
Protect And Defend Quotes

Protect And Defend by Vince Flynn

Protect And Defend Quotes
"This moment had not been part of the plan, but it shouldn’t have surprised him."
"He hadn’t felt this alive in a long time, though guilt was still hovering in the recesses of his conscience."
"His guilt over her death drove him to the heights of rage and the valleys of sorrow."
"He was a fool to think he could settle down and have a family."
"The odds of that happening tonight, however, were slim to nonexistent."
"Contrary to what his current prone position and the woman lying next to him suggested, Rapp had not traveled thousands of miles for a romantic getaway."
"She was more than capable of taking out the target, either by hand or with a gun, but she lacked practical experience."
"The lovely Latina beside him had seen neither the mean streets of a ghetto nor the rough, covert world of Special Forces operators."
"Killing a fellow human being was not always as difficult as one might believe."
"To change one’s role so quickly is nearly impossible. To kill cleanly, and make it look like an accident, was the domain of the rare, tested assassin."
"The president’s national security advisor and chief of staff were right on their heels."
"Don’t worry." The president took off his suit coat and threw it on the couch across from the conference table. "By the looks of you, I’m assuming you were off doing something I don’t want to know about."
"Seriously. I found out about this right before I gave him his morning briefing."
"The Iranian government hates these guys with a passion, and MEK suffers no lost love for the hard-line clerics."
"The people want to eat it, they just don’t want to see how it’s made."
"The only reason I am here is because your president requested that I meet you. What do you want?"
"There is nothing wrong in finding out what the Americans have to say, but do not trust them."
"We will make them pay for their arrogance. We will destroy them."
"Let them pack all of their vaunted carriers into the gulf, where they will be that much easier to sink."
"It was one thing to see a building with a few relatively small holes where bunker-buster bombs had penetrated."
"We have a right to defend ourselves," Amatullah shouted.
"You will take our case to the United Nations. Those responsible will have to pay."
"It is our just right to demand retribution in both blood and treasure."
"And you think the Americans will sit there and take it?"
"We will strike back at our enemies like never before, and I know exactly where to hit them."
"Association with the CIA had a way of making most people nervous. Kind of like being around someone with a communicable disease."
"The long-term key to winning the war on terror was to get the women involved."
"The guy is unbelievable. He actually tried to blame it on us at one point."
"The American people are growing tired of war, and they are growing tired of defending the criminal Jews."
"The Internet, TV, radio, cell phones, and travel were all blurring the lines of race and ethnicity."
"The people of Iran have suffered for far too long while their leaders have enjoyed the spoils of the late Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi."
"They have held on to their power by strangling all dissent. There is no free thought, no free speech, and no freedom of faith in Islam."
"The effects of their occupation were far-reaching."
"The beautiful city of Isfahan now contained a nuclear disaster second only to Chernobyl."
"Economic prosperity was spreading, as were the effects of decades of immigration from Lebanon and Palestine to Europe, America, and Canada."
"We want to see you make advances in science and health. We want to see you succeed, if for no other reason than we stop getting blamed for your failures."
"I can promise you, we had nothing to do with the attack."
"He’s got more spies in America than practically every other country combined."
"There’s nothing official about this. Not until they agree to keep a leash on Hezbollah."
"The sad truth is that it isn’t. And that is why we destroyed the nuclear facility at Isfahan."
"The lack of opportunity makes it all too easy for the clerics to preach their hatred."
"He began by recounting the horrible downing of Iran Air Flight 655 by the U.S. warship Vincennes which had resulted in the deaths of 290 people, 66 of whom were children."
"With the destruction of the Isfahan facility we have marked the beginning of the end of these tyrants, and the start of the fight for a true Islamic and democratic Iran."
"Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t he always out of control? Isn’t that one of the reasons why he gets stuff done while everyone else sits around and talks about it?"
"One of Director Kennedy’s greatest strengths was that she got results."
"You’ve got a lot of pressure on you right now."
"Mitch, it’s the president here. Are you all right?"
"The director of the CIA was just kidnapped, and her entire security detail was wiped out, and you want to lecture me about an oath and a two-hundred-plus-year-old piece of paper?"
"Our entire country is based on that piece of paper."
"I apologize for my language, Mr. President, but this is ridiculous."
"She knows every single spy and clandestine operative we have in the Middle East, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg."
"We don’t even have a week. If I don’t get answers out of these guys in the next twenty-four hours, we are going to have to start recalling every clandestine operative the CIA has in the region."
"Mr. President, all I’m asking for is twenty-four hours. Just let me do my job and I promise you, I’ll find out who is behind this."
"Even if she’s dead, Mitch, I want her back."
"The instructors at The Farm made Kennedy and her fellow classmates watch the tapes twice—once before they started their classes on interrogation and again at its two-week conclusion."
"Everyone breaks. Even the toughest of the tough. All you can do is hold out as long as possible to give your colleagues time to move agents and operatives out of harm’s way."
"Mitch, please, just don’t do anything permanent. I mean, come on—you can’t cut the guy’s dick off."
"Congressional oversight was a nuisance Rapp had been working feverishly to circumvent for the majority of his career."
"The number of elected officials who were willing to put the good of the country ahead of their own ego, and the success of their political party, was minuscule."
"And then he would ask them what they would want Rapp to do if they were ever taken hostage."
"Kennedy was too important to him personally, and too important to the country, for him to get squeamish."
"Rapp made every effort to make sure noncombatants stayed exactly that. Women and children were strictly off-limits."
"If you don’t confront a lie, people will believe it."
"If you feel like gambling with your family jewels, you go right ahead and try to lie to me."
"I refuse to speculate what it is exactly that President Amatullah is up to, but I will not tolerate such brazen aggression."
"I will not negotiate with terrorists, and I will not get drawn into a debate with a man who is so desperate to hold on to power that he would kill his own people in order to drum up support."
"The drug always elicited conversation, but not necessarily meaningful conversation."
"The man's head bounced off the floor, and then the blood began to flow in an expanding pool of crimson."
"If for a second he thought that either Amatullah or Mukhtar possessed the ability to do what was right, he wouldn’t even think about passing along this information, but he had his doubts."
"In the end, America would never invade. They had neither the troops nor the stomach for what would be a very costly battle on both sides."
"I will do whatever it takes to succeed."
"You tell me where you’ve stashed Imad Mukhtar and CIA Director Kennedy and the money’s all yours. If you don’t, I’m going to start by shooting you in the foot and then the knee."
"It is time for the war to begin. It is time for you arrogant Persians to sacrifice for Allah."
"So am I." Rapp pulled the trigger on the 9mm and shot him in the chest.