
Bite Club Quotes

Bite Club by Rachel Caine

Bite Club Quotes
"You have to be ready for them to turn on you."
"I wasn’t afraid of a little pain to get there, either, which is a huge advantage in a fight."
"And then, to make sure I knew my place, he practically rammed his épée through my heart."
"You’re in luck, because I have no idea what’s really in these burgers."
"I didn’t come here to fight children, and she needs to learn the same harsh lesson I did: taunting those who are stronger has consequences."
"The stronger have a responsibility to the weaker."
"You’d be very surprised what people get up to."
"I was hoping I was imagining the burgers."
"Fencing seemed retro cool, and plus, there were pointy things you try to stick into your opponent."
"I hate losing. I mean, really, a lot. I usually try to cover it up and pretend like I don’t, but there’s something inside me that gets twisted up and desperate."
"You want us all to be better than we are. That’s charming, and alarming."
"He tried to save my life when you could have just run."
"You don’t understand. It doesn’t matter. I’m the one who’s going down for it."
"Once I realized who he was, I should have just gotten the hell out, but I was too scared to run."
"You don’t have to make this happen. You don’t need it, Monica. Everybody knows who you are. You don’t have to keep on proving it to yourself and to everybody else."
"It’s pretty clear, so maybe a few days? A week? But I don’t know. Sometimes it’s tricky. And sometimes it goes away, too. Things aren’t always obvious."
"Bishop is on the loose, and you’re asking me what the crisis might be? Really?"
"I don’t date fang-bangers. If it’s not him, then it’s that crazy-ass, bloodsucking boss of yours. So, go on. Do what you know you want to do. None of my business anymore. We’re done."
"You want to tell me that again? You want to lie to me again about how you’d never hurt her, Mikey?"
"Can’t you tell? Thought you knew everything, being part of the master race and all. Thought we mere mortals could never put anything over on you."
"You don’t have to love somebody to screw them."
"Shane, stop it. You’re going to break my arm…."
"You’re not hungry. Vassily’s got me on a new diet. Protein shakes."
"I’m trying to help you, you crazy bitch! You can’t trust him. Don’t you understand? He’s biting you! He’s going to hurt you worse than—"
"I don’t do vamps. You ought to remember that."
"I’m not leaving him here like this, thinking that I’m—"
"That’s so not true! I don’t love him. I love you, Shane."
"You’re not anything of mine. You knew, and you didn’t care."
"It takes a lot more strength to know how bad the world is and not want to be part of that, give in to it."
"I don’t wish to look on her face again."
"I’m not playing the games to get what I want."
"You think that because I want to do what’s right, because I want to make things better, I’m weak."
"I hope he’s dead. I hope he died thinking about you and wondering why you didn’t find him."
"Anything worthwhile is worth fighting for."
"I believe you knew about the trip wire, as you call it; I believe you triggered it, knowing that they would run."
"I fight vampires. That’s what I’m supposed to do."
"I’m a fool. And an asshole. You ought to run as far away from me as you can."
"You’re my responsibility. And this is dangerous."
"I thought I’d forgotten to load those shells, too."
"This will take approximately ten seconds."
"Please fall down now, if you don’t mind."
"That hurt. But not, I imagine, as much as this will."
"You don’t have to. Take it or leave it."
"You’re actually going to do this foolish thing."
"It was never quiet, Hannah. You just went off to Afghanistan."
"I’d rather take them on now than risk Amelie coming to harm."
"I trust it's not a favor. I am not feeling very generous just now."
"It's the fantastic school I wanted to attend."
"And the question is, do you want to go to this MIT?"
"I should go. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
"I won’t order you to do anything, Claire. It would be a useless exercise."
"You knew. You knew. And you didn’t tell me."
"I'm completely out of O positive. Stop in and get my cooler, please."
"As soon as Amelie lets you, you’re going."
"I wasn’t mad at you, and I didn’t think you betrayed me."
"I’d rather it was him living in that machine, if it had to be somebody."
"It’s been the toughest week of my life, not touching you. Not talking to you."
"But it doesn’t matter whether you stay or go. I’ll still need you."