
Dragon Flight Quotes

Dragon Flight by Jessica Day George

Dragon Flight Quotes
"There are three truths I have come to learn in the year since the Dragon War. The first is that both humans and dragons have the capacity to be good or evil."
"Even if you’re doing something you love, you can still become bored with your work."
"My business partner, Marta, will never be finished with her wedding gown."
"I had the audacity to fall in love with a prince, and princes do not marry shopkeepers."
"My mother always said that sunlight was the best tonic in the world."
"Girls from small northern towns who own dress shops do not go to royal weddings. I’m not some mythical warrior woman."
"If you’ve finished fussing over Marta’s gowns, which needn’t be ready for four more months."
"You should wear the gown, not the other way around."
"Dragons, like most humans, cannot scratch the middle of their backs."
"I own a dress shop and girls from small northern towns who own dress shops do not go to royal weddings."
"We dragons are an independent race. It is for the Citatian dragons to break free or perish."
"We need to find out what our dragons know, and see if they won’t help us."
"Niva's clutch is the first to hatch in Feravel in ten years."
"We are the finest tailors in the world. We are here to present his Effulgence with a new suit of clothes."
"Good man," I said. I leaned down and, as delicately as if I were lifting a baby, drew the coat from the basket.
"Very well." An ugly grin split his face. "The king will … maybe … see you. This year."
"We may have to uncollar each dragon by hand."
"You’re not Citatian? Are you Roulaini? You’re not Feravelan, are you? Why did you wake me?"
"Your Majesty is too clever by half," I said mournfully. "We had hoped that your Effulgence would be so caught up in affairs of state that you would not see through our ruse."
"The king’s new coat," I said loudly and clearly, as though speaking to an idiot.
"He should have taken off the helmet," I said as we extracted the king.
"I insist," King Nason protested, and promptly unfastened his trousers.
"You haven’t patted my dragon," King Nason announced, pushing through the crowd of courtiers admiring his new coat.
"His Majesty will have to try it on later, in private," Lord Arjas said.
"The Golden King, alive!" Ria didn’t seem to hear the part about his injuries. "And coming to defeat his brother at last! This is a great day!"
"It was a good idea, Creel," Shardas echoed. "But things will turn out all right, regardless. Krashath wants to fight me. If it means he has to stay on the ground, he will."
"Go home. And if you should see Velika again … watch over her for me."
"Shardas the Gold is our king because he is the strongest and wisest of us. He would not make a promise that he could not keep. He would not sit idly by while we suffered, fighting for our freedom."
"They are lying," Krashath’s voice hammered at my ears. "The king’s new coat," I said loudly and clearly, as though speaking to an idiot.
"Please try on the coat, sire," Marta wheedled. "It must be properly tailored for the full glorious effect."
"Krashath still alive? It’s a nightmare!"
"We’re going to have to slide down and stand there. If we try to hold on here, we’ll get hand cramps and fall."
"I want to find that dragon, the one I … well, Tobin … uncollar."
"We are sorry to interrupt the wedding, but we came to speak to you about our exile from human lands."
"I am not asking you to cede anything. But I am asking you, and all the other human kings, to stop with the lands you currently occupy."
"We have plans to raise our own crops and livestock, and perhaps to learn to create our own objects of beauty."
"We are not a war-like race. We do not revel in killing, nor are we hungry for land or power the way most humans seem to be."
"How can we know this won’t happen again? If Milun the First could find one way to control all the dragons for miles around, and Krashath find a different way to control us individually, then it is only a matter of time until someone else tries a third method."
"The Far Isles. No human nation has yet laid claim to them, though ships have been dispatched to explore them."
"It’s time that I had a talk with King Caxel, since my people do find themselves living in his lands."