
Transcription Quotes

Transcription by Kate Atkinson

Transcription Quotes
"War and peace. Peace and war. It would go on forever without end."
"The girls on Schools reception came and went with astonishing rapidity."
"The whole evening had left her feeling rather sour."
"Her mother’s death, on the other hand, demanded poeticism."
"The beauty of the pearl was just the poor oyster trying to protect itself."
"The BBC didn’t have room for them in Broadcasting House so they had been parked across the road in No. 1 and gazed, not without envy, at their mother-ship, the great, many-decked ocean liner of Broadcasting House, scrubbed clean now of its wartime camouflage and thrusting its prow into a new decade and an unknown future."
"It’s imperative we defend the BBC. The Germans mustn’t get their hands on the radio transmitters."
"What a generous chap. You are a lucky girl."
"‘Can I tempt you?’ ‘That’s very kind of you,’ Juliet said. ‘I think I will.’"
"‘I don’t think you’re anyone’s girl, Miss Armstrong.’"
"‘Land of Hope and Jewry’ in their reedy church voices."
"‘We will shoot all the informants the minute the first Nazi sets foot on our soil.’"
"‘You need a good memory in our line of work,’ he said."
"‘You will have an official existence – identity card, ration book and so on, all in Iris’s name.'"
"‘This England,’ Perry said. Juliet thought he was about to quote Shakespeare, but instead he said, ‘This England’ (as if there were another one somewhere)."
"‘But what if he had planted a suggestion in her mind? She had seen hypnotists on stage and worried that she would suddenly start quacking like a duck in the canteen or think she was a cat when she was on the Tube.’"
"‘It doesn’t know there’s a war on,’ he said. The bird seemed to have brought on a fit of melancholy."
"‘It’s rather delicate. It concerns our friend Godfrey Toby.’"
"‘I was wondering if you had any spare time on your hands?’ ‘Not really.’"
"‘The Germans are knocking on Belgium’s door, and after Belgium, it would be France’s turn.’"
"Penguins were comic creatures, Juliet thought. These men weren’t funny. They were in charge of the country, one way or another."
"‘Always behave as if you belong,’ Perry advised."
"‘It’s important not to fall prey to delusions and neuroses,’ Perry said."
"‘Can I tempt you with any of these bracelets?’"
"‘Promise, miss?’ The imposing door opened reluctantly."
"‘What is that you’re drinking? It’s purple.’"
"‘We met Hitler, you know. In ’36, at the Games.’"
"‘My mother gave it to me before she died,’ Juliet said softly."
"We lose sight of the ideal that propelled them and yet millions die in defence of – or attack on – those beliefs."
"If everything is pointless, then so is despair, isn’t it?"
"The world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel."
"The only thing that connected them was Juliet herself."
"The war had thrown up plenty of unpaid debts – why should she be the one being presented with the bill?"
"Sometimes it was better to go step by simple step."
"Ghosts leave no footprints, but she was forgetting that Hartley had always seemed to be intimately acquainted with every member of staff in every hotel and restaurant in London."
"Sometimes you can know too much, Daisy."
"The world was just an endless dialectic. It was exhausting."
"I think it might be something to do with Godfrey reappearing."
"He spread his hands on the tablecloth as if he might be trying to levitate the table."
"The majority is not always in the right, you know. You just feel as though you are."
"When all else failed, the mundane remained."
"I have been too many people, Juliet thought."
"She put her hands on top of his and said, ‘It’s all right. I understand.'"
"Despite dying at the hands of the Nazis, she had never merited the soubriquet ‘poor’."
"She hadn’t expected him to survive Operation Overlord and was surprised when he resurfaced in government after the war."
"She washed this morning’s breakfast pots and made a cup of cocoa."
"Sometimes, you know, I think my soul has been confiscated."
"One is never free. It’s never finished."
"I believed in something better. In something more noble."
"You’re my girl now, Miss Armstrong. Don’t forget it."
"This England, is it worth fighting for? Yes, she thought. What other answer was there? Really?"
"Was Godfrey the ‘little bird’ who had told Perry where to find her? Had Godfrey saved her? Or had he betrayed her?"
"Godfrey, the Magus. The Master of Ceremonies."
"She was alone. No longer on Wigmore Street, but beginning her first steps down the long dark tunnel."