
Reckless Quotes

Reckless by Elsie Silver

Reckless Quotes
"The hardest thing for me to accept with the implosion of my marriage is that I didn’t see it coming."
"Leaving hurt, but I can finally breathe through the pain."
"There was something unusually wholesome about that interaction, like she was a teenager caught gawking and got embarrassed about it."
"People respect me because I’m smart. Or because I’m accomplished. But they don’t like me."
"It’s a peculiar feeling to have all that you ever wanted, but not in the way you envisioned."
"I cried happy tears. Because no matter how unplanned this is, I can’t help but see it as a blessing. Something turning up Winter after getting shoved down so many times. Something just for me."
"I barely know Theo, but I know I have to tell him. He deserves to know, and he deserves to know before anyone else."
"It’s like my body knew Rob was a piece of shit, even when my brain didn’t."
"I just watched a heart break right in front of me. And I remember how it feels."
"You’re telling me I have a daughter and I missed it all? The pregnancy? The birth? Everything?"
"Watching Theo hold Vivienne for the first time does a lot of things to me."
"The sweet cooing noise she makes back at him, like she’s an instant goner for this man, makes me want to cry."
"I could fucking bury whoever made you believe you’re as unlovable as you seem to think."
"It’s not only a great lay, but a shameless and persistent flirt."
"Sloane cuts the tension. 'You don’t owe us an explanation. If you guys are happy, I’m happy. Vivi has so much love, and she’s the luckiest girl in the world with two great parents in her life now.'"
"Mom: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
"Winter can call me her business partner all she wants, but no one is going to accuse her of the things Rhett did earlier. I won’t allow it."
"Yeah, Winter. That’s normal. And you shouldn’t settle for anything less."
"Peter and Winter have a lot in common. Prickly on the outside, a little broken on the inside, and in desperate need of someone to hold them."
"But if you hold that metal long enough, it will heat. Take on the temperature of its surroundings."
"I’m happy to take over tonight. I want to spend quality time with Vivi."
"I’m going to take care of our daughter so that you can get the rest you need."
"You’re not evil. I wish you’d stop thinking of yourself that way."
"Winter, you have no fucking idea what I see. No fucking clue how hard I’m trying not to be another person who needs something from you."
"Who knew a shitty, stained coaster with both our scrawling signatures scribbled across it could upend my carefully curated boundaries so thoroughly?"
"You are the family. Whatever happens between you and Theo? This little girl right here is a gift."
"I want us! And that terrifies me! Because what if it doesn’t work and Vivi is stuck with two parents who hate each other?"
"Because you make me like myself . . . and you’re the only one who ever has."
"Well, because he’s so handsome, my brain stops working when he’s around. And he’s so sweet my heart forgets it’s been broken so badly in the past."
"There is no one I’d rather hang out with."
"No one has ever made me feel so good. Like I don’t need changing or fixing."
"Everything and everyone around me has changed. But more than that, I’ve changed."