
The Dead Quotes

The Dead by Charlie Higson

The Dead Quotes
"The world of school reunions and dads going off on ‘boys’ weekends’, fishing and bike riding and whisky tasting."
"He was one of us… a boy, a child, even younger. With golden hair. A child who isn’t a child."
"The Lamb is something new, a new kind of prophet, or a new God."
"Books were a gateway into an alternative universe."
"We’re going to be all right, Ed. We’ll find a barn to sleep in. A river to drink from. Maybe there’ll be cows we can milk, sheep and chickens."
"I guess if it’s a matter of life and death I’ll make it inside."
"I’m not sure I can take any of this seriously. How can I? People don’t have visions."
"They were all only children. And out there… outside the chapel…"
"It’s hard to imagine – but us lot, we’re the future."
"We need to find other kids. We can’t be the only ones who’ve survived."
"He was all angles and lumps, knobbly knees and elbows, sharp shoulders, pointy chin and big nose."
"There’s no oxygen. You don’t say, Einstein."
"We don’t know what’s out there. If you go to London, you might be having to fight every step of the way."
"Maybe in London they’re having twenty-four-hour parties with no adults telling them when to go to bed."
"I’m not very good with my hands. And, yes, I don’t want to ruin my clothes."
"A big church in London, bigger than any real church, as big as the whole city, with thousands and thousands of children inside it."
"The sudden attack that came from nowhere was the most devastating. You had to be prepared."
"I was dead, and behold I am alive forever and ever! He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death."
"The Lamb's shadow is a living shadow, like a doppelgänger."
"It had been terrifying, being rolled over and over, not knowing which way was up or down."
"You can't go on being sad and scared all the time, could you, or you’d go mad."
"He was reciting something by heart as he walked, without needing to look at the pages."
"Terrible thoughts crowded in on him and he couldn’t keep them out."
"We’re dealing with morons, and when you’re dealing with morons education don’t mean nothing."
"We drove all the way across Spain and France to get to the ferry, and all the time it was getting worser and worser."
"Knowledge is power. And where was all the knowledge in the world right now? In books."
"You don’t want to go to the countryside, pal, not unless you want to end up as dinner for some bunch of spotty Herberts."
"It’s been like this all the way. Every time I pick a route I have to change it."
"It’s a bad world out there, son, and without me you’d be dead in five minutes."
"All mummy and daddy’s money down the toilet. Is Latin gonna help you now, eh?"
"It’s random, isn’t it? Really? Who lives and who dies."
"It’s luck, that’s all. Makes no difference one way or the other what skills you’ve got, what training you’ve had, what school you went to."
"Nothing you did could have prepared you for this."
"It’s not all about trapping rabbits and skinning cats. You don’t just need fighters."
"That’s mankind’s greatest weapon – our brains."
"We’re full of diseases. Most humans are really unhealthy."
"You want to eat, you got to go shopping."
"Make Do and Mend. Save Fuel for Battle. Save Kitchen Scraps to Feed the Pigs."
"I don’t care what you say to me, I don’t care what you think about me, but don’t ever point at me again."
"I want to prove to you that I’m not a complete waste of space."
"It was the first time he’d been alone since this whole nightmare had started. Properly alone."
"Whenever he opened a book and read the words hidden inside it he was waking a ghost and the ghost would talk directly to him."
"He could imagine her, watching over him, watching over the precious books, the guardian of all the other ghosts they contained."
"Chris had always seen ghosts. His mother had taken him to see a doctor who’d tried to explain that they weren’t real."
"‘Why’s there never any zomboids around?’ he was saying. ‘Where do they all go in the daylight? Where’s all the dead bodies?’"
"‘No way, soldier. I can’t bust no moves stuck in that museum all day.’"
"‘It’s safe, man. Jordan makes us all do weapons practice. Drilling.’"
"‘He’s bonkers, I reckon. He never talks about his old life. Never talks about nothing normal.’"
"‘Agnus Dei would be Lamb of God, or Lamb of the Lord.’"
"‘I’m not saying we go round them because I’m scared,’ said Ed. ‘It’s just stupid to get into a fight for no reason.’"
