
The Midwife's Confession Quotes

The Midwife's Confession by Diane Chamberlain

The Midwife's Confession Quotes
"You could feel the connection between them when you’d walk into a room where they were sitting, even if one of them was on the computer and the other reading. You could feel it."
"Sometimes not keeping a baby is the loving choice."
"You’re such a perfectionist, Tara. You have this expectation of yourself that you can be a perfect parent, but there’s no such thing."
"She would never be able to fix the world to her liking with just one."
"I just don’t understand why there weren’t more people at the service."
"Maybe this Laurie person has her mixed up with one of your other midwives."
"Her mother put her arm around Noelle’s shoulders and hugged her close. ‘Then I want you to do it the right way,’ she said."
"We have to figure out why she died, Tara. One way or another, we need to get to know her now."
"Retirement messes with the calendar in your head, just you wait and see!"
"Being involved in things is just healthy."
"You say that every single time you see me with a cup of coffee in the afternoon."
"You seem to understand exactly how painful this has been for me and know just the right things to do and say to help."
"I don’t have any big preference if you want to switch."
"The only way to get rid of the anger was to make sense of what she’d done."
"I still don’t get it. Why would she lie to us?"
"I’m glad to see you looking so well. I was just devastated to hear about Sam."
"If we discover there really is an Anna and this looks like something that really happened, then we can figure out the next step."
"Life’s too short. He’s back now and he’s wonderful with Haley. That’s what matters."
"I watched as one of the twins—I had no idea which one—handed out turquoise baseball caps to each of her sisters and Haley."
"You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped."
"I’d rather raise a child like that than one who’d stab another person in the back to get ahead."
"I wanted her to be able to see that riverboat. To take a ride in it. To sit on the bench and marvel at the silvery water. To taste a caramel latte."
"You’re never going to want the big house and the white picket fence and the two kids and a dog."
"If the doorbell hadn’t rung at that moment, I might have pulled the mug out of the box again."
"I wasn’t sure what was written in my face, but I didn’t want him to read it."
"I could see that he cared deeply about Haley and her sense of security with him was growing."
"You look good," I said, pulling a chair close.
"Always loved your pumpkin bread," he said.
I need to talk to you," he said, "and I'm afraid this will shock you a little, honey.
"I can't die without telling you the truth about Noelle."
"She’s your half sister and my granddaughter. You were never supposed to know."
Trying to keep you from making a mistake," she said. "A mistake for both you and Tara. And for me.
"He was having his doubts, and although he never said as much, she felt certain she was the cause."
"I've thought about it inside out and backward these past couple of years, Noelle. You know that."
He probably did," Ian said. "I’m guessing he saw the contracts as the only thing he could do for her.
You want to live your life without me," I said. "Yes, I do," he said. "Right now, I need to.
"When he was with me, he wanted me. The second he was away from me, though, he was influenced by his stupid friends."
"People had told me I sounded wonderful, and I’d forgotten how it felt to fill that beautiful space with my voice."
"I would not say no right away. I’d let her talk."
"We had no idea how deep this was going to get. I think we were hoping we’d find out it was all a mistake somehow."
"I’d forgotten how it felt to fill that beautiful space with my voice."
"I wanted to feel that sweet damp hair against my skin again."
"I’ve opened a gigantic can of worms and I don’t know how to get them all back in the can."
I’m alive," I said to the picture on my monitor. "I’m right here.
"That’s the way she shows her love, Gracie."
"She was like a little clique that did not include me."
"If you’re Lily, we want you, okay? We’ve prayed to find you."
"I’ve got hope, with a capital H. That’s my middle name."
"It seemed so wrong to be glad that Noelle had stolen me, yet in that moment, I was glad."
"Hope could lead you down the garden path."
"I need to talk to him before Grace’s mother arrived. I just couldn’t hold on to this revelation alone any longer."
"Your dad and I raised you and you’re our daughter."
"It was like a missing piece of my heart suddenly appeared in the doorway."
"I need to help Jenny find her way through that future."