
Girl With No Job: The Crazy Beautiful Life Of An Instagram Thirst Monster Quotes

Girl With No Job: The Crazy Beautiful Life Of An Instagram Thirst Monster by Claudia Oshry

Girl With No Job: The Crazy Beautiful Life Of An Instagram Thirst Monster Quotes
"I slid out of my mother’s womb like a baby seal and proceeded to cry and throw temper tantrums for the next fourteen years."
"My sisters and I loved each other because we had to, but we liked each other because we wanted to."
"I was definitely shocked, because I didn’t feel like there was anything wrong with my parents’ marriage, but I wasn’t devastated over it."
"I was drowning in a never-ending sea of black 'camisoles,' as they called them."
"I was no longer locked up in the shackles of corporate America."
"The IRS sent their notices in certified-mail envelopes that pretty much made me shit my pants on the spot."
"I have recurring nightmares about it. I watch too much Law & Order."
"I’ve always wanted to adopt more religious practices and become a little more observant."
"I was so happy with Ben because there was an equal amount of excitement and genuine happiness from both of us."
"I hate the concept of dating because you’re essentially acting for ninety minutes."
"The fact that I got engaged right after college and married at twenty-three always seems to shock people."
"I sometimes feel conflicted about my change in plans."
"Before Ben, I had a short-lived but fabulous life as a single gal traipsing around the NYU campus."
"That kiss opened up my floodgates. I was head over heels in love with Maverick."
"Isn’t that the worst thing about being thirteen or fourteen? Boys are developmentally behind."
"I remember watching the Kardashians from season one of the show and connecting with them immediately."
"Being a public figure made me care more about my weight than ever before, and I hate that."
"I feel weird referring to myself as a famous person because I genuinely like to think of myself as a regular chubby girl with a little ketchup on my shirt."
"The first time I ever felt famous was in 2015. I was at a casino in Puerto Rico."
"The one thing about fame that has both pleasantly surprised me and disappointed me is the people."
"Being a public figure really fulfills a need for me, but being so disliked and somehow becoming this polarizing, controversial figure kills me."
"I understand that negativity and backlash is just par for the course when it comes to my job, the job I chose."
"If being famous is defined as being recognizable—both you personally and your work—then I acknowledge that opinions and judgments are part of being known."
"There’s a phenomenon of people thinking because you’re famous, you’ve signed a social contract that says absolutely nothing in your life can be off-limits anymore."
"When you are Internet famous, you owe a lot of your success to the people who follow you, and they know that."
"There’s this pressure from people who are constantly wanting me to share more, open up more, and post, post, post."
"I’m definitely not one of those people who complains about being famous, because at the end of the day, I love my life."
"I have to admit, my skin isn’t nearly as thick as I used to think it was."
"The Internet did not invent celebrity culture—but it did change it."
"There will always be a separation between traditional and digital talent."
"The tricky thing with fame can be the money that comes along with it."
"The most fucked-up part of the cancellation process is the rejoicing that occurs when the angry mobs of Twitter trolls successfully cancel someone."
"The culture is so vastly different from what it used to be."
"I am not easily motivated, which is why I’ve worked out six times total in my life."