
The Girl Who Lied Quotes

The Girl Who Lied by Sue Fortin

The Girl Who Lied Quotes
"You can’t keep ignoring me. I’m sure you never really thought you could walk away from everyone and everything."
"Now, it wouldn’t do for a girl to tell her boss and her boyfriend all her secrets, would it?"
"It takes less than a minute to carry out, just in time as my next client arrives for her full leg wax."
"I haven’t much of my Irish accent left any more."
"Remember when Sophie was born, she was such a scrap of a thing."
"As for this generation of Wrights, Bex says she named them after her pregnancies. A difficult first pregnancy and an easy second one."
"There’s a real sense of community. Everyone’s really friendly."
"I’m twenty-six. My star sign is Aries. My favourite food is Indian. I like rock music and ride a motorbike. I love the sea and hate the gym."
"I can’t bear the thought of having an abortion, but at the same time I don’t know how we will manage."
"That’s just great, Erin. You’ve got it all sorted out, haven’t you?"
"My parents and Shane’s parents are very different."
"I’m watching you. I know that bottle was yours and there’s more than just coke in it."
"You really need to get over yourself. You think you’re the only one who’s had a tough childhood. Well, I’ve news for you. You need to lose that chip on your shoulder."
"It’s because it hurts, and that hurt goes both ways."
"We were friends, sure, we were more like brother and sister back then. Wouldn’t you agree, Erin?"
"After a few years, Mum remarried. Me and my stepdad, we never hit it off."
"The last words she said left me in no doubt."
"I need to make a decision. To take control and not let the currents drag me along to unchartered waters."
"I think we have to be honest with each other. We need to have complete trust in each other."
"I don’t think the heat of the moment lasts for nearly nine years, does it?"
"Sometimes good things come out of bad things."
"Time is precious, there’s never enough time."
"Life’s not like that. Not for me. Not for you."
"I know where I want it to, but I’m just having a hard job getting there."
"Everything I have ever done, or not done, has been for many reasons, but at the heart of it all, the underlying reason has always been because I love you."
"Don’t be worrying about that now, can’t you go inside, out of the way?"
"‘You know, after a time, bearing a grudge becomes second nature. It’s easier to cut someone off and not speak to them than it is to face them and to face whatever the issue is.'"
"'What I did when I had the baby doesn’t mean I didn’t love her,' said Erin. 'I love my child, more than anything and giving her up was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.'"
"'Strength doesn’t come into it. And even if it did, you can lean on me.'"
"'I’m sorry, Dad,' I say. 'So very sorry. Please forgive me.'"
"'Being a mother, loving your child, wanting to protect them. Isn’t that motive enough?'"
"'Trouble is, the other half of the story is conveniently missing.'"
"What Kerry really wanted was her forgiveness, but he wasn’t sure he would ever get that now."
"Nothing yet. There’s going to be a press conference tomorrow."
"‘May I?’ he indicated to the stool at the dressing table."
"It’s the truth, Mam. I know. Erin told me."
"‘We’re all ears,’ says Kerry. He takes my hand in his."
"‘A lifetime?’ says Kerry, his whisper matching mine."
"‘It’s only me, Mum,’ I call, opening the front door to the two-bedroom bungalow my parents now live in."
"‘You ready for this?’ It’s the first time both families have got together."
"‘To families,’ he says. ‘In all their forms.’"
"Coming home was most definitely the right decision."