
Take The Key And Lock Her Up Quotes

Take The Key And Lock Her Up by Ally Carter

Take The Key And Lock Her Up Quotes
"In the age-old war between fight and flight, I’m Team Flight."
"But instead I creep toward the window and look out the dirty glass, and a stark truth hits me: I’m already there."
"Alexei is being gentle with Jamie. That’s how I know that things really are as wrong as I remembered."
"I can barely remember what laughter sounds like."
"But I’m too busy being happy he’s alive."
"Not for the first time, I find myself officially envious of birds."
"No. I mean, I don’t know. I don’t care about your … cogs."
"I’d give anything for this island to be haunted, but the woman on the rocks is flesh and blood."
"I’m not going to overthrow the king! I want to … graduate high school!"
"I’m a princess, but I’d trade places with the Luras of the world in a heartbeat."
"I need to make myself as small as possible."
"I swear that I will never, ever forget it."
"Do you know how long it is when you have no idea if your best friend is dead or alive?"
"My mom was Amelia’s direct descendant. I am Amelia’s descendant."
"They’re going to storm the gates and kill the heir."
"We feel the rain before we see it. The wind turns crisp in a second and water falls to the dusty ground in fat, wet drops."
"I doubt she even knows what year it is."
"Don’t worry about Alexei. He’s worried about you. He doesn’t care what happens to him."
"Would you care if your mother didn’t recognize you? If she acted like you never existed?"
"I have to find it," I say. "Whatever it is."
"My voice cracks. My eyes fill with tears."
"I’m too numb to feel anything anymore. Hope isn’t an option for me."
"I’m through running, but you might want to hide."
"I want to fight and kick and claw until the rest of the world hurts as much as I do."
"You’re going to let him go," I tell her.
"The sunlight shines where the truth is laid."
"My soul is already charred, my moral account overdrawn."
"It’s like stepping into a dream. A bad one."
"It’s the prettiest prison I have ever seen."
"We want this to work. We need this to work. You are the solution to a two-hundred-year-old problem."
"Women are always in battle. Your mother knew that better than anyone."
"I’m going to end it, Rosie. I just want to end it."
"I don’t want to marry you and have your babies either, but it’s that or be hunted until I die, so …"
"You never really know anyone. And that's the only thing I know for sure."
"Hope is a delicate thing. A dangerous thing."
"It's not too late to find him, I tell myself. It's going to be okay, I lie."
"You can't stop running. I do not dare stop running."
"There are some paths you're destined to walk alone."
"I'm just trying to memorize every second of this moment because I know it may very well be our last."