
Destined Quotes

Destined by P.C. Cast

Destined Quotes
"Take me to North Tulsa. I want to go out into the night."
"Protect me! But do not be protective of me."
"You’re my weapon; you kill. Deal with it."
"I await your command, Priestess," he repeated.
"Who would have known the Vessel created for me would be as mindless as he is beautiful?"
"He is the Vessel that is the manifestation of your deepest dreams, and are they not for utter and complete chaos?"
"He is, indeed, one creature, but his power is vast."
"You’re not a fledgling, red or regular. You’re not a vampyre."
"This still isn’t going to be an easy road."
"You are as mindless as he is beautiful."
"I am not simply a vampyre, and this is no boy."
"You’re wrong on both counts: I am not simply a vampyre, and this is no boy."
"Nyx let me see her enter the Otherworld."
"This isn’t right. I’ve so messed this up."
"No matter how rough it is, it’s a better road than the one that leads to darkness and hatred and death."
"You’re not gonna be just any bird. You’re gonna turn into a raven."
"I’ll know. I give you my oath. I’ll always find my way home to you."
"And I see that you keep stirrin’ the shit pot."
"I don’t know much about vampyres, but everyone knows High Priestesses are in charge."
"I think that’s the point Nyx was making. I’m paying the consequences for my past actions."
"But I also had a weird surprised feeling, like my intuition was seeing something that my mind couldn’t handle."
"We don’t steal them! Nyx gifted you with them for the good choices you’ve made."
"I think evil’s greatest threat comes from its own pride and arrogance and greed."
"He’s been having problems sleeping since, well, you know—he came back from the Otherworld."
"The only two other times that’s happened has been when old magick has been present."
"What matters is that she is remembered with love and kind thoughts."
"I’ll fight for Light and what is right."
"Dragon’s tears Missed years Overcome fears The fire and ice paradox Seen with True Sight Darkness does not always equate to evil Light does not always bring good."
"You may rest assured that I will not let him forget that."
"My girl can do everything a smaller horse can do. She has all the gaits: walk, trot, lope, gallop."
"Neferet, Dragon, and five Sons of Erebus Warriors standing there as if they were a weird vampyre welcome wagon."
"The paradox could have something to do with Kalona and Rephaim."
"If it’s not a secret Father could have found out anywhere."
"I also think we can trust Rephaim, even though he loves his dad."
"Darkness does not always equate to evil. Light does not always bring good."
"Not trusting him doesn’t mean not hoping."
"Take your time. Be sure Stevie Rae's okay."
"Cat Therapist. When she's in her professional mode I like to think of her as Doctor Nal."
"Once the Goddess gives a gift she doesn't take it away."
"There's a big difference between believing something will happen and just hoping for it."
"The breath of heaven is found between a horse's ears."
"I don’t want to be anyone’s Twin again. I just want to be myself."
"What is it you need from me? What sacrifice must it be?"
"Her life force does demand the sacrifice be equal to your command."
"I change my request not killing her would be best. Frighten her—bruise her but leave her lifeline unbroken and pure."
"My blood from me to thee by command—so mote it be!"
"I know what I am supposed to be. I do not know if that is all that I truly am."
"I’d rather not have you dead," Stevie Rae said.
"I hope Thanatos helps you find your answers," Zoey said.
"I give you my oath on it," Thanatos said.
"Sometimes I think I should have been the one to die and Heath should have been the one who stayed with you. He believed in love a lot more than I do."
"If you harm the Consort of the Priestess who embodies the earth element, that will definitely distract her from performing her very pivotal part in the reveal ritual, and it will hinder the spellwork to follow."
"I would not do that unless he was endangering the other students!"
"Sword Master, I think the truth is that you are lost. And even were Rephaim not going to be at the ritual, I would not want you present."
"Then I will leave you so as not to be a distraction."
"My presence would go against the very heart of the spell. Is that what you said to me?"
"I am going to the ritual. I’ll watch and not interfere—unless evil tries to strike again. If it does, this time I give you my oath I will cut it down."
"The less people know about our business, the better."
"We’ll all be with you," I told him. "We’re all in this together."
"Fear can be beneficial if it is tempered with common sense and courage."
"The truth is I need my mom and I’d give just about anything to have her alive and on my side again."
"We each decide what we are by the life choices we make."
"I feel her sadness. I feel her fear. I feel her loneliness. Why? Why does Zoey Redbird make me feel?"
"Your death has broken me. The dragon is all I have left to be."
"Tonight we wish to see with true sight."
"I am sorry. You are my son. You will always be my son. Forgive me for my anger and my foolishness."
"Hold to the memory of the healing that happened here this night. You will need that strength and peace for the upcoming fight."