
Going Bovine Quotes

Going Bovine by Libba Bray

"I would like to thank everyone I’ve ever kissed or punched and anyone who has ever kissed or punched me."
"I’d like to thank the guy who once validated my parking ticket when I had no money."
"I would like to thank the people who save the whales and the whales themselves, especially the whales stuck in middle management, because that is tough."
"I’d like to thank people who read and think and people who have made me think and read."
"If I possibly met you in some parallel universe, I would like to say welcome and thank you, too."
"The best day of my life happened when I was five and almost died at Disney World."
"Who dies at Disney World? It’s full of spinning teacups and magical princesses."
"I want to live in this new Utopia of singing children of all nations."
"For one crazy moment, we were all laughing and smiling and sharing the same experience, and it was good."
"The realest thing I’d ever experienced was that moment under the water when I almost died."
"Understanding and appreciating the material are secondary."
"I’ve put my head on my desk, where I can hear the minute hand ticking hard in my ear."
"I can’t go a day without wanting to draw a happy face on every surface I see."
"You might at least pretend to be interested in my life."
"If you had on a hat I’d ask you to take it off, ’cause you 'bout to hear some church."
"I don’t know what kind of pot this is—Imagine There’s Some Badass Dude Coming to Kill You pot—but never again, man."
"Ten zero zero. Zero, my favorite number. As in zero expectations, zero disappointments."
"It seems a bad time to point out that I am unreliable. Or I’m reliable when it comes to being unreliable."
"I’ve only worked there four weeks, and already it feels like a soul-sucking spiral of pain."
"The world’s going to hell. It’s all gonna end."
"Our atoms, the architecture of the soul, live on. I’m sure of it."
"I pick up a copy of Automobile Quarterly and pretend to be interested in an article about a guy with a used car lot specializing in refurbishing old Cadillacs. Anything to avoid talking."
"This paper clip holds papers just fine. But if I bend it, like so—it no longer functions in the same way."
"What happens to us when we die: an informal poll."
"If this is what my last days are going to be about, put the pillow over my face now."
"Denial. As a coping tool, denial is severely underrated."
"Funny, I used to hate the kids in my high school for any number of small and big annoyances; now I hate them only because they get to be alive longer than I do."
"I feel like I should say something, but somehow I don’t think Glory’s the I-want-your-sympathy type."
"Because I’ve accepted Jesus Christ into my heart and my life. And I know that what happened to me happened for a reason. God has a bigger plan for me, and I have to trust in that."
"What if there is no divine plan at all and we are totally on our own?"
"You're being given a chance. Take it and you might live. Stay here and you will surely die."
"How do you look for the random? Doesn't the random generally find you and that's what makes it random?"
"We are weary travelers trying to find our way home on a road that never ends."
"We've got a lot in common. Music opens your soul, makes you ready."
"Time and space don't always play by the rules you think they do."
"Everything's connected, my friend, and we got a lot in common."
"Whatever Junior told you, you best do, cher. He’s never been wrong long as I’ve known him."
"Maybe Junior was mixed up in something big—gambling debts or, hell, I don’t know."
"The dawn’s sending out the early team to ready the sky."
"It’s a long way from the stupid, choreographed riding mowers of my safe little suburb."
"People always think they know other people, but they don’t. Not really."
"I mean, maybe they know things about them, like they won’t eat doughnuts or they like action movies or whatever. But they don’t know what their friends do in their rooms alone at night or what happened to them when they were kids or if they feel fucked up and sad for no reason at all."
"The maddest thing a man can do in this life is to let himself die."
"Take my advice and live for a long, long time."
"It’s the bad thoughts that stop us. If you embrace the positive, you’ll be fine."
"You have to believe you can do it, Cameron. That you’re entitled to happiness—by any means necessary."
"See? The universe doesn’t want us to be unhappy, Cameron. The universe wants you to be happy all the time!"
"We’re all winners here in the Church of Everlasting Satisfaction."
"Having to wait for things hurts your happiness."
"Being happy is a choice totally within your control. The universe has arranged for you to be happy. You just have to accept it."
"Happiness is the new Manifest Destiny. Go stake your claim on it!"
"If you start to feel unhappy, buy something."
"Welcome back to Numbsville, population: one."
"I like making an entrance; otherwise, no one notices you."
"You've been assigned an identity since birth. Then you spend the rest of your life walking around in it to see if it really fits."
"Fear not! I will slay them all and use their bones to adorn my table."
"A car is a lot like a woman. If you treat her right, she'll get you where you're going and not give you a peep of trouble."
"It’s about dismantling all that false armor, getting down to what’s real."
"Dude, I can’t believe you whizzed on him." - Gonzo.
"Just because I’m small doesn’t mean I have no worth." - Balder.
"I thought I was having an existential crisis, but it was nothing."
"My honors student sells drugs to your honors student."
"Quantum physics has a problem of major gravity."
"I looked upon your face and knew happiness." - Balder.
"Whoa," I murmur. The tree takes up the whole clearing.
"This is it, cowboy. The whole ride. Pay attention." - Dulcie.
"I’m getting a serious dwarf-tossing vibe off these guys." - Gonzo.
"This is a necessary part of your destiny. It’s in your hands now. Use it well, son." - The old man.
"Ideas don’t hurt people, people without ideas do!"
"In every nothing, there’s a something. In fact, there could be everything!" - Dr. T.
"The dame wanted advice, but I was coming up short."
"Can't be the Dwarf of Destiny without a sick topper."
"Tomorrow, we may die. But tonight we dine as heroes!"
"To quote the great Silas Fenton, 'We are for honor and good, sworn to protect the galaxy until our atoms are spread among the stars.'"
"Trust me, it's the one constant of this universe."
"Even stars gotta leave home, see things, go places."
"That I cannot say. For me, it is the dream that Ringhorn waits for me on the sea."
"Why do all that if somebody else has done it for you, if they can tell you who to be?"
"You're nobody unless everybody knows who you are."
"Figuring out who you really are is hard work."
"Sometimes I'm so far ahead of the curve that no one gets me."
"I could probably turn that into a clothing line—Gears Gear."
"It's like, you're so far ahead of the curve that all there is is blankness."
"It's like we're alone together, and it doesn't seem like that's how it should be."
"Hey, baby, can I call you back? We’re kinda at Disney World."
"The only thing that makes sense in this world is the random."
"We create our own reality. I can live with that."
"There is no cure for this life. You live it to the best of your ability."
"Who but the mad would choose to keep on living? In the end, aren't we all just a little crazy?"
"There's nothing to say but wow. Wow. The same word backward and forward."