
The Wicked Deep Quotes

The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw

The Wicked Deep Quotes
"Did they struggle to stay above the waterline two centuries ago, when they were forced into the deep, or did they let the weight of each stone carry them swiftly to the cold, rocky bottom of the Pacific?"
"Most seventeen-year-olds have driver’s licenses and rusted-out cars they found on Craigslist or that were handed down from older siblings. But instead, I have a boat. And no use for a car."
"Our small town is sheltered from the outside world, trapped in time."
"Your fate lies at the bottom of a teacup, she had often whispered to me before shooing me off to bed."
"The knowing of what’s coming, the death that creeps up over the town like fate clawing at the door of every shop and home."
"But it’s not the island you should fear—it’s the waters surrounding it."
"You don’t know what it feels like—this pain that won’t go away."
"This town was built on revenge. And it’s never made anything better or right."
"I knew the truth about what happened to him. I always have."
"People used to say that the apples and pears that grew on the island had magical healing properties."
"We need to be careful. Act normal. Don’t give them any reason to suspect we could be one of them."
"They don’t know for sure. She looks fine to me."
"I didn’t come here to be trapped on an island."
"There’s always reasons to stay. You just need to find one reason to leave."
"Sometimes I think this island is a magnet for bad things, the center of it all. Like a black hole pulling us toward a fate we can’t prevent."
"Love is an enchantress—devious and wild. It sneaks up behind you, soft and gentle and quiet, just before it slits your throat."
"I once read a poem about love being fragile, as thin as glass and easily broken. But that is not the kind of love that survives in a place like this. It must be hardy and enduring. It must have grit."
"How do you let yourself unravel in front of someone, knowing your armor is the only thing keeping you safe?"
"Promises are easy to make, I think but don’t say. Because I know he believes his own words."
"But how do you let yourself unravel in front of someone, knowing your armor is the only thing keeping you safe?"
"Love is not a fire, love is a cold so fierce it feels like it will peel the skin away from your bones."
"We both lost our lives in the harbor that day."
"Guilt seethed through my veins as I stood over his freshly dug grave so long ago."
"I never wanted to live this long. I’d always hoped that someday the sea would finally take me."
"Memories can settle into a place: fog that lingers long after it should have blown out to sea."
"Nothing that lives this long can stay the same."
"Once you’ve experienced death, living never feels quite the same."
"I’m sorry for what’s happened to you. You deserved a better life, far away from here."
"This town destroys everyone eventually. Like it destroyed my sisters and me."
"We are all at the mercy of that ocean out there—we’ll never escape it."
"I wanted to feel something again for someone—for you. I needed to know that my heart wasn’t completely dead."
"To die. To sacrifice yourself so others don’t have to. To make a choice."