
We Free The Stars Quotes

We Free The Stars by Hafsah Faizal

We Free The Stars Quotes
"It was hard to have a heart when one had stopped that of so many others."
"Live as if you are death himself. Command him as if you are his master."
"They took what they needed and left the rest."
"Death commands the tremor in the living."
"Sacrifice was nothing but death in a romantic farce."
"Life makes a mockery of us, does it not?"
"Every fireheart will incinerate the surrounding mile."
"You would fight your way out of the grave for us. You would kill for us."
"Anyone who can mend a body must find destroying it just as fascinating."
"You're the one who took down the Arz. You saved Arawiya."
"I measure fun by the pound of my pulse."
"You seem to have no trouble being the end of me."
"Tears aren’t a measure of heart. We grieve in different ways."
"We don’t want the people to think a rukh landed."
"Magic lived in his bones, the very thing that had ruined his life."
"Family is hard not to care for, I’ve learned."
"Lives are not meant for thieving, my abal."
"My girl will wield weapons, and she will wield them well."
"The world will be ours to shape as we will."
"All these years, and you failed to notice I was never interested in crowns."
"The only privacy that I want is with you."
"I thought you would never make the mistake of falling in love."
"None of it hurt more than that, did you know?"
"If you can’t even speak of what you want, then perhaps you don’t want it hard enough."
"Honor before heart, what work there was to do, she would do herself."
"There is nothing quite like entering a door that promises to open onto the infinite."
"She needs me... We know what it’s like to be broken. We’re the same, she and us."
"To be sought by another is a feeling unmatched."
"Monsters were created for a purpose, a destiny to be fulfilled."
"I’ve secured a boat to cross the strait, so we’ll leave before sunrise."
"Every step away from home hadn’t been a footfall but a flaying."
"Unraveling—that was what Zafira was doing. She was a ball of thread slowly unspooling, and she was afraid nothing but a gaping emptiness would be left at the center of it."
"Perhaps worse than abuse was waking up to the fact. The realization, striking and unmooring, that the norm one had lived was not at all normal."
"I would like that, Nasir thought but couldn’t say as the braziers crackled beside the dais."
"It wasn’t for what he’d done, but that he’d done it at all: Taken control. Acted of his own accord."
"The world could be remade, but abuse could never be undone."
"She already sees me as a monster. Now she would see the Lion."
"We are the broken ones. Victims of a world that continues to take, and take, and take. To what end, I ask you?"
"Her heart forgot to beat. She relaxed her hand, as every part of her longed to lift her gaze up to the gray abyss of his."
"I miss her, was what he wanted to say. He was alone without her, a soul-deep desolation."
"Sweet snow, she was tired. She lowered her cheek to the sheets, and didn’t think she had ever felt something so glorious in her life."
"The word tore from his throat, and then some part of him retreated."
"To have words collect on your tongue, but feel as if they aren’t worth voicing."
"His words were not meant to be voiced. No one cared."
To live forever," he said simply. "We will be at the forefront of a new Arawiya.
"I need you alive, Altair," the Lion said as he stepped close, his voice low."
"I missed you," she whispered against his mouth.
"What’s the use of a pretty dress if I can’t do what I want in it?"
"Every bit of affection in my life has been fabricated."
"I only look human," he said quietly. A curl of shadow escaped his mouth."
"Think of what you’re aiding," Altair pleaded, uncaring that the Lion was witness."
"Every day, I saw you, and every day I wanted to tell you the same: I am proud of you."
"You need to understand that the title of Alder calipha will matter little when I ask my people to help you, for not one safi will feel particularly inclined to assist the mortals for whom my kin died."
"You wish to give a girl her throne. Circumstance favors us."
"I will never forget the day I first saw her, when I learned the selfless huntress was no ruse but who she truly is."
"Knowledge is his neighbor now that he’s king, but we might have something bigger to worry about."
"May success ride in your favor, Seif bin Uqub."
"We can’t go around re-collecting the hearts. The minarets are safest, specifically with the High Circle protecting them."
"If I hurt her, I will bring every weapon at my disposal and lay them at your feet for you to do to me what you will. If I hurt her, I will no sooner carve out my own heart than dare draw breath again."
"She’s a big girl. She knows her way back."
"You’re the king. The Sultan of Arawiya with a traitor on your throne."
"If anyone can change the fabric of the world, it is you, fair gazelle. I have seen it."
"She speaks strangely at times, to herself, laa? Fatigue won her over, Sultani."
"The moon likes you. See how she shines for you."
"Stealing the Lion’s memories didn’t make it inherently wicked."
"Every deed has its outcome. Doubt is inherent."
"If I pushed you off this horse, would you die?"
"Oh? I didn’t know you made a habit of sharing your bed with other men."
"I would rather know one intimately than a thousand ostensibly."
"The one thing certain in life is death, isn’t it?"
"Those were not the sounds someone makes when they’re merely indulging another."
"If we were in a story, what would happen?"
"At last, I should have known it was you."
"Your duty to her precedes your duty to your kingdom."
"The heart cannot forget the one who lives in her soul."
"Nasir had never cared for magic the way Zafira had. He hadn’t spent decades working for its restoration the way Altair had. It did not signify vengeance for him the way it did for Kifah. Laa, for him, magic had signified destruction and pain."
"Magic, she reminded herself. What she had dreamed of and desired for years and years on end."
"She would live in a world with glory akin to that of a century ago. Magic would roar in her veins, hum in her limbs."
"So this is what it feels like," Kifah contemplated, "to see vengeance through."
"In Baba’s stories, once the villain was vanquished, the world suddenly became a better place. The victors could at last lean back and avail themselves of the fruits of their labor."
"Love was a peculiar thing, she had learned. Like the surge of old magic that defeated the Lion, like the Silver Witch sacrificing her heart."
"Honor before heart_, she had said. All that she did, she did for love. For honor. For what was right."
"He was wrong to have expected her to leave behind her entire life and join him in the dark palace of Sarasin, which half of Arawiya loathed and feared. He was selfish to wish and dream and hope."
"Love was a terrible thing, she decided. It tore hearts apart with talons and gnashing teeth and left nothing behind."
"Knowing you can lose something is what makes it more precious."
"Fear made his love grow. To fear was to live and to strengthen. It was maddening as it swelled in his heart, and yet, amid all his feelings was one more, stirring foreign and raw: contentment."