
Sorry Not Sorry Quotes

Sorry Not Sorry by Sophie Ranald

Sorry Not Sorry Quotes
"I wondered whether they’d decided not to wait for me but then changed their minds – the same way I’d almost gone for a drink after work but decided to come home instead, to say goodbye."
"You’re so busy, Charlotte, I know you don’t have time to cook."
"An hour and a half on three separate trains and a bus, I thought. It might as well be flipping Siberia."
"It wasn’t just the physical distance; it meant that Maddy and Henry were moving on to a totally new phase of their lives."
"I can do adulting. I’ve been doing it for lots of years."
"But right below that was a page I did click on. The title caught my eye straight away: ‘Sorry Not Sorry (a bad girl’s guide to love and sex)’."
"It’s dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing."
"I realised I’d been standing there like a numpty, staring at him."
"I wasn’t the only person searching for this stuff."
"I went and lay on my bed and looked at Tinder for a bit, swiping left and left again until it got too depressing to carry on."
"I scraped the last dregs of Caramel Chew Chew out of the bottom of the tub with my finger and licked it."
"I don’t want to sound ungrateful, because after all setting up single friends with each other is never easy, but he hadn’t exactly had me at hello."
"‘Of course, arborio is a perfectly acceptable choice for a risotto,’ he said. ‘But I find that carnaroli gives a superior, creamier result.’"
"‘Organic, I hope,’ Magnus said. ‘One simply can’t make decent stock out of an intensively reared bird.’"
"‘This is delicious, Maddy,’ Bianca praised, taking a tiny forkful of risotto. ‘You’re such a fantastic cook.’"
"‘Disgraceful,’ I said, catching Maddy’s eye across the table and hoping I would make her laugh."
"‘A brave idea,’ Magnus chipped in. ‘Little chance any of it would be at all authentic, of course.’"
"‘Come on, Maddy!’ I lowered my voice, ‘I know he’s a mate of Henry’s, but seriously? Really?’"
"Fine. Be picky. Look where it’s got you so far. Exactly one whole shag since you moved to London."
"But I had more important matters to address with the woman I’d thought was my best friend."
"‘I hope this finds you well ,’ and I couldn’t figure out a way to make Outlook automate it."
"I’d love to be one of those women who, when they meet a man they fancy and give him their number, take the view that if he calls, he calls."
"But I’m not, and I guess Tansy wasn’t, either."
"‘Why were you so foul to Magnus?’ ‘What? He’s a wanker, Maddy. A pompous twat who looks like a Percy Pig.’"
"You’re too busy, Charlotte. And honestly, you’re not that interested."
"I’m lying in bed now, and I’m thinking, what would Myles like?"
"‘What the hell are you doing, Charlotte?’ ‘Are you okay?’"
"‘I’m really sorry,’ I said. ‘It’s just so busy at work at the moment. Anything can happen.’"
"‘That’s a relief,’ Myles said. ‘The first time I met your boss, I asked him about market performance, just to break the ice, and ten minutes later he still hadn’t shut up and I hadn’t understood a word.’"
"You might be keen. You might be so keen you’re tripping over your own feet! But take a breath. Remember, this isn’t the first first date you’ve been on, and it might not be the last. Have fun, be yourself, and see where the night takes you. That’s what I’ll be doing – or trying to. Wish me luck!"
"I thought I’d be on my own for a bit, focus on work, take some time to get over it. But then I met you."
"You know what they say? Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere – including heaven."
"I don’t date married men, sorry. It was fun."
"If something’s not working for me, I’m going to be honest about it."
"It’s better to be going out with someone you’re not sure about than to be single? Is it better to be with someone who makes you unhappy than to be alone?"
"It might mean that you won’t be at the same table as your partner."
"Remember, there will be thirty ladies attending from all age groups."
"I can never understand why people stand and wait when they’ve got seats booked."
"I’m going to sit outside and enjoy my drink. It’s been nice talking to you."
"Don’t give up on love. If you’re feeling a bit sad and alone as you listen to this, give your head a wobble, woman! That’s what I’m telling myself to do. I will find love – or it will find me!"
"I don’t want to create the impression that I’m some kind of pushover. Honestly, I’m not."
"When shit things happen, take them on the chin and learn from them. If you’re in the wrong, own it. If you’re not, stand up for yourself."
"If life gives you lemons – well, you know what to do with those babies."
"I might not know how to look after my interests, but I was pretty sure he did, and the risk – if there was any – was more on his side than mine."
"It’s funny, given how deceptive I knew Bianca was in all sorts of ways, but I didn’t doubt her version of events for one second."
"I was woken not by the insistent beep of my phone’s alarm as usual, but by sun streaming through the window."
"I hadn’t done any of those things. I hadn’t done anything wrong at all that I could think of."
"And suddenly, in the harsh light of day, as I watched my best mate marry her best mate, I realized that I hadn’t been in love with Myles."
"I opened my mouth to call him out on his sexism, then closed it again. There was no point, not with him in this mood."
"I spent the journey home trying my hardest not to cry."
"I just wanted some pleasure in my life. Aren’t I entitled to that?"
"You don’t give a single shit about either of us. You only care about yourself and having your cake and eating it and making fucking trifle."
"But no salon could have given her the sheen of happiness and excitement that lit up her face."
"I wish you were going to be there, Charlotte."
"Henry sometimes used to buy flowers for Maddy, and she’d put them in a jug on the kitchen table."
"I wondered how it had worked out for her and thought about listening to the next episode to find out, but I knew it would only depress me."
"I was still miserable, but at least I smelled great."
"But they’ll love you, I promise. Especially if you wear these."
"We’ll just have to see what the future holds – but, for now, it means the end of these podcasts."
"I felt as if I was in my element, too – or at any rate flying or floating towards a destination where I belonged."
"It was almost as if I’d taken some of the same stuff as the little group of traders."
"I didn’t have to take the lead now – we felt perfectly in synch, our bodies fitting together like we’d been made to dance together – to be together."