
In A Cottage In A Wood Quotes

In A Cottage In A Wood by Cass Green

In A Cottage In A Wood Quotes
"I’ve always been funny about blood – you know that."
"Neve, honey, I absolutely would, don’t get me wrong. But you’ve had a very weird day and I think you need to go home."
"There’s no hope. Will she just … stay down there?"
"I watched a woman commit suicide tonight. Right in front of me."
"We were always good together like this, weren’t we?"
"I’m sorry I’ve been such a nightmare. I do love you, whatever you might think."
"It’s the hangover and the uncertainty of what she is doing that is making her feel like this; she just needs to get a grip."
"These sudden swerves of grief take her by surprise, eighteen months after her dad died."
"But as time moved on, the nature of the grief changed. In some ways it was almost crueller in the way it took her."
"The brain aneurism that killed her father hadn’t given any warning."
"The old man’s conversation has had the effect of an uppercut punch to her diaphragm."
"I talked to her a little because she had no coat and seemed so lost but it never even occurred to me that she was about to do what she did."
"Her hands tremble. Something is starting to fracture inside."
"But the look on her face when Neve finally roused the courage to meet her eye had felt like being sandblasted."
"When she thinks about the fact that she will never, ever get to do this with him again she experiences a vertiginous swoop in her stomach."
"We didn’t know her all that well in some ways."
"I believe she took an overdose when she was living in Australia."
"She seemed to glow with energy when she was like that, you know? Almost a bit manic."
"But she became very nervous and started thinking someone was watching the cottage."
"They got a bit fed up with her after a while."
"It’s easy to see that she does most of the heavy lifting around here."
"I don’t know what it is going to say but I brace myself to read it anyway."
"I’m not sleeping well and I haven’t got time to think about this."
"I’m desperate to tell her everything that has been going on."
"I don’t understand why she left me the cottage."
"I won’t be able to match what was there in terms of period glass."
"I’m going to bloody well find out what has been going on in this house."
"But some data can be recovered if you can leave it with us."
"She will not be reduced to a gibbering wreck, hiding in a cupboard."
"I don’t like it here, Jarvis. It’s a horrible shitty, creepy cottage and I wish I’d never gone anywhere near Waterloo Bridge that night."
"I suppose I thought if I saw him in the flesh, I could lay it all to rest once and for all."
"I thought this cottage would be a haven and now all I see are shadows."
"I’m doing something proactive, rather than sitting in the cottage and feeling frightened."
"We can assure you that the Parole Board fully took the matters you raised into account in its decision-making process."
"It’s a relief to have such a normal exchange."
"There is no password. The screen comes to life with a discordant electronic tune."
"Although tanned and smiling, there is something in her eyes, even here, that seems deadened somehow."
"She decides to look at one more folder before giving up."
"She tries to place some of the pictures but the only one she can mark for sure is the one in the nightclub."
"Neve’s heart starts to throb almost painfully in her chest now because something is taking shape in her mind."
"‘I’m so very sorry that you had to find out this way,’ he says in a croaky voice."
"Blood on the tiles. But it wasn’t after having an accident on her tricycle."
"I will burn it with everything else when the time comes."
"I only wanted to see you from a distance, to know that you were safe."
"I feel guilty that I forgot about you for so long."
"Everything feels too fuzzy and muffled for her sister’s wretchedness to reach her."
"She’s never painted a wall in her life, or even wired a plug."