
Witch Week Quotes

Witch Week by Diana Wynne Jones

Witch Week Quotes
"The person to take it to was the deputy head, Mr. Wentworth. But the difficulty there was that Mr. Wentworth’s son was a member of 6B—the small boy near the back who looked younger than the rest was Brian Wentworth."
"Larwood House was very strict about a lot of things, because it was a boarding school run by the government for witch-orphans and children with other problems."
"The real reason that Mr. Crossley changed his mind was the awful thought that the note might be true. Someone in 6B could easily be a witch."
"I do not know, Nirupam Singh wrote musingly, how anyone manages to write much in their journal, since everyone knows Miss Cadwallader reads them all during the holidays."
"The only interruptions he had to fear were when the other groups came pounding past him and he was tangled up in their efforts for a few seconds."
"As soon as 6B had shuffled away to the school hall, Mr. Crossley sped to the staff room, hoping to find someone he could consult about the note."
"Miss Hodge thoughtfully squared off another stack of books, until she was sure Mr. Crossley had gone."
"Dulcinea took a leading part in the Witches’ Uprising of 1789. She was arrested and burned, along with the other leaders."
"Charles began shaking again. 'No,' he said. 'It wasn’t that. It was something else!'"
"Maybe he’s gone to sleep. It was warm in there."
"Dear, dear, that man needs a woman’s hand here."
"Has he a bedroom along the corridor, do you know?"
"It was almost as if Mr. Wentworth had never been."
"This has been an awful day. I’m so glad it’s nearly over."
"What ripping fun! I’m down for scrum half this afternoon!"
"Nothing I said this afternoon came true."
"Do you need to be in front of the inquisitors before you stop?"
"How dare you talk to me like this! It's pure blackmail! You'll get no help from me!"
"You can disable all the phones in the school if you like, but you won’t stop me going and telling everyone I meet about you."
"How else can I have eyes in the back of my head?"
"There's absolutely no point in going to Miss Cadwallader, Miss Hodge."
"They are made from the great events in history, I believe, sir."
"My dear sir, do you realize that you, your son, and four of your pupils are all likely to be burned unless we do something?"
"You think your troubles give you a right to get this lady into much worse trouble with the inquisitors?"
"What’s all this? I did understand you, didn’t I?"
"I suppose you have to, but it will take us hours."
"The present state of witchcraft began quite suddenly soon after 1600. That means that the accident we’re looking for must have happened around then."
"You would simply melt quietly into the people you really are in that world."
"It will take strong magic. But it is Halloween and there ought to be a great deal of magic loose in this world particularly."
"If any of you want me again, a message to the Old Gate House should find me."
"Guy Fawkes blew up the Houses of Parliament."
"He’s got it! Guy Fawkes is the reason our world went different. But why?"
"This is a miserable affair. We have a witch in our midst."