
Bonnie Quotes

Bonnie by Iris Johansen

Bonnie Quotes
"That’s not a star, it’s a planet. It’s Venus."
"They just seem... closer. As if I could reach out and touch them."
"Dreams are so wonderful, Mama. You can reach out and touch..."
"We wouldn’t want Lindsey to put you in the shade."
"You go to school. You work to support her. You can’t do everything."
"I can’t deny that there is. That’s why I wanted desperately for him not to have been Bonnie’s killer."
"It’s as if Bonnie… She’s part of both of us. I think she loves both of us."
"Gallo isn’t making it easy, is he a victim or the Rasputin Joe thinks him?"
"You almost died because Gallo didn’t throw his knife when he should have."
"But now you’re defending him. You’re in his camp."
"I’m not angry or resentful because you’re feeling the same attraction I felt for Gallo."
"He turns me on. Maybe you’re right, and he does have that kind of knockout effect on most women."
"You’re being emotional right now. If it wasn’t about Gallo, I’d think it was healthy for you."
"ANSWER ME. Is this the man who tried to kill you?"
"I don’t understand it. I liked Ted Danner. I felt sorry for him."
"We just have to find the way to her. It will be—"
"He’s hurting too much. You may have to help me."
"John Gallo grew up in a housing development in Milwaukee that was probably a lot like the one where I lived."
"Ted Danner is Gallo’s uncle. He was the reason John Gallo came to Atlanta."
"I’ve been getting glimpses, memories, and I think maybe the two levels are coming together."
"You gave me such love, Mama. Love doesn’t die."
"It’s different when it’s someone else doing it."
"I’ve tried to come here more often, Father. I promise. But I need you to help me now."
"He was amazingly creative when a poison or drug was needed."
"But he’s my friend, so keep quiet, Joe. Thorazine, dammit."
"He was as sane as you are. And he wouldn’t have lied to me."
"Something happened on that last tour of duty in the Middle East."
"He loved you. You had a case of king-size hero worship."
"But there’s no way I could pity him. It’s not possible for me."
"He wouldn’t kill an innocent child. He wouldn’t kill Bonnie."
"I think she wants me to kill the Delilah demon, but I can’t be sure."
"I’m trying to help, but I told you that it’s only gradually becoming clear to me."
"They’re all around us. Look away from them, and they’ll have you."
"I’d never let you hurt John. I’d never let anyone hurt him."
"Sometimes it’s hard to do the right thing, particularly if it might hurt someone else."
"I think he’ll use the knife. I think the decision to use it is what’s giving him his strength."
"You were so concerned about roping me like a calf to be branded."
"It should take us maybe two days if you don’t hold me up."
"I know they do. They’re always right behind me."
"I knew she didn’t stand a chance of winning and that it was going to hurt her and Ezra far more than it did me."
"The knowledge that I’d tried to do the right thing."
"Don’t let those court records surface. It would hurt Ezra and his mother too much."
"None of us are different on the inside. Or if we are, it’s only good."
"There are no demons unless you let them into your heart."
"Some things might hurt you, but they don’t matter. Look beyond them, and all you’ll see is all the beauty inside you."
"You’ve been my friend, my lover, my salvation."