
The Traitor's Game Quotes

The Traitor's Game by Jennifer A. Nielsen

The Traitor's Game Quotes
"The truth of where I’d been for the past three years wasn’t what anyone believed."
"The truth about the Lava Fields was that very few people knew my whereabouts, making it the first place I’d ever felt truly free."
"I felt trapped. No, I was trapped, a thought that choked my breath."
"My handmaiden, Celia, had tried her best, encouraging me to put down the swords and disk bows Darrow liked to train me with and pick up a hairbrush or sewing needle instead."
"Everything had been fine in the Lava Fields. Aside from the occasional rumblings of an ancient volcano and a relentless odor of sulfur, we’d enjoyed a simple life there, one with few rules and even fewer people to tell me how I’d disappointed them that day."
"If I was careful, and smart, and held my ragged emotions together, there was a chance to defeat them, save Darrow and Celia, and redeem myself in my father’s eyes."
"I had to be strong, now more than ever before."
"If there were no uprisings, there would be no need for him to respond to regain order."
"We both knew the truth. Simon had never expected to be in this carriage and he was making things up as he went along."
"Just sitting in this carriage probably cut my chances of survival in half."
"She had no intention of disappointing Tenger. No, she would do worse than that."
"The innkeeper would die first, and anyone who came to his assistance. Then I would have to kill Kestra. She’d get no second chances."
"My heart was in knots and my mind was spinning, but I couldn’t let them see that."
"Maybe I was more of a Dallisor than I wanted to believe, because I truly meant everything I’d just said."
"If I fell asleep, then it wasn’t for long, when the sound of horses outside awoke me."
"The innkeeper would probably collapse a lung. But if ever there were a proper time for a curse word, this was it."
"But I knew she wouldn’t say anything, no matter how hungry she was."
"I knew for a fact that Lord Endrick had ordered the kingdom to be turned inside out in search of the Olden Blade. Nothing had come of it."
"They had me physically bound to this room, had extracted my agreement to betray the Lord of the Dominion and my family."
"This is why the Dallisor family chooses my inn."
"Everything was stale in this hidden cupboard, and far too narrow."
"Whatever happens, it’s better than being stuffed in that wall with her."
"Look at me," Simon whispered. "Kestra, keep your eyes on me."
"Everything would be all right. He seemed to believe that."
"And somehow I believed it too. I believed him."
"A heartbeat was life, and all that mattered now was to remind her she was alive."
"We’ve come for Kestra Dallisor," one of the men said.
"I won’t let those people take you again, I promise."
"The Halderians are organizing, and we’re coming for her again."
"If you have any message for Lady Kestra, tell it to me."
"It’s hard to know how long the supper went, but based on my growing impatience to finish the evening, I figured that I’d stood against the wall, watching Basil and Kestra flirt, for approximately nine hundred hours."
"You were the last one in my mother’s room that day, and John supervised you there. I thought it had to be one of you."
"When I was young, that’s what my governess called it. She described a pit beneath Woodcourt where the spirits of all who had died in the dungeons roamed, eager to grab anyone who tried peeking over the edge."
"One to Vanquish, One to Rule, One to Fall, But All to Fool."
"I won’t pretend bringing down your father in his wake hasn’t crossed my mind."
"I’d never intended to tell her so much. It had nothing to do with finding the Olden Blade, or helping her understand the importance of destroying Lord Endrick."
"If there is any difference, I love my country first."
"Life doesn’t give us what we want. It gives us what we need and asks what we will do with it."
"We each have our roles to fill. I know mine, and you know yours."
"If I wanted to die, I could just get married. Isn’t that right?"
"The question I had in mind was risky, but it might be my only chance to ask him."
"Truth brought more than responsibility. It had thrust upon me impossible choices with terrible consequences."
"Forget what Tenger believes! I don’t know your future, or mine. But I know who you are today, and how I feel about you."
"I’d rather fight at your side than hide in your shadows."
"The spirits of those who had died still roamed the woods, forever unable to leave their borders, but eager for vengeance upon anyone with the enemy’s blood, should they dare to enter the realm."
"Everything that had felt like our discovery was a trick she must’ve been planning since the night we captured her carriage."
"We faced some difficult choices ahead, and not only because she was Endrean."
"If the dagger does not want you, it will let you know."
"I do believe in you, Simon. I believe in your heart and your passion."
"I’m falling so fast for you that I expect at any second to crash into a reality where you’re not here."
"I’ll disappear by morning and take my secrets with me."
"As long as we keep the wound clean, if we seal it afterward, there’s almost never any infection."
"I couldn’t break it, so I fixed it to a branch and sent it down river. The armies will be following that stick for miles."
"Like someone who hates me just mined the back of my neck."
"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it then. Remember that."
"We’ll need their numbers to give our Infidante a chance of getting close to Endrick."
"Why not push me off a cliff now and save them the trouble?"
"Then you’ll go north, as Trina’s ransom against further Dominion attacks."
"When we reach the Halderians, keep the hood up. No one should notice you."
"But now that you’re with us, you’re going to see the true effects of war."
"I wanted to see my reflection in your eyes again."
"If you ride any slower, we won’t be there until winter!"