
Checkmate Quotes

Checkmate by Malorie Blackman

Checkmate Quotes
"Every time my mum looks at me, she wishes with all her heart that my dad had lived – and I hadn't."
"I did so love it here at Nana Jasmine's private beach."
"None of it mattered. What was the point of any of it?"
"These facts are the only things that are mine and real. Everything else in my life zigzags around the truth."
"I'm just not in a chatty mood, that's all."
"Don't. I'm not in a kissing mood either."
"You haven't said more than two words to me all morning."
"I take that back. I was more than afraid. Nauseous with gnawing fear was closer to it actually."
"I remember he stood outside our gate, day after day, until Sephy went back to school, just looking up at the house."
"I remember a time, a lifetime ago, when my daughter Sephy had been beaten up at school."
"I'm off to see him before you go, won't you?"
"I'm about to enter a room I knew I'd never leave."
"I stopped abruptly. What the hell was she doing here?"
"I'm sorry, love, but I can't let you do any more of Jude's dirty work."
"But I reckon she was born with a halo and angels singing the Hallelujah Chorus around her head."
"Life is all about changes – some good, some bad."
"You're not 'half' anything. D'you understand me? You're wholly you."
"Fear drove my hand. Fear of the past. Fear of the future."
"Seeing the photo after all these years made it all come rushing back."
"If you're willing, I'd be proud to have you call me your dad."
"I want her to find peace. I want her to stop hating the world."
"I wore my fear like a dress of nettles."
"I'm praying to a God I told myself I didn't believe in any more."
"But I want you to have a good, fulfilled life. And a good life is all about choices."
"I bet you can't wait for another grandchild to love."
"I'm an optimist. I'm hoping you'll let yourself love me – one day."
"Callum is... was the past. I let go of the past a long time ago."
"The past rules your life, it dictates your actions and clouds your judgement."
"If you'd really let go of the past like you claim, then you'd love me the way I love you."
"My heart doubled in size and weight inside my chest."
"I couldn't hate you – even if I wanted to. But I don't think we should see each other any more."
"I woke up this morning, the way I went to sleep."
"The truth will set you free – when you're old enough to handle it."
"I'm not paying you or anyone else another penny."
"How else would I sell something as boring as insurance otherwise. I do magic tricks and play all kinds of sleight-of-hand games with this hand."
"I love you more than there are words or stars. I love you more than there are thoughts or feelings. I love you more than there are seconds or moments gone or to come. I love you." - Callum
"When a chance for real happiness comes by, grab it with both hands and devour it. If it lasts five minutes or five lifetimes, it's still worth it." - Callum
"I'm living and dying for the time we can be together again – for always and for ever." - Callum
"All you need tell our child is that I love him or her very much." - Callum
"Don't tell our child about the things I've done since I joined the L.M. And don't tell him or her how I died. I don't want our child to hate me." - Callum
"We were children together and teenagers trying and failing to stay together. The world only had two colours for us – black and white. There were no shades of grey. There were no shades." - Sephy
"But Callie Rose, you have to decide if you want to live the rest of your life believing a lie. Or are you prepared to take a chance on the truth?" - Sephy
"We walked in the road, blocking the traffic so that we couldn't be ignored." - Callie Rose
"Hope? I wasn't even sure if I knew what the word meant any more. It wasn't something I could touch or hold onto. It felt like something I'd lost quite a while ago." - Callie Rose
"I don't want to die a failure. That thought haunts me more than any other. I've got to try and help Sephy and Callie Rose find each other again." - Jasmine