
The Word Is Murder Quotes

The Word Is Murder by Anthony Horowitz

The Word Is Murder Quotes
"The sort of day when the sunshine is almost white and promises a warmth that it doesn’t quite deliver."
"When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions."
"It was not at all uncommon for people to arrange their own funerals."
"These days, pre-planned funerals and what you might call bespoke or themed funerals are very much the mainstay of our business."
"The police always know when they’ve got a sticker."
"Most murderers don’t know what they’re doing. They get angry. They lash out. It’s spontaneous."
"The very way he stood seemed to suggest that he was apologizing for having to be there."
"People lowered their guard when they were talking to him. They had no idea what sort of man he was."
"You want mahogany, you pay for mahogany!"
"Well, you’re wrong on at least one of those counts. But the point is, you’re not here to help. You said this was a detective story. I’m the detective. It’s as simple as that."
"Diana Cowper knew she was going to die."
"I have nothing to eat. No husband. My children, four-year-old and six-year-old, have nothing to eat."
"I think that’s what this sort of thing does to you. You go to work. Or you go to visit friends. Or maybe you’re having a lovely holiday and everything seems to be completely perfect and then something like this happens and a sort of disbelief kicks in."
"She look after me so I no need to steal nothing. I am honest person. I look after my family."
"You think it’s all right, do you? That bloody queer, sitting there, surrounded by all that porn."
"The accident? You’re talking about what happened to my two sons in Deal."
"It’s such a simple word, isn’t it. An accident. It’s like when you spill the milk or bump into another car."
"I think that’s the trouble. Nor did anyone else."
"Nothing about the way he dressed or the way he lived fitted the stereotype of the movie mogul."
"I’d added one or two huge action sequences, including a chase on two steam trains that turned into a rollercoaster ride around the Andes."
"A screenplay for a film of this size might pass through twenty or thirty drafts before it was ready for production."
"‘You’ve chosen the wrong book,’ he said."
"It was impossible. Peter and I had discussed which books we were going to adapt when we were in Wellington."
"‘I’m sorry?’ I’m not sure those were the exact words I used."
"‘We can do Prisoners of the Sun as the third film,’ Peter said, brushing it aside with a casual wave of his hand."
"‘And don’t worry, Anthony. We’ll give your agent a call.’"
"‘They seemed very nice,’ Hawthorne said, as he walked down the corridor."
"‘For Christ’s sake!’ I exploded. ‘I told you I didn’t want to come to the funeral. Why did you come here? How did you even know where I was?’"
"‘It’s nobody,’ I said. I still couldn’t quite believe Hawthorne had come here."
"‘I watched them on DVD with my son. He thought they were great.’"
"‘But it’s just a book,’ I assured them. ‘To be honest, I’m having second thoughts about writing it.’"
"In a way, it chose me. You saw the sign above the door of our South Kensington office. It's a family business."
"After I left college, I did other things. I travelled and in my own way I suppose I sowed a few wild oats."
"It's probably not the most romantic way to meet your life partner, but it was the best thing that came out of that day."
"It’s hard to believe that Damian Cowper has been killed. His mother first, then him. It makes you wonder who’ll be next!"
"I don’t suppose you have his number? Yes. I do."
"I’ve had them for some time. I just don’t often wear them."
"If they manage to raise your advance, it will be by quite a lot less than the amount they’re taking for themselves."
"Her talent was in making me believe that, actually, I was."
"Obstructing a police officer in the execution of their duty under the Police Act of 1991. You could be fined a thousand pounds or sent to jail."
"When a child gets hurt, what he wants is his mummy. So what's going on there?"
"You were the mysterious man in the chemist's shop."
"You wanted sex. You were cheating on your wife. And because of that, a child died."
"You’ve got to be hard in this business."
"We made a horrible mistake and we’ve had to live with it every day. But we’re not monsters. We’re not criminals. We were in love."
"All I’ve ever cared about is that Judith should never find out."
"Damian never hurt me. He wasn’t a bad man. He was just ... selfish."
"Death was our life! And the worst of it was that one day I would be exactly the same because that was what they had planned for me."
"I wondered at the time what it was doing there."
"Why didn’t he just ring the Chapel Office and get it from them?"
"Suddenly she recognises Robert Cornwallis and remembers where she has seen him before."
"Perhaps she can see that he’s a complete nutcase."
"She was probably going to ask Cornwallis to get out of her house."
"It was a long time ago and they probably only exchanged a few words."
"She couldn’t remember his real name but she wanted her son to know who it was in her living room."
"The wider the investigation, the more places he visited, the more he earned."
"It’s just a question of patience, Tony."
"I should never have listened to you in the first place."
"They could make me look like a complete idiot if they wanted."