
Wicked Abyss Quotes

Wicked Abyss by Kresley Cole

Wicked Abyss Quotes
"Because it still sits upon your godsdamned head."
"The foulmouthed brat got used to being the king’s favorite."
"Careful, cousin, this hothouse rose intends to flourish and grow sharp thorns."
"I’ve kept this crown for millennia because I allow no threats to fester around me."
"You don’t have to go all the way. Just a great deal of the way."
"I won’t rest until I discover a way to hurt Abyssian Infernas."
"I will figure out what his weaknesses are and how to exploit them. I’ll do anything I can to destroy him."
"Are you deranged in this life? You must be."
"You will pay for wrongs done to me in your past life."
"You are infatuated with me, young demon. It will pass once you return home and surround yourself with fawning demonesses."
"As soon as you’ve uncovered weaknesses, we will extract you."
"I plan to torture her till she begs for mercy."
"You have a lot of bloody nerve contacting me."
"How about a proper greeting for your betrothed?"
"I have Kari in my home. I own her, bought and soon to be paid for."
"You just refused my order? You’ll learn who commands you."
"Can you even see me, you blank-eyed beast? Hear me?"
"Stupid female! Do you really think something like this could hurt me?"
"No. Which is why I coated the point with freshly milked spider venom."
"If you strike out at me, I’ll hit you twice as hard!"
"I’m no spy. And this Nïx person can go fuck herself."
"Then let me work in the kitchen. I could find something to eat there."
"You belong here. I—do—not. Release me now!"
"I’ll do it over and over again out there."
"I find myself desperately craving orange juice."
"I won’t be endlessly entertaining to you when I curl up on the ground from weakness and never get up."
"I could match even Loki, the greatest trickster ever to live."
"Godsdamn it, what are you thinking about?"
"I thought the option of killing me was on the table. If my torture ceased to amuse."
"Perhaps I’m done punishing you. Maybe I got the worst of my anger out of my system."
"You are the one who imprisoned me in this tower. Besides, if anyone should be brought down by faun erections, it’s you, King Abyssian. You deserved that and more."
"I won this round, I’ll replace these items in your room, and we can start this evening over."
"What are you going on about now, demon?"
"All you’ve done is give me a problem to solve."
"You’re in no danger this evening. I vow to the Lore that you’ll be safely returned to your tower after dinner."
"You were thirteen when they ceased guiding you? Then what happened?"
"I’ve already answered this question for you in a past life."
"My sire was a warrior and explorer, known for his wiliness. My dam was darkness personified."
"Because of your treachery, Goürlav was forced to seal the portal for good—like a tourniquet to stem blood from a ruined limb—abandoning those demons."
"I’m hardly lonely. My concubines cater to my every filthy desire."
"I don’t want to fight with you anymore."
"I feel torn apart, Calliope, as if two souls war within me."
"And I you. That’s why our marriage will work."
"You make me insane. Madden me! Never get enough of you. Never."
"You make me ache in parts of my anatomy farther south."
"I’ll have you in nothing but those garters and hose."
"Every night of my life, I’ve imagined licking an orgasm from you."
"You would feel comfortable and go at your own pace."
"Your pussy’s getting wetter before my eyes."
"I don’t cherish her because I desire her; I desire her because I cherish her." - Abyssian
"You were particularly suited to spy here—since you know my tongue." - Abyssian
"I'm in love with Abyssian Infernas." - Calliope
"I’ve heard all your lies. And I know that you’ve loved Saetth since you were a little girl. Just like Kari loved her fey king. History does repeat itself." - Abyssian
"I am in hell. Heaven! No, hell." - Abyssian
"You will belong to a demon... forever." - Abyssian
"I am proud of my pain. Of my loss." - Abyssian
"You’ve lost this round just by virtue of one fact." - Calliope
"Hell hath no fury like a hell queen scorned."
"Power thrumming through her, she swayed on her feet, sensing... success."
"Suddenly she knew how to defeat Saetth. She laughed at the solution, stamping her feet. By not defeating him at all..."
"You told me to accept my curse. She’s my second one. I must accept that she is vicious down to her soul, and nothing will change that."
"Maybe a more levelheaded fey regent could overthrow Saetth."
"Find the fire, and your appearance will be pleasing."
"I can see it! We’re almost there, demon."