
The Sorcerer In The North Quotes

The Sorcerer In The North by John Flanagan

The Sorcerer In The North Quotes
"In the north, he knew, the early winter gales, driving the rain before them, would send the sea crashing against the shore, causing white clouds of spray to burst high into the air."
"The smile died on Will’s lips as his keen eyes saw something in the middle distance, almost concealed by the long grass beside the road."
"He realised that his total attention had become focused on the long grass beside the road. Quickly, his eyes scanned left and right again, reaching out to the treeline some forty metres back from the road on either side."
"‘I see it,’ he said quietly, letting the horse know that the warning was registered."
"‘It works for people,’ he said. ‘It should be all right for a dog.’"
"‘Now let’s take a look at what they’ve done to you, boy,’ he said."
"‘Show yourself,’ Will called. ‘You in the black and white. Show yourself.’"
"‘Fare thee well Greybeard Halt, tomorrow’s another day.’"
"‘Of course, of course,’ the Baron replied quickly, then indicated the heavy-set man standing to one side of his desk."
"‘Alternatively,’ he said, ‘we might be able to come to some arrangement.’"
"‘You’ll still report on Norris’s neglect of his duty, won’t you?’ Alyss asked."
"‘But at least I can report that he’s learnt his lesson. His men have been drilling nonstop since the morning after the banquet – and that was unpopular timing, I can tell you.’"
"Old Joe Smoke never took a bath and they say he never will."
"Aren’t we forgetting one small detail? I’m not a jongleur."
"This is a role I'm playing – I’m not really a jongleur."
"Perhaps not the best song in your repertoire, but it's bright and lively."
"Healers, what do they say? What do they ever know?"
"You’ll do well to keep an eye on the weather. There’s snow in those clouds."
"I’ve seen him. He’s huge. A warrior in armour, as tall as two houses."
"Nobody knows how long sorcerers can live. I’d say it’s pretty much up to the sorcerer himself."
"You don’t just march into Grimsdell Wood, Will Barton."
"He’s a fine warrior – some years younger than Orman but a natural leader and popular with the men at arms."
"The problem is, Will’s report raises more questions than it answers."
"Mind you, there’s precious little in the way of game at the moment."
"We’re lucky, we’re not too crowded at the moment, not that that’s a surprise."
"I believe it is a performer’s role to lift people."
"There was a child who died, when all knew that it was within Malkallam’s power to heal him."
"People tend to look for what they expect to see."
"It’s a lot easier to heal an injured body than a damaged soul."
"The bigger and the more improbable the lie, the more willing people are to believe it."
"For a Ranger, a two-hundred-metre shot was bread and butter."
"Anxiety over a missed shot all too often rewarded itself with the very result that it sought to avoid."
"He’s no jongleur, mark my words. Never saw a jongleur who could shoot like that."
"There was no sign of the wizard, unless he happened to be one of the misshapen creatures that faced him across the clearing."
"Her heavy tail was wagging slowly from side to side as she went."
"That’s her! I knew it. Knew I’d seen her. Now she’s standing, there’s no mistake."
"Perhaps these Skandians of yours came ashore again. I’ll ask if there’s been any sign of Skandians in the area."
"The question isn’t really how he got here, but what he’s planning to do."
"The man is a bandit and probably a murderer."
"I’m getting her out. And I’m doing it tonight."
"People rarely notice what they don’t expect to see."
"You’re a strong one. Once a person gets in that deep, it’s very unusual for them to come back. Well done."
"I’m getting Alyss out of your damned castle – if I have to take it apart stone by stone to do it."