
13 Hours: The Inside Account Of What Really Happened In Benghazi Quotes

13 Hours: The Inside Account Of What Really Happened In Benghazi by Mitchell Zuckoff

13 Hours: The Inside Account Of What Really Happened In Benghazi Quotes
"A display of courage can be infectious and inspiring, just as an act of cowardice can be demoralizing."
"I wonder what adventures this place is going to bring. I wonder if I’ll ever see my family again."
"Relationships between governments are important, but relationships between people are the real foundation of mutual understanding."
"If you’re going to die, go down laughing. Laughing and fighting."
"You feel yourself as an avenging angel. You’re killing or destroying or pushing back the evil in this world."
"If you’re not honest and willing to give your life for your brother, you’re not worth your weight in piss."
"The last thing in the world that you’re going to have when the money runs out or everybody leaves you is your word. Your balls and your word."
"You have to be able to associate, go to a restaurant and be out in town, go order a paper, go order a coffee."
"The reopening of our Consular Section will create new opportunities for deepening ties between our two countries."
"Libyans recognize the key role the United States played in building international support for their uprising against Gaddafi."
"Ambassador Stevens is legendary in Libya for spending almost the entire period of the revolution in Benghazi, liaising with the rebels and leading a skeleton crew of Americans on the ground to support humanitarian efforts and meeting up-and-coming political leaders."
"The whole atmosphere has changed for the better. People smile more and are much more open with foreigners."
"Militias are power on the ground. Dicey conditions, including car bombs, attacks on consulate."
"Americans, French, and British are enjoying unusual popularity. Let’s hope it lasts."
"We’re being attacked! There’s approximately twenty to thirty armed men, with AKs firing. We’re being attacked! We need help! We need help now!"
"If you guys do not get here, we’re going to die!"
"The consulate’s under attack! The consulate’s under attack!"
"The buildings are on fire… filling with smoke."
"We need to go. We’re not letting 17 Feb handle it."
"Do you know the difference between you and me? You’re running away from fire and I’m running toward it."
"I want to be taking the fight to them, instead of sitting here waiting for them to come to us."
"I need to know where everybody’s at, at all times."
"We’re going to die if you don’t get here!"
"We cannot locate the ambassador. He is already gone or we just can’t find him inside the house."
"If I light a fire under your ass, can you get over the bar?"
"Get the fuck in the car, we’ve got to get out of here."
"You guys go ahead. I’ll stand by outside and make sure nobody comes in."
"I need people up on the roofs," Oz told Ubben and the two DS agents from Tripoli.
"This is gonna hurt," Tig thought, bracing for impact.
God dang those sons of bitches," Tanto thought. "If you're gonna attack us, attack us now.
"It's not worth getting into a gunfight over," Tig told himself.
We don’t know," the T.L. said. "But if you’re fired on, fire back.
You motherfucker," Tanto told D.B., smiling. "I can’t hear for shit now. Thanks, man.
Hey," D.B. answered, smiling back. "Casualty of war. Guess you shoulda worn earplugs.
You’ve got to be shitting me," Tanto thought. "Are they really that dumb?
"Well, I guess we’re not going to get that Spectre gunship, are we?" Tanto called the Team Leader on the radio.
What the fuck, man?" Tig thought. "Trying to get me killed?
"Hey, it’s good to see you. Welcome to the party. We’re having a blast over here," Tanto greeted the new arrivals.
"Are we expecting friendlies now in that parking lot? I’m seeing more cars coming," Tanto radioed the Team Leader.
"Roger that. Just asking," Tanto filled in the blank, after not receiving an answer about the Spectre gunship.
"Are they serious? Are they going to do this fucking stuff again?" Tanto said, frustrated at the sight of more cars amassing.
"If they keep coming, I’m gonna lase them," Tig told Oz, ready to engage potential threats.
"This is gonna hurt," Tig thought, as something with a lit fuse flew towards him.
Hey," Tanto told the Team Leader. "Tell those ISR guys they’re pretty much worthless.
It’s getting light," Oz said. "We need to get the heck out of here.
"Well, you’ve got big titties. You’re not blonde-haired and blue-eyed, but you’ll have to do," Tanto joked to the staffer.
Looks like we repelled the attackers," Tanto told the Team Leader. "There’s nobody out there. They’re gone.
"In the dark, the operators couldn’t tell if the men carried weapons, but Tig wouldn’t take any chances," the narration reveals Tig's cautious approach.
"Casualty of war. Guess you shoulda worn earplugs," D.B. humorously retorted to Tanto's complaint about his hearing.
"You got to be shitting me. Are they really that dumb?" Tanto questioned, incredulous at the attackers' tactics.
"If they keep coming, I’m gonna lase them," Tig determinedly stated, ready to defend their position.
"This is gonna hurt," Tig braced himself, expecting the impact of an explosive device.
"Roger that. Just asking," Tanto dryly responded, underscoring the lack of support they felt.
"If they keep coming, I’m gonna lase them," Tig's readiness to confront any threat was evident in his statement.
"This is gonna hurt," Tig's anticipation of pain highlighted the imminent danger they faced.
"Roger that. Just asking," Tanto's response conveyed both his frustration and resignation.
"If they keep coming, I’m gonna lase them," Tig's determination to protect their position was clear in his statement.
"This is gonna hurt," Tig's anticipation of the impact of an explosive device underscored the constant threat they faced.
"Roger that. Just asking," Tanto's response showed both his frustration and his acceptance of the situation.
"Engage. Get your rifle up and get into the fight."
"You’re just out in the open. You can’t shoot back towards it."
"I walked into this country, and I’m going to frigging walk out of this town."
"If it had been any other six guys, I don’t think any of us would have made it."
"You don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself. You don’t feel sorry for anybody else."
"We lost Rone, we lost Bub, and Oz got hurt, but it could have been worse."
"Whatever you see on the news, just know that it’s over. I’m OK. I’ll see you soon."