
Book Of The Dead Quotes

Book Of The Dead by Patricia Cornwell

Book Of The Dead Quotes
"Had she been killed at two or three o’clock that afternoon, then when her body was found at approximately eight-thirty the following morning, she would have been dead at least seventeen hours."
"Her lividity, livor mortis, postmortem hypostasis, all the same thing. When you die, your circulation quits and the blood begins to accumulate in the small vessels due to gravity."
"The position of the body. On the left side, hands folded under the chin, legs slightly bent. A position I believe is deliberate."
"Through her wounds, we get a glimpse into his inner world."
"Don’t doubt your inner Self. It’s what I tell all my followers. Don’t doubt your what, Karen?"
"Your Bureau of Investigation interviewing witnesses here in Rome, stepping all over Interpol."
"No terrorist is responsible. The FBI to say such a thing? It’s stupid."
"Dr. Wesley, in all your experiences have you seen anything like this before, perhaps in other cases?"
"When your child becomes more difficult, it gets easier to give in. Not resist."
"I suppose I’ve entertained this secret fantasy you’d move. With Harvard, MIT, Tufts."
"You’re a tyrant, a has-been, and he must be miserable working for you, and what can she do to help him?"
"You stupid son of a bitch," she says loudly to the flat screen in front of her.
"If only she could undo it. If only she’d never answered him."
"She has to consider the worst-case scenario: People will blame her."
"Her pulse picks up as she returns to the other side of horror."
"He didn’t do it. Crazy people make false confessions all the time."
"Scarpetta says, 'Not without witnesses or circumstances that make it clear what happened…'"
"The only way you can tell if darkish or reddish areas are really bruises is to look at the underside of the skin."
"I don’t want that kind of nurturing and don’t remember anything about it."
"I’ve been doing this practically longer than you’re old."
"The captain, who doesn’t want a menu, recommends the grilled Mediterranean spiny lobster, followed by salad and Italian cheeses."
"When he held Roger, he prayed, and when he could no longer endure Roger’s pain, he prayed, and that was the last time he prayed."
"When you lost your toes, did you also lose your mind?"
"You’ve never been to Charleston. I’ve been here in Rome countless times, but never for you, even if you thought otherwise."
"I was allowed to live so I can relieve others of their suffering."
"You never came to see me all those months in Germany or Charleston or the years before."
"I can’t distrust everybody on the planet."
"You need to sit down with him. Have him over. Cook for him."
"The practice is growing. I must get a morgue assistant."
"The most qualified morgue assistants come from funeral homes or hospital morgues."
"You’ve been saying that for two years. And it’s based on nothing."
"What a joke, and as Lucy walks fast, looking at no one, a baseball cap pulled low over her eyes."
"I don’t want it. It’s just nothing feels the same anymore. And that’s not entirely bad. Just different."
"I can’t even give them away these days."
"She likes Charleston, but I’m not sure it likes her."
"If it were possible, I might suspect all of you hypnotically lured me here because of that e-mail."
"Maybe you should start a real practice somewhere else and get the hell out of here. You’d be better off."
"It’s almost impossible for her to believe what’s happened, that she’s living both a nightmare and a dream."
"She panics and sobs, shaking like someone having a seizure."
"He can feel the subwoofer in his bones."
"We look at death every day and it doesn’t change our denial about it."
"He feels the power. It spikes through his brain like an electric shock."
"He’s dressed in the same clothes he had on last night."
"What’s killing me has nothing to do with you."
"In his words, there’s nothing redeeming about victims who are as corrupt as their killers."
"The deeper levels of consciousness... Buried childhood memories. Suppressed memories of trauma and pain."
"Nobody gave a shit about protecting the Canadian tourist, whose only crime was to have a little too much fun at a disco and meet someone she obviously liked and thought she could trust."
"Asphyxia? Based on petechiae, and an absence of other findings."
"You should listen to what you’re saying."
"After two weeks of Dr. Self, I don’t feel the same about anything."
"It didn’t go that far. How far is that far? What did he do."
"Why are you going off on this tangent? It has nothing to do with me."
"Violated once. Then violated again when you tell all and some cop starts imagining it happening, and secretly gets off on it."
"Maybe we should be more worried about him than me."
"So I’ve been waiting for you to take the initiative, if you ever made that choice."
"It’s hard. Just as hard as it can be to make decisions like this."
"We have urns made just for that, an excellent innovation most people don’t know about."
"Seeking you out would have been forward of me."
"What I’m still unclear about is why you went up to that house to begin with."
"I guess it should tell you a lot that she didn’t. Not a word to anyone. She continues to protect you. Isn’t that something?"
"She came back with the ring and I don’t know."
"How about that silver-dollar necklace you got on? Where’d you get it?"
"Gravity will get you. Life is inclined toward falling. Not standing or flying, indeed, barely sitting."
"At least tell her you’re sorry instead of running away or committing suicide by cop."
"Sure didn’t appear to me he had any idea. Besides, he may be a lot of things, but he would never protect someone who did something like that to a kid."
"Three sources of DNA from one family? Scarpetta is amazed."
"By all means, protect the privacy of rapists and murderers," Aaron says.
"Possibly the Sandman’s first violent crime," Scarpetta says.
"That he’s the Sandman?" Scarpetta doesn’t believe it for a minute.
"It sure would be nice to get Bull’s prints," Aaron says.
"I remember not so long ago waiting weeks, months for DNA." Scarpetta rues those days.
"What about the gunshot residue?" Benton asks.
"I'm not seeing anything down here but the dark shapes of dunes and that damn lighthouse following us everywhere," Scarpetta says.
"He sleeps here," Benton says. "Not necessarily all the time."
"I suspect she’ll know where to find him."
"And I thought what I have is a headache."
"I’ve got to pack. Back to New York, back on the air," Dr. Self says.
"It’s a wonder he hasn’t killed himself," Dr. Self says.