
Vanishing Girls Quotes

Vanishing Girls by Lisa Regan

Vanishing Girls Quotes
"They’d finally found Isabelle Coleman’s cell phone in the woods near her home."
"People didn’t vanish into thin air, and beautiful teenage girls who were abducted were rarely returned alive and unharmed."
"I know you guys are running on empty. He’s got everyone on around the clock, doesn’t he?"
"It’s just a small clearing with a large stone to one side. There was nothing to it, really."
"You don’t have to tell anyone I was here, and I don’t have to tell anyone that you fell asleep at your post."
"Oh, please. Maybe if you could keep your husband happy he wouldn’t have come looking for me."
"So, you know then. Unless you’re super popular at school or find some niche there, there is absolutely nothing for a teenager to do around here."
"I mean it, Jo. You need to stop this. For your own good."
"It's just complete darkness. Like being kept in a cupboard. The darkness was absolute. Like a black box."
"If you think I'm going to help the Denton police department, you're out of your mind."
"I snapped. I hit her. Elbowed her, actually."
"My husband has good instincts—never trusting anyone with his girls."
"I didn’t have a flat tire. There was a woman stranded on the side of the road."
"I can’t remember what else she said but that was it. Her car was dead. She needed a ride."
"I think I was raped. Well, I know I was. They did a rape kit at the hospital after they found me. There was evidence there—evidence of… other men… more than one."
"People aren’t interested in the truth, I guess."
"Our girls were teased at school. Ed lost his job. It was just unbelievable."
"It’s like clips of a video. Like, if you took a movie and you cut out small sections of it and then pieced it back together."
"When the more you looked at rocks, the more shapes you could identify."
"If she ever got away from him, she would know that smell anywhere."
"I thought it was odd. Anyway, it’s probably nothing."
"You’re safe now. I am a detect—I’m the new chief of police in this town, and I’ve come to get you out of here."
"This is for Ray," she said and fired a shot into his left kneecap.
"Sherri had a tumor when she was nineteen. They had to tie up her female parts. There’s not a goddamn thing wrong with me."
"I’m the new chief of police in this town, and I’ve come to get you out of here."
"This is for the girls," she said and fired a shot into his groin.
"I’ll show you how good it works," he said. "No more talking. Now you’re gonna do what I tell you."
"You’re in my town, Nick. You think I didn’t know something was going on?"
"It’s okay," she said. "You’re safe now. I’m not going to hurt you."
"You’re still in Pennsylvania. But you’re about a hundred and fifty miles away from home."
"Sometimes the only way to stop feeling afraid is to face what frightens you head-on."
"In the darkest moments, we find out who we truly are."
"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places."
"In times of crisis, the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers."
"Loss is an uninvited guest that walks beside us, whispering that we are never truly alone."
"Our scars remind us that the past is real, but they do not dictate our future."
"The heart has its reasons, which reason knows not."
"Sometimes, the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people."