bad things, okay? It's easy to get into trouble around here. Someone like you, a pretty girl without a dad, you have to be even more careful."
"I wondered if it was hard being the sergeant's wife. If she worried that he might not make it home one night."
"Remember, before you shower, that you need to leave the window wide open. We haven’t gotten the fan fixed yet."
"I know you kids call him the Iceman, but he’s not always like that."
"I’ve seen a lot of bad things, okay? It’s easy to get into trouble around here."
"I take care of my people. This town is my people."
"I tried to look out for her, but she still got hurt. It’s why I became a cop."
"You think you can take on a man double your size, hopped up on adrenaline and God knows what else?"
"If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that you can’t let down your guard. Even with your closest friends."
"You feel it? The mountain’s calling us, baby girl. She wants us to come home."
"So you can find the cameras. Then you can arrest him."
"I’m telling you—he has them. Maybe he circulates the cameras around."
"Lately Jonny been, Jonny been winning races. Dreaming about all the bikes he’ll get for free."
"I’d rather face whatever is in those woods than Vaughn."
"My chest tightened, ribs pulling together as though my spine were a seam that someone had sewn closed."
"Beth’s hand jerked on her teacup, clinking it against the china plate."
"I was thinking of him now as Wolf and I made our way back from the river with trout hanging from my pack."
"I felt someone watching and turned to look. Police uniform."
"We... We wanted him to feel a connection with Amber."
"I'll be at the lake this weekend—if you can't reach me."
"You small-town cops don’t have a lot else going on, I guess."
"I could use another waitress for the summer. Job's yours if you want it."
"Her parents refused to buy a dishwasher."
"I knew he was going to try to pin this on you."
"She played her part in the charade and offered to help."
"What are you doing out here?" Vaughn didn’t even try to sound polite.
"Keep your valuables locked up. All sorts of thieves around here. They’ll rob you blind."
"He’s fast and tricky. Trust me, he’s not suffering, though. People leave food out for him and he knows how to survive on his own."
"He’s not a pet. He likes to be free—and he’ll bite if you try to catch him."
"You have a university sticker on your bumper."
"Hailey was my voice in the dark, you know? That person who gets you through when you can’t see the way."
"You don’t know what you’re getting into."
"If you tell anyone where I am, Vaughn will kill me."
"I don’t usually hand out a list of girls I’ve slept with. But now that I know you’re investigating me, I’ll make sure to keep you in the loop, okay?"
"The gun—or find your own way out of the pit."
"You came all the way out here to say that?"
"I don’t want to get involved with someone else I’m going to lose."
"We got stuck in a silver mine when we were kids."
"You need a cell out there. It’s not safe."
"He had a great face. A wonderfully, perfect, lying face."
"It’s creepy now that most of the other campers have cleared out."
"You’re a brave young woman. Looks like you had a hell of a fight."
"I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t pretend."
"God has nothing to do with it. I don’t understand how you can go to church after what happened to Amber. Why didn’t God protect her, Mom? That’s the real lie. There’s no heaven. No mercy or angels. She’s just a bunch of bones. She’s gone."
"We wake up each day missing her. We go over everything we could have done differently. We count the years until our own deaths when we will see her again."
"I’ll never forget you. You loved nectarines, and you ate them until they gave you stomachaches. You painted your toenails pink in the summer and red in the winter. You liked Taylor Swift and knew the words to all her songs."