
I'll Meet You There Quotes

I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios

I'll Meet You There Quotes
"Pools didn’t get you pregnant, and they didn’t die on you. Who needed anything more?"
"This wasn’t a date, and I was suddenly wishing—against all my better judgment—that it was."
"The stars were never very bright in Creek View—it was in a valley and there was too much pollution blowing down from San Francisco. But they were still pretty, so far above us."
"It’s not a crime to get out. Even if… even if it doesn’t go the way you thought it would."
"You either feel it or you don’t, and we just didn’t, much to his mother’s disappointment."
"I wanted to be on it, flying away from Mom and the trailer park and these strange feelings that were taking root in the pit of my stomach."
"I’d seen some pretty real stuff in my life—my mom, before she got sober, sitting in a pile of her own vomit the day my dad died, missing him too much to care about anything but dulling the pain."
"The wind carried the scent of manure and gasoline and the orchard behind the fence. It blew under the thin material of my dress, and I shivered when it slipped over my skin. I envied its reckless abandon, the way it touched without fear."
"I envied the train's reckless abandon, the way it touched without fear."
"It’s hard driving away from her. I don’t know, man, I just want to, to take care of the situation. Like, she had this look on her face when we pulled up—it was just for a second, but she was panicked and I could feel myself go into battle mode, that rush of let’s do this and for a second I remembered what it felt like to have a purpose, a mission."
"The moon’s not big enough to wish on. Nothing is."
"If you could make a beautiful piece of art from discarded newspapers and old matchbooks, then it meant that everything had potential. And maybe people were like collages—no matter how broken or useless we felt, we were an essential part of the whole. We mattered."
"It’s our job, but we appreciate the support."
"I’d been short with guests all day and had even given Marge some attitude when she’d asked me to run to the bank for her. I’d apologized, of course, and it was fine, but I didn’t want to be one of those girls who brought her personal drama to work."
"Seeing my mom like this was pressing Rewind on my life, taking me right back to those bleak months after Dad died, when the world turned gray. Not that I needed reminding. I thought about him all the time."
"I paused at the door to my room and turned around. 'I have to get up early for work tomorrow,' I said. 'Would you guys mind keeping it down?'"
"Being a Marine isn’t the only thing you’re good at. Maybe you just don’t know what your thing is yet, you know? I think you’re selling yourself short."
"It was my own little escape pod, but none of it was enough tonight. Not after Josh and definitely not after Mom."
"I longed to slip off my shoes and run through them. I wanted cool earth under my feet."
"Sometimes I wondered if I’d ever find something to fill those places inside me that never stopped wanting."
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
"How had this become a thing with us, dancing to slow songs?"
"I was keenly aware of how the downpour plastered my clothes to my body, outlining every curve, and how it did the same to him."
"Why is it that some people in the world get to wake up in beautiful houses with fairly normal parents and enough food in the fridge while the rest of us have to get by on the scraps the universe throws at us?"
"Just as the rain outside drenched Creek View, my art was washing me clean."
"I tried to think of a million excuses to come to the Paradise during the day, when he was normally here."
"I could feel the train in my chest and thought about how dying on these tracks would be the epitome of a small-town death."
"Art is the only way to run away without leaving home."
"You’re so different from the rest. Every time I try, I just keep screwing it up."
"It's like I couldn’t even think because I had this overwhelming need to have him. Tonight."
"I’m a fuckin’ U.S. Marine, that’s why! First to fight, the President’s Own, you punk."
"Someone in this family has to make something of her life, and we both know it’s not gonna be me."
"It’s like every guy in the circle was seeing me for the first time."
"I want you to be happy. Billy and I are just two lonely people that need someone."
"Just because I'm old doesn't mean I'm blind. That's exactly what's been happening."
"You have no idea. No idea what happened, what I did."
"I don’t know, I’m ... it’s a ditch. I can’t describe a fucking ditch, Josh."
"I’m not gonna get run over by a train. Seems like these days you’d want that, anyway."
"I could only tell the story once, and Josh was the one who needed to hear it. But I’m glad you know."