
The Dying Of The Light Quotes

The Dying Of The Light by Derek Landy

The Dying Of The Light Quotes
"Colorado winters are something to behold, as his dear departed dad would say, and Danny isn’t one to argue with his dear departed dad."
"He quit, and there’s no one to blame but himself."
"Early morning grows into mid-morning, and mid-morning sprouts wings and becomes a hot, sun-blasted afternoon."
"He takes out the list even though he doesn’t need it, just to make sure he hasn’t missed anything."
"By the time the road gets narrower, he’s already sweating a little, and as he follows the twisting dust trail, he can feel the first trickle of perspiration running between his shoulder blades."
"Something in the way she looks at him makes him regret his choice of words, but before he can try to make things better she’s already unpacking the bags."
"No plan survives first contact with the enemy."
"She was not one to second-guess herself. She was not prone to introspection."
"The smiley face that Clarabelle had drawn on to its smooth metal head was still there, and gave the robot an endearingly cheerful expression."
"It’s like coming home. Although this one … Before we release the others, can I go get another host? Someone better looking?"
"You're probably right. I should probably save my hugs for later."
"I'm Detective Inspector Me. This is my partner, Detective Her."
"There's a chance that she's overestimated her control over them."
"You're parked in a no parking area and as such you're—"
"That’s the problem with this country, you know."
"You're the one in the wrong! I’m the victim here!"
"You shouldn’t be so quick to try to sell me things."
"I meant to say, I have enough padlocks."
"That’s the thing about redemption. If you’re looking for it, the chances are you’ll never find it."
"Every action has a consequence, right? Stuff you did when you first met Valkyrie is coming back at you now, six years later."
"The time it’d take is suddenly irrelevant."
"Just because you don’t like begging doesn’t mean you’re not going to."
"Why, now we have one of Mevolent’s most fanatical followers running the Irish Sanctuary, and bullying every other Sanctuary into doing her bidding."
"I don’t think I can teleport. I need a clear head. My head isn’t clear. It’s ouchy."
"It’s like there’s something inside me that wants to be part of a group, or it wants them to like me or … or something like that."
"Physical death means nothing. We’re all just energy, after all, aren’t we?"
"Life and death are just two ways in which energy moves. Two possible paths out of a billion."
"Did she want to belong? Was there some part of her that wanted Valkyrie’s old life? Did she want people to like her?"
"All she had to do was make a decision. It wasn’t too late."
"Sometimes the repercussions of our actions are not felt by us directly. Sometimes they’re inflicted upon the innocent and the ignorant."
"Don’t open the door to strangers," said her dad. "Unless they’re selling something."
"I’m pretty sure he was the sheriff," Valkyrie said. "The other cowboy was in a jail cell."
"You think she heard? You think she heard what we were saying?"
"We’ve been each other’s firsts. That meant something."
"A smile broke out across Gordon’s features. 'My favourite niece has returned to me! Tuesdays were always my favourite days!'"
I don’t know," said Gordon. "Hours, certainly.
"‘You really think I’m letting you go down there without me? I’ve read Anathem Mire’s journals from cover to cover. I know his maps, I know his notes, I know every short cut and every dead end off by heart.'"
"‘The brave princess, the brave mermaid, the brave rider on her brave horse, whatever you wanted the story to be about … the brave little girl always won in the end.'"
"‘Oh, thank God. Darquesse, she was here. She took over—’"
"‘But I need the information that is resting somewhere below your thoughts.'"
"‘I didn’t know. I thought … I didn’t think they even existed. They’re in stories, in legends, and we have Dragon Eye jewels and dragon thread and dragon this and that, but no one ever seriously thought these things came from actual dragons. That would have been … ridiculous.’"
"‘Your mother echoed a valid point you yourself have made.'"
"But everything else is true. And Darquesse – and this has just happened over the last few weeks – Darquesse kind of took me over and killed a load of people, but now she’s out and she’s inhabiting my reflection’s body and we think she’s going to destroy the world."
"I’m going to kill every man, woman and child, every animal, plant and organism in my reality and I’m going to do it because I can! I am Darquesse! I am the darkness at the end of the day. I am the cold that overcomes the heat. I am inevitable, you insignificant little toad. Who the hell are you to think you can threaten me?"
"I’ve done terrible things," Skulduggery said. "Things I will never make right. But there’s one thing I know. There’s one thing of which I’m certain. I’m a better man than you."
"And why exactly have you chosen now to make this offer?"
"We are the people you have left behind."
"My love, my sweet, you have done terrible things, things that have marked your soul."
"Your wife and child, murdered in front of you by a man whom you later turned to dust."
"You have taken your vengeance. You have killed the man who murdered us. What else is keeping you here?"
"The time has come again for you to join us."
"Violence is never the answer, until it’s the only answer."
"If you try anything, I’ll kill her without a second thought."
"I’d lay down my gun and I’d talk until my bones turned to dust. But words are for reasonable people."
"I’m not the one who’ll surrender. And it won’t be like it was, either."
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
"You’re a part of me. We belong together. You feel it, too, right? You feel that a part of you is missing?"
"We don’t know what to classify your discipline as."
"Sacrifices had to me made. I don’t expect you to understand."
"She’s got her stick, hasn’t she? She won’t need me. Besides, I’m babysitting."
"My favourite little toy," said Darquesse.
"I’m afraid you can’t beat me," he calls to them as he nears.
"We can’t detect Darquesse on the map, but the odds are she’s still in the blast area."
"You’re not wearing your jacket. If I fire, you’re dead."
"She’s got a whole new universe to conquer. I’m sure she’s thrilled."
"You made my life better! You made me better!"