
One Moment In Time Quotes

One Moment In Time by Shari Low

One Moment In Time Quotes
"How many people get to celebrate thirty years of happy marriage? We need to celebrate this in style, Mum. You and Dad deserve this."
"I’m hoping you’ll recognise my parents’ names – Colin and Brenda Jones."
"I love every bit of you, except the bit that reversed my car into the garage wall."
"If you’re reading this, then I’ve popped my clogs."
"Just let me and Millie take care of everything."
"I don’t want to spend the rest of my life like this. I’m not ready to give up and settle for a thousand more Saturdays like this one."
"Practising some self-care. It’s been a tough time for her."
"It’s been doing it for years, Bernadette, so I can manage it for a while longer."
"For years, people had compared the two of them to famous names – Trevon bore an uncanny resemblance to Shemar Moore from SWAT, and in a dim light, Aiden was a dead ringer for Jamie Dornan from the Fifty Shades movies."
"Facebook. He kept his notifications switched off and he hadn’t checked it for weeks. Now he opened it to see fourteen new messages. Shit."
"‘Life’. Great. Here he was, heart shattered and she was posting artfully taken pics on Facebook."
"I’m sorry if this is the strangest Facebook message you’ve ever received, but please don’t delete it before I can explain the reason for reaching out to a stranger thousands of miles away."
"Eeeeeeek! Holy shit! I mean, yes. I did. And you called back. Wow. Thank you."
"I’ve decided to get away for a few days week after next and thought maybe you could come with me?"
"I had a dream last night that I fed her prawns that had been lying in the midday sun for hours."
"She was sure her mother whispered, ‘Oh no,’ and her dad, not untypically, said nothing, just glanced at her mum with a face that conveyed something between uncertainty, anxiety and horror."
"She blamed herself. She blamed Colin. And more than anything, she absolutely blamed the other two people who had landed in Vegas with them back in 1993."
"‘Do you want to tell us what the fuck is going on?’"
"‘I bloody know that! And I agree on all those things, but that isn’t the point. Have you forgotten our conversation a couple of weeks ago? Colin, we’re here and making a pretence of celebrating a marriage that’s on its last bloody legs.’"
"I’ve been waiting to do that for thirty years."
"Sometimes I think we have nothing in common and then you bring vino."
"Well, that’s it. I think I’m having an out-of-body experience."
"I can’t believe you could have been my dad."
"I’ve never been so proud of you both, Mum."
"This guy… I love him but he’s not good enough for you. He makes zero effort."
"I’m feeling highly thrown by this whole bloody thing."
"I think… I’m just trying to make her laugh."
"I’m so sorry. I should never have dragged you into this."
"We don’t need them, Brenda. Fuck them. We were always closer than they were anyway."
"Your dad asked me to marry him, right there in the street."
"I was pregnant with another baby. Your brother or sister. We’ll never know because a couple of weeks after we got back home, I began to bleed and it was gone."
"I think Gary and Eileen left too many shadows for that."
"I love you both. Yep, you too, Eileen, whether you still believe that or not, it’s true."
"Eileen, it isn’t. It’s exactly what I think it is."
"It was the hair. The way he flicked his fringe."
"I don’t think that I could listen to what a wonderful life you’d had without feeling it should have been mine."
"I’ve spent twenty years married to his dad. That was punishment enough."
"She’d kicked off her shoes and Brenda noticed the perfectly pedicured toes."
"I’ve no idea how much of that was me trying to convince myself that everything had turned out the way it was supposed to."
"After a rocky start, she’d thrown caution to the wind and just gone with the flow, vowing to leave all the complicated stuff – the problems with Colin, the decisions about her future, the conflicted but surprisingly amenable feelings for a former friend whom she would have to say goodbye to tomorrow – all of that, she’d just pushed to one side, suspended worry and negativity and decided that for once in her bloody life she was just going to think about nothing else but enjoying herself in the moment."
"There was a freedom that had accompanied that conclusion."
"‘I don’t know if I can do this, Colin.’ The sadness that swept right across his face told her that he knew exactly what she was talking about."
"‘You’ve been a wonderful wife and a wonderful mother. Now, if you want to be, I think you should just be a wonderful you.’"
"‘This is fantastic, isn’t it?’ Colin prompted, although she could hear the uncertainty in his words."
"‘But I’m just saying… You need to be happy and… what’s that word they’re all using now? I heard Oprah say it on the telly. Fulfilled. Aye, that’s it. You need to be fulfilled too and if yer not, then you know I’ll support you in whatever choices you make, m’love.'"
"‘There’s a time when you just have to live your lives exactly the way you want to and for us that’s now. I hope you both have the heart and the courage to do that too.’"
"‘I want to stay here.’ ‘But you know it’s not the life I want.’ ‘Then stay here, sweetheart,’ Brenda said. ‘Just stay. For as long as you want or until your money or your visa runs out.'"
"‘I want to go home and sort out my shop, especially now that Millie won’t be there. Then I want to come visit you in South Carolina and I’d like you to come and see me in Scotland, because I want us to get to know each other properly.'"
"‘But so are you two,’ he said, so calmly that at first Eileen thought she’d misheard him."