
Hey Nostradamus! Quotes

Hey Nostradamus! by Douglas Coupland

Hey Nostradamus! Quotes
"We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet."
"I believe that what separates humanity from everything else in this world - spaghetti, binder paper, deep-sea creatures, edelweiss and Mount McKinley - is that humanity alone has the capacity at any given moment to commit all possible sins."
"It's lovely, all that silence and all that calm order, and I thought how lucky I was to have had a good home."
"In God's eyes, we're not two individuals, okay? We're one unit now."
"I felt slightly high because of the beauty, and the inside of my head tickled."
"The world is a glorious place, and filled with so many unexpected moments that I'd get lumps in my throat."
"Dear God, Remove the blood from the souls of these young men and women."
"I'm prayed out, and yet here I am, still knocking on Your door."
"God owns everything. I was not replaceable, but nor was I indispensable. It was my time."
"Every human being you see in the course of a day has a problem that's sucking up at least 70 percent of his or her radar."
"It's better to eat lots of meals throughout the day instead of just three."
"You'll be allergic to any molecule that ends with the suffix '-aine,' meaning benzocaine, novocaine, and, most important, cocaine."
"If you want to get close to somebody, you have to tell him or her something intimate about yourself."
"People look into it and wonder, 'How badly was he damaged by the massacre? Has he hit bottom yet? I hear he used to be religious, but it's not in his eyes anymore. I wonder what happened?'"
"God. Now I do feel like I'm prepping for an anger management class."
"You'd be a fool to think that everybody gets the same treatment."
"I wish I could be as innocent as I was at six, the way I felt just briefly while talking with Demi."
"I wish humans were better than we are, but we're not."
"Every footstep reverberated clearly and I began imagining I was hearing someone else's footsteps."
"Crimes are never solved in places like this, only discovered."
"I remember coming back from a questioning session one morning to find my mother opening the motel door with a large vodka stain shaped like Argentina on her blouse."
"I have to let it be known that I existed. I was real. I had a name."
"I tried building a private world free of hypocrisy, but all I ended up with was a sour little bubble."
"The universe is so large, and the world is so glorious, but here I am on a sunny August morning with chilled black ink pumping through my veins, and I feel like the unholiest thing on earth."
"We're all born lost, aren't we? We're all born separated from God."
"In failure, Jason could be truly himself, and there's a liberation that stems from that."
"Jealousy is the one emotion that lies in wait."
"I shed my block of hate but what if nothing emerges to fill in the hole it left?"
"It's grotesque to think for even a moment that suffering in and of itself makes you a better person."
"The harder people try to be the opposite of their parents, the quicker they become them."
"Trust me, having one's paranoia confirmed can be a relaxing, almost sedative sensation."
"How much longer his odor would last. The smell of his cheap underarm deodorant made me cry."
"Sometimes Henry would be in his perch beside a small mirror, and when he went back and forth on his swing, he'd say 'Hello!' every time he saw himself."
"They're just waiting to die, Allison. Give it a rest."
"I remember forgetting about that cast not even six hours after having it removed."
"Jason! You're not just some man. You're my only guy, but you're fading on me, like a waning crescent moon going behind Bowen Island around sunset."
"The smell of his cheap underarm deodorant made me cry."
"I remember wanting peers; I remember wanting people in my life who could help me make all the fun mistakes."
"People are hung up on miracles, but miracles are called miracles because they pretty much never happen."
"I didn't want to confront her, because I didn't want to lose my connection to Jason."
"I suppose I'll go to the grave wondering what they were - but with me? No."
"You're the only person I can talk to anymore. Everyone else is either gone or they've crossed me off their list."
"How could you use extortion when you were doing something so ... sacred?"
"Her life partner, Cherish, fixes motorcycles."
"Awake! Awake! The son of mine who once was lost has now been found!"