
Halo Quotes

Halo by Alexandra Adornetto

Halo Quotes
"We had been entrusted with a task that was much more important than our individual desires."
"You’d better be prepared for a change of lifestyle at Venus Cove."
"Being so close to the ocean was thrilling for the senses—it seemed to roar like a living thing."
"The earth seems like such a dangerous place for angels."
"I marvelled at how ordinary humans managed to live with such turmoil bubbling below the surface all the time—it was draining."
"Every part of being human brought with it some new sensation."
"We may be seen not feeling the cold and draw attention."
"There was so much that couldn’t be put into words. That was one of the saddest things about people—their most important thoughts and feelings often went unspoken and barely understood."
"Having human form meant the sketch was fleshed out. I could see every hair, every pore, with perfect clarity."
"I sighed, pulled my hair into a loose knot on top of my head and put on flannel pyjamas with a black-and-white print of dancing cows."
"Ivy had bought them for me and so far they were the most comfortable item of clothing I owned."
"I went up to my room, grateful for its simple elegance."
"In bed I stretched luxuriously, relishing the feel of crisp sheets."
"I heard him get up to close the doors to the balcony before turning to leave."
"Good night, Bethany," the voice of Xavier Woods whispered. "Sweet dreams."
"Coffee—a lot of humans think they can’t function properly without it."
"I’ll have the pancakes," I said glumly, and Gabriel turned back to the stove with a satisfied look.
"My gift was yet to be determined—apparently it would surface when the time was right."
"How can you tell what someone’s really feeling online?" I asked.
"It’s a rite of passage, the one event you’ll remember your whole life, apart from maybe your wedding."
"He was standing close enough this time for me to notice that his eyes were flecked with streaks of copper and silver."
"You’re as fluent as a native speaker, Miss Church. Have you lived in France?"
"Not setting much of an example as school captain. See me after class."
"It’s not right," Molly continued accusingly. "He walks around looking gorgeous, being friendly to everyone, but won’t let anyone get close to him."
"Oh my God, there’s so much to think about," Molly said, stretching out on the asphalt like a cat.
"We must put it down to natural ability then. You might be happier in the advanced class," Mr Collins suggested.
"Does your family know where you are?" he asked.
"Sometimes you meet a person and you just click—you’re comfortable with them, like you’ve known them your whole life and you don’t have to pretend to be anyone or anything."
"Life isn’t clear-cut, there are always grey areas."
"The heart wants what the heart desires."
"It doesn’t matter what brings people here. It only matters what they find here."
"It’s the fact that they’re kept apart that makes their love stronger."
"We can only hope that He will bless this town."
"If there’s a Heaven, it stands to reason that…there must also be…"
"It’s not Bethany—it’s the rest of the world I’m worried about."
It's your life." "No, that's not quite true. I'm kind of on a lease arrangement.
"Let’s not talk about it anymore tonight, let’s not worry about the future. Okay?"
"I wasn’t sure how long we stayed that way, tangled together on the sand, sometimes locked in an embrace, sometimes looking up at the moon or the rugged cliffs above us."
"I’ve never kissed anyone before him, but I felt as if a stranger had taken over my body—a stranger who knew exactly what she was doing."
"I ran the rest of the way home feeling like he was still beside me."
"I rested my cheek against the rough rope that was looped around a gnarled branch of the oak tree and looked toward the house."
"The angels, not half so happy in heaven, went envying her and me—"
"I felt as though the weight of what I’d done was pressing down on me, like a wave crashing over me."
"I am terrified of how my siblings would react when they found out what I’d done."
"But our love it was stronger by far than the love of those who were older than we—"
"I can’t help the way I feel about him. He means so much to me."
"I felt they were squeezing the air from my lungs, tightening around my heart."
"You are my solution to everything. The end result is always you. X always equals Beth."
"I thought there was no chance of my going to sleep... But I was wrong."
"I was never meant to be with Emily. I was destined to love her and lose her. You’re the one I’m meant to be with."
"I would have cried had I not found myself looking into his eyes."
"Xavier, hon, run upstairs and get the little ones down here to meet Beth. They’re watching The Lion King."
"Beth, you don’t have to do anything just to make a boy happy."
"I believe in fairies," said Jasmine. "Do you?"
"For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful. And may we always be mindful of the needs of others, for Jesus’ sake. Amen."
"I’d imagine the six-year-old ones would." Xavier chuckled. "But don’t worry, they get better at it."
"It’s not appropriate. Just think what example that would be setting."
"I’ve never seen skin so delicate, like a flower. But I suppose you hear that all the time."
"We’ve all end up there one day," said Molly with a smile. "It’s very important to give something back to your community."
"I’m not sure I want to get back on my feet. I think it might be time…"
"No, Beth, they know what they’re doing. You’ll just be in the way."
"Beth, you don’t understand. We’re meant to be together. I’ve waited for you all my life."
"I can’t get through to Xavier. He wasn’t at school, and he won’t answer my calls."
"You’re right. I love you, and I should have known you were telling the truth. I can’t believe I was so stupid."
"I’ve been looking for you for centuries. I’d almost given up hope."
"He’s just a boy. How frightening can he be?"
"As surely as there is a Heaven, there is a Hell."
"Doing well is pretty much a given—Miss Castle likes me."
"When angels’ tears do flood the earth, The gates of Hell shall see rebirth."
"Whatever is necessary to keep the peace," Gabriel said.
"But what does he want with Beth? What can she give him?" - Xavier
"Demons often search for a human to make their own," Ivy said.
"I think we may all be in danger," said Gabriel.
"The loss of Taylah McIntosh is shocking and tragic. She was a great friend and student and she will be greatly missed." - Dr. Chester
"I'm sorry it had to end like this, Bethany," Jake said.
"I renounce you and all your works," I said calmly.
"You might as well give up." - Jake to Bethany
"I'm going to blacken your soul and then claim it as my own." - Jake
"This isn’t your fault." - Xavier to Bethany
"You and your good deeds don't stand a chance." - Jake
"I can’t alter the immutable laws of life and death, Heaven and earth." - Bethany
"I am going to give you one chance and one chance only," Gabriel said to Jake.
"I know he would keep it forever." - Bethany about Xavier