
All Necessary Force Quotes

All Necessary Force by Brad Taylor

All Necessary Force Quotes
"Trying to stitch together what he was seeing, like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces."
"We could be on a dig in South America. Or in grad school, sleeping all I want. Instead, I’m out here playing Jane Bond."
"I got fucking pictures. I’m telling you, there’s a head-shed meeting going on between the NVA and a bunch of foreign advisors."
"The fear left his body, replaced by despair at the futility of it all."
"This whole thing was a waste of time and money."
"He smiled, the blood between his teeth and gums making him look feral."
"No way is any girl going to be able to do operator shit."
"No one in the prison system monitored his chaplain’s preachings."
"The virus will only disrupt their early-warning software. It won’t do anything to the system itself."
"He had worked for the Chinese for close to forty years, and found them just as confusing now as when he’d first made contact."
"Ellis found the old-fashioned tradecraft ironic because his job involved transferring cutting-edge U.S. te"
"The blade bit deep. Before the pilot comprehended the danger, he was already dead. His body just didn’t realize it."
"Now," Rafik said, "do I need to repeat this?"
"You’re going to repaint the number to one that Noordin owns. Then just fly it home."
"But if you don’t meet us in Prague, I’ll cause him so much pain that you’ll feel it long after he’s dead."
"The plane’s technically at this airport, but all private and general aviation aircraft go to terminal three, which is separated from the main airport by the tarmac itself."
"I’m through here. I’m leaving. You try to stop me and I’ll have the Marines here lock you up forever."
"That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. Why would the Chinese do that?"
"You mean you gave them the complete charge container, aiming devices, everything?"
"I told you, I don’t work for the government. So save your threats."
"You have no idea who you are dealing with. We can reach you in any country on earth. Leave now, and I won't hunt you down."
"Remember the covert action we did in Sudan a couple of years ago? The one where the 'rebels' managed to destroy a Chinese oil refinery?"
"All I did was get them a Taskforce aircraft. They had to have a way to get their kit through customs and we don’t have a lot of time to screw around."
"I have more in common with the Great Satan’s soldiers than I do with you."
"Jesus Christ! He’s a fucking traitor? How are we supposed to deal with that?"
"What the hell are you talking about? Cops? For what?"
"Looks like you’re dead either way, then, because if you don’t do it, I’m going to throw your ass off the roof."
"I felt like punching the wall next to me. Not only had we lost our targets, but now they knew we were tracking them."
"If we go in there, a lot of people are going to die. Based on your say-so. I don’t have enough men to dominate the place, and these guys know how to fight."
"The pressure on him was enormous, affecting his ability to make decisions that were in the nation’s best interest."
"He had briefed them on the activities in Prague, filling in the holes from the information that had come out of the DOS and CIA’s own intelligence apparatus."
"America no longer had the luxury of going it alone in the world. With globalization, everything was intertwined."
"Truth be told, Kurt half hoped they’d shut the whole project down."
"I think this is why someone’s called the president. Let ’em get out their views. But you have to make a decision."
"He found out a source inside the house had information on the Arab’s next moves. That’s why he did it."
"We might stop this attack, but we won’t stop the next one. Or the one after."
"It isn’t pleasant, but morality is on a scale."
"You’re fucking dead. Even your God won’t help you now."
"I don’t buy any of that shit about good men going bad, because I’ve seen nobility in the worst of situations."
"Why do you want me to stay so bad? Am I just some sort of experiment, like NASA experimenting with a new O-ring? Are you just testing out a theory about female operators, and you want me to stay because you invested so much effort in convincing everyone to let me do Assessment that you’ll look like a fool if I leave?"
"Never? Well, maybe a little bit, but it’s always been based on your capabilities, not what I was getting out of it."
"No. It’s not enough. If you weren’t in the Taskforce, I would have never joined. I came because you asked me. Because I didn’t want to let you down. Not the Taskforce. You."
"Jennifer, I can’t make you do what I want. I can only ask that you hang on until this is over. You know the history of this operation, know the terrorist by sight, and know the team. I don’t have any way to prove I’m not a monster, but even if you think I am, stay on to save American lives."
"He has no qualms about sending a bum to my door for me to butcher but now acts like a kid about to shoplift."
"We’re only two minutes from the gate, and they’ll remember the van leaving and probably just wave us through."
"The guards are hired security at a backwater post. They won’t—"
"I don’t want to do it either, but your plan is the only way we will succeed now, and the plan is based on the police chasing a ghost."
"Keshawn, those two are simple. They didn’t do anything. We said we’d tie them up and do the robbery. No unnecessary killing."
"Rafik spoke for the first time. 'Keshawn is correct. Sometimes the good must be sacrificed along with the bad. That’s just the way of it.'"
"Pike, there’s a reason I’m not cleared for this. I don’t mind staying here."
"It’s exactly what he talked about. I’ve sacrificed too much already. We’re on the path now. No turning back."
"I’m sorry for the sacrifice you must make. Allahu Akbar."
"What do you mean, ‘we’? Jennifer and I have made a deal with the devil. We’ll go get this guy, but if any stink comes out of it, we get blamed."
"Buckshot, you’re going to stay here to make sure these techies break the law when I tell them to."
"We’re on the path now. No turning back."
"But he also knew the reactor process was a delicate one. If he managed to destroy some of the mechanisms controlling the cooling of the nuclear rods, they’d melt down, causing a catastrophic fault."
"Jennifer, we aren’t cops, and this isn’t an arrest. It’s combat."
"They think we work for the nuclear plant."
"Like soldiers throughout history, he was on the ground but being questioned by a pinhead miles away."
"You’re a hard man to kill, I’ll give you that."
"Well, someone told me that the rules only applied if you let them."