
People Person Quotes

People Person by Candice Carty-Williams

People Person Quotes
"He worked as a bus driver, spending his days doing very little in addition to his job but flirting with passengers, chasing women much too young for him, and playing dominoes with his acquaintances at the barber shop near the bus garage."
"Nikisha Pennington. Fiery, driven and bright, she’d decided long ago that having a man in her life was never essential, more like something nice to pick up when she needed and put back down when she didn’t."
"Bernice was a slim and captivating, wildly flirty Jamaican woman with an outwardly sunny disposition but mainly a tongue that would, and could, lyrically destroy you."
"Cyril had promised her the world, and, suitably, had left her with a child."
"The sun was shining and the sky was as blue as the sea he remembered from back home. He loved days like this."
"His mood was entirely dependent on the weather, though he didn’t know why."
"I’m sorry to have to break it to you that we’ve decided to call it a day. Even though we love each other so, so much, we realised that we’d come to the end of the road."
"Why don’t you tell each other what you like at school? So what, you wanna tell people what to do for a living? So you’re bossy, basically?"
"‘Weird or not, I am just doing my duty as your father.’ ‘Your duty?’ Lizzie, already bored of Cyril and his ways, scoffed. ‘As our what?’"
"‘I’m not saying that, am I?’ Prynce said. ‘I’m just saying that if he didn’t come here on bad energy, he’d still be alive.’"
"He put the food on the side. He wasn’t ready for it yet. After the day he’d had, he knew he also wasn’t ready for that kind of emotional warfare again for a long, long time."
"‘You see how mad women are?’ Cyril asked, turning to Nikisha. ‘Well …’ Nikisha shrugged. ‘Aren’t you the common denominator?’"
"Dimple patted under her eyes gently with her index finger, and wondered if a different pair of lashes would hide how puffy they were."
"‘I guess.’ Dimple shrugged. ‘She’s a barrister.’"
"‘She doesn’t mean that.’ Prynce stopped wiping, and looked at Lizzie. ‘She’s not in her right mind,’ Prynce said. He went back to wiping, then turned to his sister again. ‘Wait. Are you offended?’"
"‘But, you are the mother of my children, and I love you. I will always love you.’"
"‘You aren’t stupid. You’re tired, and you’re not thinking straight,’ Nikisha said. ‘But you need to stay calm. This will all be over soon.’"
"‘You don’t make anything easy for me,’ Dimple said in a small voice."
"‘Despite the fact that you got four women pregnant within a five-mile radius of each other,’ Nikisha said, ‘I doubt that was going to happen. We all look like you enough to know. Even the mixed-race one.’"
"We lay him where he used to roam. That way, his spirit is close to home."
"Every other time you’ve broken up he’s managed to weasel his way back."
"I always thought you kept him around to keep your numbers up."
"I thought it was just your thing, isn’t it?"
"I was younger then. Reckless. But I don’t regret it."
"The thrill of it all overrode the part of her that probably loved Roman."
"You’re too young. No, you aren’t even too young, you’re too naive."
"I’m fiercely, fiercely protective of my girl."
"He’d told her that she should stop eating chocolate because the fat was going to the wrong places."
"I’m not making a dig or anything, you know?"
"I’m just asking questions. It’s not that deep."
"You see, look at your face! I knew you’d make this about you."
"I know you all more than you know yourselves."
"I’m not concerned with people’s feelings the way you are, I get things done."
"My choices are right here in front of you."
"I’ve only got a few minutes, so be quick."
"We don’t shake hands in this house, we hug. Unless you’re against that."
"I realised the other day that it would be two years in March since I forced this one to pool all our savings and tie herself to me. Legally speaking."
"It's not gonna ruin your life. It’ll mess it up, maybe. Ruin is a bit strong."
"You are so pedantic! She’s your blood, why are you doing fractions?"
"Behind every light is a life. And there are so many lives different to mine."
"That’s my lunch for tomorrow. She didn’t ask to eat anything. She’s good."
"I’m not going to get into what I know and what I don’t about what may have happened to you."
"That first heartbreak is always the worst."