
The Last Coyote Quotes

The Last Coyote by Michael Connelly

The Last Coyote Quotes
"Any thoughts that you'd like to start with?"
"My thoughts are that this is bullshit. Total bullshit."
"What happened had nothing to do with stress."
"I don't think you should be doing that."
"I'm sorry, I should not have started with that kind of open question."
"Sometimes I think it was like she had been heading toward that alley for a long time beforehand."
"It's not in the file. It didn't need to be."
"Loneliness had been the trash can fire he huddled around for most of his life."
"He heard a female voice from nearby singing the words of the song."
"Bosch knew that what he saw in her face was what a man would see if he made love to her."
"Such was the power of the getaway face."
"He saw a coyote step out of the brush...its eyes catching the reflection of the stoplight and glowing."
"He stopped at the edge of the dropoff and looked down into the darkness below. The blue mist was all around him now."
"He had fallen asleep with it between his fingers, only to be jolted awake by the searing pain of the burn."
"He watched the morning begin for nearly an hour, fascinated by the show he had from his deck."
"There was a report about Grant High finally reopening in the Valley."
"It was a cool evening and he felt a chill as he walked across the intersection to the spot where he had seen the blue coyote."
"Later, as he lay in his bed after more drinks and with the light still on, he smoked the last cigarette of the night and stared up at the ceiling."
"He thought that he resembled some of the old men he’d seen after they were found dead in their beds."
"You better think about this and make sure it’s what you want."
"I saw a coyote last night. Near my house."
"I thought about him when I got in bed after I got home."
"There used to be one that lived in the canyon below my house."
"I’m not sure I’m following you. Harry, you have to come out and tell me what you’re talking about."
"I’m an orphan…I never knew my father and my mother was murdered in Hollywood when I was a kid."
"You don't jump from the first domino to the last."
"I accept the truth in anything as long as it's the truth."
"Sometimes, the moment is all that matters and in that moment I was doing the right thing."
"The hurt was the worst part. She loved me."
"You can't get the feel for her. You can’t know her like I did."
"All I know is that she did all she could to get me out of there. She never stopped trying. She just ran out of time."
"Pride gets in the way of a lot of the right decisions. Don’t let that happen to you."
"What is happening with you, what has made you take on this private investigation of yours. It might explain a lot about your recent actions."
"I don’t think I can trust anybody else."
"It’s not worth the toll you may have to pay."
"You are the sum of many parts, not the sum of one."
"It’s a way of describing a violent outburst that has its roots in several pressures on an individual."
"Everything changed for me after she was gone."
"I think the thought is there, but you never know."
"They say when a cat is ornery and scratches and hisses at everybody, even somebody who wants to comfort it and love it, it’s because it wasn’t held enough when it was a kitten."
"The desires of two individuals rose and subsided on their own courses. There were emotional needs separate from physical needs."
"For a man who had had a gun pointed at him twenty minutes earlier, he realized he felt pretty good."
"For Bosch, sexual encounters had always been a question of timing."
"I’ve had a long time to think about it. When you finish up, Bosch, you’ll see, there’ll always be one. One case that stays with you."
"It makes you forgive a lot, forget a lot…That’s the thing about Los Angeles. It’s got a lot of broken pieces to it. But the ones that still work, really do work."
"Sometimes I think that I know strangers better than I know anybody else, even myself."
"I guess we should head in. Too bad they weren’t really biting today."
"I guess I mean I was in Florida. What do you think it means?"
"I'm not going to miss him and I certainly won't miss working for him."
"Everybody on this planet has some kind of energy that makes them what they are."
"The civilized people in the world, the ones who hide behind culture and art and politics... they're the most dangerous people on earth."
"I'm free of all of that bullshit now and this is all that matters to me and I don't care what I have to do, I'm doing it."
"We let it go. That was our crime. But not anymore. At least, not with me."
"I'm talking about that I spent most of the time with a woman I know there."
"I don't care if there was or wasn't. He made the report. That's the point."
"I'm telling you to keep Brockman and everybody else away from me."
"You want to know who I am? I was the best woman he ever had."
"I'm not here for the money and I'm not from the IRS."
"It's not just me. You don't trust anyone."
"Important men surround themselves with important men. They're never alone."
"I'm not worried about that. How much was there?"
"You've got more than that. You just haven't thought about it."
"Because everybody counts, Mittel. Everybody."
"He told me tonight. He wanted to marry her. She wanted to marry him. On that night back then, he finally decided to chuck it all, to risk losing everything he had to gain the one thing he wanted most."
"I told Mittel I didn’t care what he thought the damage to my career would be. I told him we were going to move away. I didn’t know where. La Jolla, San Diego, I threw a few places out. I didn’t know where we were going to go but I was defiant."
"I realized, looking at the photo, that Conklin might simply have been part of the promise, part of the manipulation. Their marriage plan was her way of getting Harry out."
"I’m a helpless man, Hieronymus. So tell me, did you come here to kill me? Don’t let my story dissuade you from believing I deserve it."
"It was the bravest act of his life. You realize that? That took balls to be willing to risk everything like that…But he made a mistake."
"Don’t you dare! Don’t you tell me it didn’t mean anything."
"You see, I would rather face the judgment of afterlife than have you look at me while knowing the truth."
"I don’t ask for your forgiveness, Harry. That would be an insult."
"There is no one left to convince me now."
"I think you are a good and clean and ultimately kind man. Don’t do this to yourself."
"The past is like a club and you can only hit yourself in the head with it so many times before there is serious and permanent damage."
"It’s just that there was something about what she wrote and what she did at the end that…I don’t know, I just felt like that was enough."
"I thought that if I painted you, you would come back."
"When you find the one that you think fits, then grab on for dear life."