
The Rise Of Magicks Quotes

The Rise Of Magicks by Nora Roberts

The Rise Of Magicks Quotes
"On the shield, one of seven forged in the timeless past to hold back the dark, fell a single drop of blood."
"The world ended with bangs and whimpers, with blood and pain, with fear and dread."
"They called it the Doom—for so it was—a murderously speedy sickness with no cure that killed villains and innocents, statesmen and anarchists, the privileged and the penniless with equal glee."
"The other, the not-like-me, would always spark hate in some hearts."
"With that loosed cry of life, a mother’s tears, the strong hands of the man who held her, the warrior, the leader, The One took her first step toward destiny."
"In the years that followed, wars raged between men, between dark and light, between those who fought to survive and build and those who sought to destroy and rule the rubble."
"She would bring death tonight, but she would help others live."
"I see you, Naomi. I see the light in you."
"The dark will come, with blood and death, in madness and guile."
"Light against dark, life against death, blood against blood."
"The five links joined, never again to break."
"We will rise up, rise up, rise up, and when the storm passes, if the light holds, five will stand together."
"The light will burn you out. Tonight, the light has broken the chains of those held on the beaches of Carolina, in the desert of Utah, driven out the dark to claim those places in its name."
"The shields are seven, and one is open. What poured through killed your mothers, your children, and still you doubt."
"Your light, my light, our light unwinds the spell. And so in silence it falls to hell."
"I’ll fight for him, but he needs you to tend to him. I’ll see you both again."
"The PW brand lay trampled in the dirt. And they raised the standard of The One over Arlington."
"I know we can’t save everybody. I learned that early on."
"She knew you’d come, would have to come to try to save these pitiful creatures. She knew you’d bleed for them. Your cousin sends her best."
"It’s hard to see it, to tell the truth. Nobody’s put a dent in that base."
You’re unhurt," Tonia said. "Untouched. Any blood on The One is enemy blood. That’s good tactics.
"We’re going to start building the scaffold tomorrow—right out there."
"But now I know he would go there, fight there. And he would stand with Fallon there."
"Then I guess I need to pack. Except... Mom and Dad may be a problem."
"I’ll draw it up. If they don’t get reinforcements before we go, we can take them with fifty troops, max."
"I think we’re beyond me scolding you over language."
"Because there are places like this where the dark is beaten back."
"But sometimes I worry you’ll forget if you don’t give yourself a life."
"I see the light in you, your elfin blood."
"I used to wish for a sister, kept getting brothers."
"Looking back, I don’t know what I’d have done without him."
"He’s not a freaking giant like that Kilo."
"Let me tell you something else, asshole—"
"That skinny girl led this skinny girl and an army of people who aren’t big, giant dicks to Arlington, and won."
"I’m depending on him to help another of my children."
"I’ll find her, and I’ll bring her to you."
"I’m always going to love you. You know that."
"I was born in the lightning, in the storm, as it was foretold, and your hands were there to bring me into the world."
"You’re the love of my life, Dad. And now I’ve been given another."
"I’ll fight with my last breath for The One. But I can’t be around Fallon right now."
"You’re the twins. Katie and Tony’s. Granny knew them, and your grandparents, and the rest of the MacLeods."
"The Dark Ones. Granny will tell you. She has such stories."
"I’ve lived a very long time. I’ve seen the rise and fall of powers, wars upon wars."
"I gave them a choice, they chose death."
"You’re the answer to prayers I’ve been afraid to speak."
"We’re fighting on a lot of fronts, Fallon."
"We’re all in this together. Working, living, loving together makes us whole."
"I pray for the day we see that truth. But we have a war to win first."
"Age doesn’t change it. He was a Dark Uncanny cloaked in innocence."
"Generations ago, this land was taken from my people. We’ll have it back."
"It’s easier to talk to them if they’re not bleeding."
"He’s hoping White will come save him—all of them—lead them to their righteous victory."
"Fill me, gods of peace, gods of war, into me your wisdom pour."
"The once great city burned and smoked, its flames and ash whirling through the wild wind of a blizzard."
"Men and women fought on the streets with filthy snow heaped like mountains."
"Overhead, she saw the sweep of a black dragon."
"The curtain closed. She had her answer."
"We can’t wait. No. But I was never on the side of waiting."
"Hour by hour, foot by agonizing foot, they drove the enemy back."
"She knew her mother’s thoughts: Come home safe. Bring your father, your brothers home safe."
"Magickal symbols, she noted. Protective symbols, still beating, still carrying light."
"The spires that still stood bled red in its savage light."
"Dealing with a group of Raiders, he knew, was only the beginning."
"She could see fires still burning, a large blaze to the east, smaller spurts to the west and south."
"It’s clear as day now. It got clearer and clearer during the spell. Life."
"This is water, blessed by the mother. Know her love."
"The gods, Fallon thought, had heard, and answered."
"She fell asleep instantly, and dreamed of war."
"Victory of light over dark requires sacrifice."
"Tonight, at long last, our blessed crusade to purify the land, the seas, the very air we breathe ends."
"And pleasure. The beat of his heart, the strength of his hands, the shape of him, the taste."
"I wanted to leave everything and hunt Petra, only Petra, until I could cut her to pieces with my sword. A sword of light and justice. How could I stay? How could I lead?"
"I couldn’t. I couldn’t even tell myself. I could only feel grief, anger, despair."
"I went to mountaintops and deserts, to forests and to cities even the ghosts have abandoned, and wondered why we bother."
"I am Fallon Swift. Child of the Tuatha de Danann. Daughter of Max Fallon, of Lana Bingham, of Simon Swift. I am The One. I am your end."
"It’s nearly midnight. New year, new changes."
"I’ll end the year with you, begin the new with you. And I promise myself to you all the years after."
"With you. The end, the beginning, and all the years after."