"‘You weren’t there in Rowhurst,’ Ed pleaded. ‘You don’t know what it was like...’"
"‘What do you reckon?’ said DogNut. ‘Fight them or go round?’"
"‘We go round them, obviously. There’s no point fighting if we don’t have to.’"
"‘I’ll bet you did,’ Jack laughed. ‘I expect you played Starship Commander as well – doesn’t mean you could fly a real rocket.’"
"‘A lorry’s a bit easier than a rocket,’ said Justin."
"‘If you would just shut up, I could handle this,’ Justin complained."
"‘I’m getting the hang of it. Don’t hassle me. I’m all right.’"
"‘You’re doing it, man,’ said DogNut. ‘Oh my days, you’re doing it, you knob-end, you’re doing it!’"
"‘We’re probably being poisoned as we speak,’ said Bam."
"‘It’s the gas from the holders,’ said Jack. ‘Must be.’"
"‘I’d like her more if she could stop crying for five minutes. There’s something making her miserable and I can’t get through to her.’"
"‘You’re going to start singing in a minute, aren’t you?’ said Jack."
"‘Jack and Fred sitting in a tree, kay-I-ess-ess-I-en-gee.’"
"‘We’re only having a laugh, Bam,’ said Ed."
"‘She’s all right once you get past her front,’ said Ed. ‘But in the past she wouldn’t have looked twice at me. I’m not her type, really.’"
"‘We didn’t come along on this trip just to make sarcastic comments, did we?’"
"‘Come off it, Ed!’ Jack scoffed. ‘I thought you understood girls.’"
"‘The whole population of London has been wiped out…’"
"‘The smell was definitely getting worse. Either we’re getting nearer to it or it’s getting nearer to us.’"
"‘If only Jack hadn’t gone. She could talk to him. Jack would know what to do.’"
"‘If Jack hadn’t gone. She could talk to him. Jack would know what to do.’"
"‘What d’you want?’ she said, turning round angrily, assuming it was one of the boys."
"‘It’s the smell of the fire was masking the smell of dead bodies.’"
"‘We’re here now. Let’s just find out what’s in there, or we won’t be able to think about anything else.’"
"‘The rest of the sickos had got between them and Frédérique and were now advancing on the girls, dribbling and moaning softly, sniffing the air.’"
"‘You don’t know how to work that bloody thing,’ Ed snapped. ‘We can outrun them, though.’"
"‘I wouldn’t be so sure about that,’ said Brooke."
"It wasn’t just her hearing that was better; all her senses had been boosted. She could smell so much more, feel so much more, see so much more."
"Everything was very clear now. Clear and sharp and glowing and bright."
"Because that’s all they were. Children."
"Her brain was supercharged, like a sports car; they wouldn’t understand that."
"She was changing. That was it. Evolving into a higher being."
"‘It feels really weird to be going crazy in a museum. You’re never usually allowed to run around.’"
"‘Its proper name was the Bethlem Royal Hospital. For mad people.’"
"‘She’s scary,’ he gasped. ‘I hope she doesn’t catch me.’"
"‘You’re not dead, though. I didn’t kill you.’"
"‘I’m still here, Bam. Just shut up about it. We’ve got to get out of here somehow.’"
"‘It’s only on the surface, I think,’ said Jack. ‘It must be, otherwise why isn’t it hurting more?’"
"‘That was easy,’ said Ed, drunk with happiness and relief."
"‘Get lost! You can’t take us! We owned you. We’re kings of the streets!’"
"‘I never want to see that bloody shotgun again as long as I live.’"
"‘He looked very peaceful, lying there with his old dog for company.’"
‘Without discipline we would all be dead,’ said David. ‘Wasn’t it the explorer Roald Amundsen who said "adventure is just bad planning"?’
"‘I’m not risking it, though. I’m going to start loading our food back on to the lorry. If it looks too hairy, we’ll head north, across the river.’"
"Books will save our lives just as much as weapons."
"If you can understand something, you can control it."
"You must have seen it. When you put a dead sicko into the sun – They turn into popcorn."