
Sealed With A Diss Quotes

Sealed With A Diss by Lisi Harrison

Sealed With A Diss Quotes
"The ability to know what boys were thinking would guarantee that she’d always say the right thing—no more awkward silent periods when flirting! The fear of getting dumped would be gone, because the Pretty Committee would know all pre-dump signs, so they could do it first."
"Massie’s lifelong credo—to remain cool under any and all circumstances—no longer applied."
"Nature was her only style guide that morning, because she had zero clue where she was being taken—or why."
"It was funny how something as simple as having Cam’s knapsack made her feel closer to him. Like he was there with her and they were connected."
"They were stale and hard to swallow. Just like Cam’s excuse."
"Massie breathed in the familiar smell of horse poo and hay. Was Skye using her to get into the exclusive riding club? It was hard to know for sure, because Massie had never been used before."
"Sometimes the biggest risks lead to the deepest connections."
"True courage is pursuing your dream, even when everyone else says it's impossible."
"Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said 'I'm here for you,' and proved it."
"The most beautiful things in life are not seen with the eyes, but felt with the heart."
"Sometimes, the most important life lessons are the ones we learn the hard way."
"Never underestimate the power of a small act of kindness."
"That thing you have that keeps you from going in hot tubs is making me see red, if you know what I mean."
"Either way, Layne was doomed to days of embarrassing period jokes at her expense."
"I’m the opposite of deaf. I have superhuman hearing, thanks to my Spy Ear."
"How could we quit something we never even tried?"
"You think it’s easy hanging out with Meena knowing she swiped my Rodgers and Hammerstein lyrics book and blamed it on you?"
"Snooping is a fool’s game. A sucker’s bet."
"No buts." Massie stomped her foot. "I'm going with Chris, and you're going with the Pretty Committee."
"What cures sadness? A new leather handbag (Chloé, Marc Jacobs, YSL, Dior, Coach, Miu Miu, Prada)."
"What cures rejection? New flats or hard-to-find boots (Chloé, Marc Jacobs, YSL, Dior, Coach, Miu Miu, Prada, Tory Burch, Frye, Calypso)."
"What cures depression? A new haircut and color (see Jakkob)."
"It’s easy. I hit the gas when I want to go and brake when I want to stop. The rest of the time I pray I don’t hit anyone."
"There is nothing, and I mean nuh-thing, a new haircut won’t fix."
"In life there are passengers and there are drivers. Be the driver, Chris. BTD."
"Too many people think making changes on the outside will help them on the inside. But that’s not how life works."
"You’re funny," Massie accidentally giggle-blurted, then blushed.
"What’s wrong with me? Do you read? Because I am such a sucker for a sad story."
"Whatever." Claire rolled onto her side, her abandoned turkey wrap staring her straight in the eye.
"What are you so afraid of? You’re wearing his hat. He ah-bviously likes you."
"You’re the most immature guy I’ve ever met. You wiggle your butt to express your feelings, you wear shorts in the winter, you—"
"I will write again when I find a love who loves me back."
"The day he reads The Notebook is the day I read Eragon."
"Just because your life isn’t falling apart doesn’t mean—"
"Let’s hope he never finds out. It’s the only class I’m not failing."
"You’ve been kinda avoiding me all week. What’s up?"
"I knew I shouldn’t have spied. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it."
"But as long as the Briarwood boys are over there, and OCD is over here, we can spin the truth. Call them liars. Spread our own versions of the truth. It'll be easy."
"Maybe the DSL Daters need boys to make them feel special, but we're better than that. We're already special."
"So from now on, the New Pretty Committee is boy-free. No more sadness, no more temptation. No more distractions."
"How am I supposed to write 250 pages about feelings in one year? Do we even have 250 feelings?"
"I'm not afraid of boys," Massie would snap. "Just the Briarwood ones. Well, actually the soccer players."
"We must rid our systems of all the boy toxins that are clogging our pores and dulling our complexions."
"No more thinking about boys," Massie continued. "No more talking about boys, and no more crushing on boys."
"The only rainbow I tasted came from the Lucky Charms burp I tried to suppress at the Pick and Flick."
"Some skinny dude by the window is drumming on his journal with a pencil. It’s kinda annoying and kinda bold cuz it’s a major diss to the teacher."
"If anything, Massie still had control over her friend. But whether she still had control over anyone else at the brand-new BOCD remained to be seen."